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RMJ. 2023; 48(4): 876-880

Outcome of PCL reconstruction with peroneus longus tendon graft: An experience from a tertiary care hospital of a developing country

Naveed Ali Shair, Rehan Sittar, Muhammad Khalid, Abdullah Tariq, Muhammad Abubakar, Muhammad Hanif Mian.


Objective: To analyze the functional outcome of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction using peroneus longus tendon (PLT) autograft.
Methodology: This prospective study was done at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Lahore General Hospital, Lahore from January 2021 to November 2022. A total of 25 patients of either gender aged 18-40 years with isolated chronic PCL injury duration above 6 months and planned to undergo PCL reconstruction with PLT graft were included in the study. Functional scoring according to “International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC)”, “Modified Cincinnati” and “Lysholm scores” were done prior to surgery and at the end of follow-up period (9-months).
Results: In a total of 25 cases, the mean age was 26.86±7.83 years, The mean graft diameter was 8.34±0.69 mm. The mean pre-surgery IKDC score was 51.72±9.82 and 72.61±5.9 9-months after surgery (p

Key words: Autograft, knee, posterior cruciate ligament, tendon, thigh.

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