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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(10): 091-100

Formulation and Design of Multiunit Particulate System (MUPS) Tablet of Pantoprazole by QbD : Effect of Compression Variables on the Finished Product

Girish S. Sonar, Swati Rawat.


The aim of the study was to optimize compression process variables of Pantoprazole oro-dispersible (Multiunit particulate system) MUPS tablet. Enteric coated Pantoprazole pellets were compressed to oro-dispersible tablet for geriatric and pediatric patients for easy administration. The risk related to compression process variables was identify, assessed and mitigated using Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). A full factorial design was applied to develop design space and determine control strategy for compression process, which were developed, have promising chemical and physical results. The compression process variables studied were pre-compression force (X1), main compression force (X2) and turret speed (X3), versus affecting hardness (Y1), disintegration time (Y2), friability (Y3), weight variation (Y4), content uniformity (Y5), drug release in 0.1N HCl (Y6) and assay (Y7) as responses/Critical quality attributes (CQAs). Response surface graphs depicted that X2 had more impact on CQAs than X1. Design space plot revealed that tablet CQAs were within limit when X3 maximum 44 rpm and X2 in the range of 10 to 12.5 kN. Scale up performed on commercial scale compression machine of same make that of lab scale showed reproducible physical and chemical parameters. It could be concluded that a quality Pantoprazole oro-dispersible MUPS tablet was successfully designed using QbD approach to compression process variables.

Key words: MUPS, Compression process, Compression force, Design space, FMEA, Control Strategy

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