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Original Research

Med Arch. 2011; 65(4): 199-201

Serum Lipids and Lipoproteins Among Students of the University of Sarajevo

Jasenko Karamehic, Jozo Coric, Tomislav Jukic, Mirsad panjeta, Oggi Ridic, goran Ridic.


Introduction: This study researched the distribution of desirable, borderline and high-risk values of certain lipid status parameters in healthy young individuals. Aim: The purpose of this study was to research the statistical distribution of desirable, borderline and high-risk values of certain lipid status parameters in healthy young individuals (i.e. medical university students). Material and methods: In this research we tested 112 students studying at the University of Sarajevo, of both genders and 20-30 years of age. Results: Total serum cholesterol was minimally elevated in 7,1 % of tested students, elevated with high risk in 2,7 % and triglycerides were minimally elevated in 1,8 %. Presence of elevated LDL cholesterol was found to be 2,7% minimally and 1,8 % with high risk. HDL cholesterol was minimally decreased in 1 tested student. Discussion: Standard biochemical methods were used to determine the values of total cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL-cholesterol. The level of LDL cholesterol was also calculated. Conclusion: Our results point to the need for performing gradual laboratory diagnostic procedures for routine check-ups of university students.

Key words: students, lipids, lipoproteins.

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