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Review Article

Chlorhexidine:The gold standard in chemical plaque control

Setu mathur, Tanu mathur,Rahul shrivastava, Rohit khatri.


Chlorhexidine, to date is the most potent anti plaque agent. It is considered gold standard anti plaque agent, against which efficacy of other anti plaque and anti -gingivitis agents is measured. Its efficacy can be attributed to its bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties and its substantivity within the oral cavity. The antimicrobial properties of Chlorhexidine are attributed to its bi-cationic molecule, and this same property is the basis of its most common side effect, extrinsic tooth staining. Administration of Chlorhexidine requires careful clinical evaluation of clinical situation and an accurate diagnosis hence, should be applied only under professional supervision.

Key words: Key words: Gingivitis, Chlorhexidine, Antimicrobial

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