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NNJ. 2014; 3(4): 39-40

Effectiveness of knowledge of selected water borne diseases among school children.

'V.Yashoda', ' V. Hemavathy'..


Water is a fixed commodity. At any time in history, the planet contains about 332 million cubic miles of it. Safe drinking water can be a vital link between life and death. Nelson (2010), reported the children were often suffered with water borne diseases due to use of
unhygienic water for drinking.
To the evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge on selected water borne diseases among school children.
Quasi experimental one group pre test and post test design was selected to conduct the study on 100 school children selected by convenience sampling technique.
The present study showed that there is effectiveness of STP on water borne diseases among school children. Education is effective in enhancing the knowledge regarding water borne diseases.

Key words: Water Borne Diseases, School Children.

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