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Review Article

Mater Sociomed. 2010; 22(4): 219-221

Health Communication

Vesima Cickusic, Eldina Malkic Salihbegovic.


Communication is defined as“process of exchanging information”. It is constant, continued and dynamic process. The huge impact of the communication in each segment of life is unquestionable just as in health. Communication and communicative processes in health could be looked from very few interesting aspects like: communication between patient and doctor, communicative campaigns directed on the prevention of disease and the promotion of health and desirable behaviors, communication of the institution toward publicity PR-a, communication between health-workers, as communication of one certain national health system and professional medical communication. In such case in terminology we are faced with one term” health communication” like art and technique of informing and impact on motivating individuals, institutional and publicity, about important health related questions.” Health communication“ like the area which connect areas of communications and health is more recognizable like important element of the tendencies at improving personal and public health. The area of health communication enrich the prevention of disease, promotion of health, health policy and mental protection, like promoting the qualities of life and health of the individuals under the certain community. A lot of studies takes the area of communication as the most important one patient-medical worker.

Key words: communication, health, patient, medical worker

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