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Review Article

SETB. 2012; 46(2): 36-42

Fluid and electrolyte homeostasis in neonatal period

Ali Bülbül, Sinan Uslu.


Water and electrolyte homeostasis in newborn infants is different from adults and other childhood ages. This homeostasis is affected by physiologic adaptations following birth. Physiologic adaptations include distribution of total body water and water loss. Caring for the newborn and prematurity in the NICU requires knowledge and understanding of the physiologic adaptation to extrauterine life and how prematurity affects that transition. Clinicians play an integral role in managing fluid and electrolyte balance in these infants. This review addresses postnatal adaptation and all aspects of fluid and electrolyte management of the term and preterm infant.

Key words: Newborn, fluid, electrolyte, postnatal adaptation

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