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SETB. 2015; 49(2): 112-7

Our experience in nerve sparing laparascopic radical hysterectomy in treatment of early stage cervical cancer

Osman Temizkan, Osman Aşıcıoğlu, İlhan Şanverdi, Bülent Arıcı, Işıl Ayhan, Özlem Çetin.


Objective: To evaluate the safety, feasibility and efficacy of laparascopic approach in management of patients undergoing nevre-sparing radical hysterectomy for early stage cervical cancer
Material and Method: 14 patients who had early stage (1A1-1B1) and undergone laparascopic nerve sparing radical hysterectomy were analysed retrospectively.
Results: Mean age of patients was 44 (min 26 max 53), mean BMI was 30 (min 23 max 47), mean gravida was 4.7 (min0 max 12), mean parity was 8 (min 0 max 8). Mean duration of surgery- both laparascopic nevre-sparing radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection- was 228 minutes. Fifteen lymph nodes and 2.2 centimeters of vaginal tissue were extracted in average. Intestinal functions had returned in one day after surgery. Bladder catheter and abdominal drain were removed after 2.5 days (min 1 max 5) and 3.3 days (min 2 max 7) respectively. Complete surgical resection was achieved in all patients. Mean follow up duration was 15 months. No recurrence or patient death were present during this time period.
Conclusion: In treatment of early stage cervical cancer, laparascopic nevre-sparing radical hysterectomy is as effective as other surgical techniques, and a superior approach for patient’s quality of life considering less altered bladder function.

Key words: Early-stage cervical cancer, surgical outcomes, laparascopic nerve-sparing radical hysterectomy

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