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RMJ. 2012; 37(1): 13-17

Perceptions of high school students about nursing as a career choice

Afsar Jan, Shomail Sikander.


Objective: The general objective of this study is to evaluate high school students’ perceptions about nursing. The specific objectives are as follows:
1. To analyze the high school students’ perception of nursing
2. To identify the students’ potential interests in nursing career.
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out and data were collected from 570 high school students of 12 colleges from Rawalpindi and Islamabad by using self-administered questionnaires. The data were analyzed on SPSS 16.0
Results : In positive perception of nursing in career image, the mean score for male=17.34 while that for female=16.58 with a significant p value=0.002. Similarly, for negative perceptions of nursing in career preference the mean score for males =9.51 while that for female=10.4 with a significant p value=0.000. In positive perceptions of nursing career accessibility, the mean score for male=9.51 wand that for females=10.41 with p value=0.000. Despite higher scores career image and career accessibility, only 5.5% students’ responses are “definitely yes” to enter in nursing.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that campaign sessions regarding nursing and its scope should be conducted by nursing schools before commencing the admissions. Nurse educators and nurse manager should perform a role model. This will help to emphasize the positive field of work and prestige level involved in nursing.

Key words: Career image, career preference, career accessibility, self concept, career choice, perceptions, field of work, prestige level.

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