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AAM. 2018; 7(1-2): 2-3

Preventive Oncology and Ayurveda

Ram Harsh Singh.


Incidence of Cancer is fast rising. In India every year 10 Lacs of new patients are registered and it is estimated that by the year 2025 the number of Cancer patients will become five times more than today with enormous increase in the disease burden on the society. Hence the focus now should not be merely hospital care of existing patients rather the paradigm should shift more towards prevention of Cancer through appropriate socio-environmental strategies. Further the gloomy picture of cancer full of myths and misconceptions should be removed from the mind of the people. Cancer as known 40 years ago and that known today are very different. Now cancer is not a
disease of unknown cause. 80-90 percent cancers are caused by environmental factors, life style errors and stress which are modifiable.

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