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The evaluation of the clinical and radiographic records of the first molar teeth in pediatric patients

Sacide Duman, Gulsum Duruk.

Cited by 7 Articles

Aim: This study aimed to determine the status, the need for treatment, and the performed treatments in the first permanent molars, together with the general health status, in pediatric patients.
Material and Methods: A total of 5996 teeth from 1499 children were included in the study. The first permanent molars were evaluated by panoramic radiography and patient recording system. The teeth were classified according to the following data: age, gender, jaw, side, teeth requiring therapy, preventive and interventional implementations.
Results: It was determined that 45.7% of the first permanent molars were healthy and 54.3% were necessitating treatment. The rate of the healthy teeth was determined to decrease with increasing age (p

Key words: First permanent molar; caries; dental treatment; preventive treatment.

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