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  1. Treatment resistant bipolar disorder
    Zerrin Binbay, Mustafa Solmaz, Erhan Kurt
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2015; 5(2): 69-77.
  2. Is there a clinical prodromal period for bipolar disorder?
    Zerrin Binbay, Mustafa Solmaz, Selim Sağır, Derya Adalı
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2013; 3(3): 114-8.
  3. Investigation of scientific creativity levels of elementary school students who enrolled in a STEM program
    Selvet Ece Genek,Zerrin Doğança Küçük
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 1715-1728.
  4. An analysis of Cases Admitted to an Elementary School Guidance and Counseling Service during a Period of Four Years
    Elementary Education Online. 2012; 11(4): 1087-1100.
  5. Evaluation of Insomnia Frequency, Beliefs and Attitudes Related Insomina in Primary Care
    Zerrin GAMSIZKAN, Selçuk ASLAN
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2014; 3(3): 156-161.
  6. Can ankle-brachial index be used as a predictor for carotid artery shunt application during carotid endarterectomy?
    Mehmet Akif Önalan, Didem Melis Öztaş, Ayşenur Önalan, Metin Onur Beyaz, Siraslan Bahseliyev, Zerrin Sungur, Ömer Ali Sayın, Murat Uğurlucan
    Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2021; 30(2): 102-6.
  7. Evaluation of empathic tendency and comunication skills in grade 3 students in faculty of medicine
    Zerrin Gamsızkan, Şengül Cangur
    The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2019; 10(2): 89-97.
  8. Case Report: Is it falling from Height or Physical Abuse?
    Erdem Hosukler, Zerrin Erkol, Hayri Erkol, Semih Petekkaya, Veyis Gundogdu, Hakan Samurcu
    THE ULUTAS MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2018; 4(2): 112-117.
  9. Evaluation of empathic tendency and comunication skills in grade 3 students in faculty of medicine
    Zerrin Gamsızkan, Şengül Cangur
    The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2019; 10(2): 89-97.
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2020; 5(3): 0-0.
  11. Nineteen cases with tuberculous meningitis


    Dr. V. Meltem Energin*. Dr. Zerrin Orbak*, Dr. Handan Alp*. Dr. Recep Akdağ*, Dr. M. Ayşe Selimoğlu*


    Annals of Medical Research. 1996; 3(1): 25-29.
  12. A Comparative Study on Patient Rights: Medical vs. Dental Students
    Burcu Eşiyok, Zerrin Erkol, Ahmet Turla, Zehtiye Füsun Yaşar
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2014; 3(1): 1103-14.
  13. High GAL-3 may be Associated with Higher Age and Low Levels of Chloride, RDW, and MCHC in Heart Failure
    Aysem Kaya, Evin Ademoglu, Zerrin Yigit, Sevim Purisa, Isil Uzunhasan
    THE ULUTAS MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2016; 2(4): 159-165.
  14. A rare presentation: Nevus comedonicus of the scalp
    Aysegul Polat, Zerrin Keles
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(3): 699-700.
  15. Mucus plugging problem in patients treated in the intensive care unit: A case report
    Ferhan Kandemir, Mehmet Cengil Aslan, Zerrin Zehra Erkol, Erdem Hosukler
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(1): 284-6.
  16. Adaptation and psychological problems and suggestions for solution of foreign students studying at medical faculty
    Zerrin Gamsizkan, Mehmet Ali Sungur, Muhammed Abdulal, Muhammed Elmarhum, Abdul Jalal Rasuly, Elham Barzgarjalali, Muhammed Elseyhkuvedir
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(11): 1973-7.
  17. N-acetylcysteine reduces oxidative stress on end-organs in an ischemia-reperfusion rat model
    Gokalp Altun, Zerrin Pulathan, Suleyman Caner Karahan, Esin Yulug
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(3): 722-7.
  18. Blood cell indices in High-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions
    Zerrin Gamsizkan, Sinem Kantarcioğlu Coskun, Gokhan Erdemir, Ali Yavuzcan
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(2): 820-4.
  19. Chronic abuse of the three brothers and negligence up to the level of cachexia – case report
    Fatmagul Aslan, Zehra Zerrin Erkol, Serdar Timur, Hakan Bulut
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2017; 6(4): 760-763.
  20. Two Physical Child Abuse Cases with Lethal Outcome [Olumle Sonuclanan Iki Fiziksel Cocuk Istismari Olgusu]
    Zerrin Erkol, Nergis Canturk, Hayri Erkol
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2014; 3(2): 1277-88.
  21. Evaluation of the psychiatric examination findings of victims decided to have sexual abuse occurred as a result of trial
    Ferhan Kandemir, Bora Buken, Zerrin Erkol, Erhan Buken
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(3): 766-73.
  22. Placental Mesenchymal Dysplasia Clinically Diagnosed As Partial Hydatidiform Mole: Case Report

    Nuray Başsüllü*, İlknur Türkmen*, Gülben Erdem Huq**, Övgü Aydın***, Zerrin Calay***, Herman İşçi****

    Annals of Medical Research. 2008; 15(3): 207-210.
  23. Characteristics of COVID-19 Related Stroke: A Single Center Prospective Study
    Zerrin Yıldırım, Sami Ömerhoca, Eda Çoban, Nilüfer Kale
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2022; 7(3): 231-239.
  24. Death Caused by Malignant Hyperthermia: Two Case Reports+

    Zerrin Erkol1, Ayşegül Ertan2, Hüseyin Öz3, Hayri Erkol4, Ali Şeker5, Ayfer Altınok2, Çiğdem Süner2

    Annals of Medical Research. 2012; 19(2): 110-112.
  25. A Case of Accidental Child Death which Occurred with Blank Cartridge Gun [Kurusiki Tabanca Ile Olusan Kaza Orijinli Cocuk Olumu Olgu]
    Taskin Ozdes, Zerrin Erkol, Nergis Canturk, Ugur Kocak, Umit Yasar Tekelioglu
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2014; 3(2): 1289-98.
  26. Serum lactic acid and pyruvic acid levels in patients with migraine and tension type headache
    Yavuz Altunkaynak, Musa Öztürk, Devrimsel Harika Ertem, Betül Güveli, Filiz Uzun Okay, Zerrin Yıldırım, Belgin Mutluay, Ayten Ceyhan Dirican, Emine Altunkaynak, Ayhan Köksal, Sevim Baybaş
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2013; 26(3): 276-280.
  27. Stroma-Rich Variant of Castleman Disease Mimicking Retroperitoneal Malign Tumor: Case Report

    Nuray Başsüllü*, İlknur Türkmen*, Abuzer Dirican**, Zerrin Calay***, Mahmut Müslümanoğlu****

    Annals of Medical Research. 2009; 16(1): 41-44.
  28. The frequency of diseases and awareness of the patients about medicines at a faculty of dentistry
    Yasin Yasa, Busra Nur Gokkurt Yilmaz, Tunahan Tuna, Furkan Ozbey, Dilek Coban, Zerrin Unal Erzurumlu, Elif Sadik
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(4): 979-83.
  29. Forensic Medical Evaluation of Nasal Trauma Cases
    Erdem Hösükler, Zehra Zerrin Erkol, Gamze Dinçer,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(6): 0-0.
  30. Old female case who died as a result of bear attack
    Aziz Yilmaz, Erdem Hosukler, Zerrin Erkol, Hakan Samurcu Veyis Gundogdu, Hamit Aykut Celme, Tolga Turan, Gamze Dincer
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(2): 623-6.

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