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Case Report

Amniotic band and foot polydactyly: A rare case

Mustafa Kursat Evrenos, Fatma Bilgen, Mehmet Dadaci, Bilsev Ince.


Amniotic band syndrome (ABS) is defined as the triad of fetal deformation, malformation, and amputation caused by adhesions and entanglement of the fetal parts by the placenta, lacking an amniotic membrane and the remnants of amniotic membrane. The current case report presents a rare case with amniotic band syndrome, in whom constriction bands in the left hand second finger and left foot second and fourth toes are accompanied by preaxial polydactyly in the left foot. ABS is a rare condition observed in infants and it is frequently accompanied by other extremity anomalies. Appropriate treatment options allow better functional and cosmetic outcomes.

Key words: Amniotic band, foot, preaxial polydactyly, surgery

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