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Information Technologies in Education of Medical Students at the University of Sarajevo

Izet Masic, Emina Karcic, Ajla Hodzic, Smaila Mulic.


Introduction: Information and communication technology have brought about many changes in medical education and practice, especially in the field of diagnostics. During the academic year 2013/2014, at Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo, students in the final year of the study were subjected to examination which aim was to determine how medical students in Bosnia and Herzegovina subjectively assessing their skills for using computers, have gained insight into the nature of Information Technology’s (IT) education and possessive knowledge. Material and methods: The survey was conducted voluntary by anonymous questionnaire consisting of 27 questions, divided into five categories, which are collecting facts about student’s: sex, age, year of entry, computer skills, possessing the same, the use of the Internet, the method of obtaining currently knowledge and recommendations of students in order to improve their IT training. Results of the study: According to the given parameters, indicate an obvious difference in the level of knowledge, use and practical application of Information Technology’s knowledge among students of the Bologna process to the students educated under the old system in favor of the first ones. Based on a comparison of similar studies conducted in Croatia, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Denmark, it was observed that the level of knowledge of students of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo was of equal height or greater than in these countries.

Key words: Medical faculty in Sarajevo, medical students, IT.

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