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Case Report

NMJ. 2014; 3(1): 28-32

A case of septic abortion – Unusual Presentation

*S Haritha** Medabalami Anitha*** Niroopama Pushpagiri****Amar Nagesh Kumar.


Septic abortion is one of the most important causes of Maternal Mortality Rate(MMR) accounting for 13% with incidence of bowel injury varying between 5-18%. Most of the women are unmarried primigravidas with age of less than 25yrs. These abortions impede the nation in achieving the targets of Millennium Developmental goal (MDG)-5.[1]. An 18 year old unmarried girl has been diagnosed as septic abortion with uterine & bowel perforations amd successfully managed. As Millenium Developmental goal -5 clearly emphasizes on improvement on maternal mortality with one of the targets being reducing unsafe abortions; prompt diagnosis of complications and their management at tertiary care centers would avoid serious consequences.

Key words: Unsafe abortions Bowel perforation, criminal abortion, complications of abortion.

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