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  1. Gastrointestinal parasites of baboons (Papio papio) in NiokoloKoba National Park, Senegal
    Kacou Martial Nda, Laiban Dieudonn Dahourou, Papa Ibnou Ndiaye, Stacy Lindshield, Oubri Bassa GBATI, Amadou Traore,
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2022; 12(4): 481-488.
  2. Short review on the potential alternatives to antibiotics in the era of antibiotic resistance
    Mbarga Manga Joseph Arsene, Adjele B. J. Jorelle, Souadkia Sarra, Podoprigora Irina Viktorovna, Anyutoulou K. L. Davares, Ntadoum K. C. Ingrid, Azebaze A. F. Steve, Smolyakova L. Andreevna, Yashina Natalia Vyacheslavovna, Bassa Z. Carime
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022; 12(1): 29-40.

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