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RMJ. 2009; 34(1): 58-60

Outcome of lasik, phakic iol and clear lens extraction for correction of high myopia

Neveen M. Sabra, Amr Al Samra, Khaled Abdel Rahman.



To evaluate the visual outcome of different methods of surgical treatment of high myopia.


Study was carried out in the Research Institute of Ophthalmology on 60 myopic eyes divided into 3 groups. These underwent LASIK, Phakic Intra Oular Lens (PIOL) or Clear Lens Extraction (CLE). All were followed at one week, three months and one year postoperatively for visual acuity results, stability and quality of vision.


All procedures showed high predictability with significant reduction of myopia. PIOLs and CLE were stable all through the follow up and showed improvement in contrast sensitivity immediately postoperatively. Return to the preoperative level was delayed in LASIK group.


LASIK was an ideal method in cases where there was sufficient corneal pachymetry. In myopic patients above the age of 35 years with insufficient corneal thickness, CLE by phakoemulsification and PIOL were found to be the reasonable treatment. (Rawal Med J 2009; 34: 58-60).

Key words: LASIK, IOL, CLE, Myopia.

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