9 articles found.
- In silico and in vitro anti-cancer activity against breast cancer cell line MCF-7 of amide cinnamate derivatives
Teni Ernawati, Nina Artanti, Yudhi Dwi Kurniawan Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2024; 14(3): 102-107. - Characteristics of ENMG examination in Morbus Hansen patient in Neurology Polyclinic Sanglah General Hospital
Putu Yudhi Nusartha, I Komang Arimbawa, IGN Purna Putra, I Putu Eka Widyadharma, Ni Made Dwita Pratiwi International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(11): 59-62. - Prevalence and risk factors associated with zoonotic gastrointestinal helminths transmitted by cats in Jabodetabek, Indonesia
 Dyah Haryuningtyas Sawitri, April Hari Wardhana, Farlin Nefho, Eko Setyo Purwanto, Dwi Endrawati, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni, Roza Azizah Primatika, Ndaru Andri Damayanti, Rizal Arifin Akbari, Eni Kusumaningtyas, Makoto Matsubayashi Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(10): 2551-2563. - First molecular detection of Eimeria spp. in domestic goats from Java Island, Indonesia
 Dias Aprita Dewi, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni, Aan Awaludin, Vika Ichsania Ninditya, Dwi Priyowidodo, Raden Wisnu Nurcahyo, Fitrine Ekawasti, Joko Prastowo Open Veterinary Journal. 2025; 15(1): 139-150. - Detection of Trypanosoma lewisi from rodents residing in the densely populated residential regions along the coastal areas of Banyuwangi Sub District, Indonesia
 April Hari Wardhana, Frenky Laksana Putra , Aditya Yudhana , Dyah Haryuningtyas Sawitri , Ening Wiedosari , Mujiyanto Mujiyanto , Swastiko Priyambodo , Mufasirin Mufasirin , Penny Humaidah Hamid, Yudhi Ratna Nugraheni, Aan Awaludin, Priyono Priyono, Alan Payot Dargantes, Makoto Matsubayashi Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(8): 1808-1818.