1160 articles found.The first 100 results are shown.
- Neurobiology of Impulsivity and Aggression As Substrates of Suicidal Behavior: A Narrative Focus on the Involvement of Serum Lipids
Hasan Gokcay, Yasin Hasan Balcioglu Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2020; 10(4): 206-215. - The Occurrence of Psychotic Manifestation Following the Initiation of Everolimus in a Patient with Tuberous Sclerosis: A Possible Involvement of Dysregulated mTOR Cascade
Olcay Senay, Yasin Hasan Balcioglu, Mehmet Cem Ilnem Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2018; 8(3): -. - Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease with the presence of psychomotor agitation: a case report
YASIN HASAN BALCIOGLU, MUCAHID ERDOGAN, CENGIZ DAYAN, HAYRUNISA DILEK ATAKLI Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2018; 31(1): -. - English Title Not Available [Turkish Title: AVRUPA TOPLULUĞU\'NUN AKDENİZ POLİTİKASI]
ZELİHA BALCIOĞLU Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1993; 4(11): 39-52. - Case report of bilateral serous (exudaative) retinal detachment rarely seen in severe preeclampia
Alev Atış, Filiz Çiftçi, Taylan Tutuman, Çağrı Türker, Nimet Göker, Nihal Balcıoğlu Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2009; 43(1): 51-53. - Bilateral Thigh Abscess Due to Rectal Fistula: A Rare Case Report With Silent Clinical
Muhammed Köroğlu, Yasin Dalda, Hüseyin Utku Özdeş, Zeynep Maraş Özdemir, Okan Aslantürk, Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(9): 0-0. - Down Syndrome is not contrindication for surgical treatment of complex cardiac anomalies: two case report
Begumhan Turhan, Dilek Yamak, Murat Ali Cinar, Alper Haznedar, Sedat Yigit, Birol Yamak Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2017; 6(2): 365-6. - Knowledge and attitudes of residents regarding electroconvulsive therapy
Gökay Alpak, Feridun Bülbül, Ahmet Ünal, Osman Hasan Tahsin Kılıç, Berna Ermiş, Yasin Bez, Haluk A. Savaş TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2015; 14(1): 33-38. - Oral malignant melanoma of the palate
Ryant Ganda Santoso, Harmas Yazid Yusuf, Melita Sylvyana International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(8): 69-73. - Predictors of mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Abdullah Sokmen, Ekrem Aksu, Ahmet Cagri Aykan, Gulizar Sokmen, Hakan Gunes, Akif Serhat Balcioglu, Enes Celik, Sami Ozgul Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(8): 2014-21. - Ortaokul Matematik Öğretmenlerinin Pedagojik Alan Bilgilerinin Bazı Bileşenler Açısından İncelenmesi: Koni Örneği
Burçin GÖKKURT ,Yasin SOYLU Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(3): 946-973. - Prospective Primary Teachers Knowledge on Prism: Generating Definitions and Examples
Yasin GÖKBULUT ,Behiye UBUZ Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(2): 401-412. - 2011-LYS Coğrafya Sorularının Madde Güçlüğü ve Kavram Yanılgısı Yönünden Analizi
Caner Aladağ ,Yasin Duran Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(4): 1425-1435. - The Adaptation of children's knowledge of abuse questionnaire-revised (CKAQ-R) to Turkish: Validity and reliability study
Yasin Yılmaz,Fulya Cenkseven Önder Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(1): 384-392. - Relationship among pain, function, and motor activity in early hemiplegic patients
Burcu Talu, Suat Kamisli, Yasin Talu Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(1): 130-134. - Relationship of nicotine dependence with depression, anxiety and psychological distress
Yasin Altun Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(3): 868-72. - Importance of serum and urine tripsinogen activation peptid in acute pancreatitis
Yasin Kara, Tamer Karsidag, Sefa Tüzün Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2012; 46(2): 43-48. - Reboxetine induced painful ejaculation: a case report
Mehmet Alpay Ates, Onur Durmaz, Yasin Bez Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2011; 1(4): 166-168. - Matematiksel Zorluklar ve Çözüm Önerileri
Ömer ŞAHİN ,Burçin GÖKKURT,Yasin SOYLU Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(3): 1-6. - Religious coping in hepatitis C in Punjab, Pakistan
Malik Muhammad Sohail, Miyan Ghulam Yasin Rawal Medical Journal. 2018; 43(1): 14-17. - Monday anxiety in office workers
Yasin Bez, Abdurrahim Emhan, Mustafa Arı, Şakir Özen Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2011; 24(1): 38-43. - Investigating longitudinal Impact of Authentic Leadership, Organizational Cynicism and Turnover Intention among Elementary School Teachers
Dr. Yasin Munir, Dr. Mudasar Ghafoor, Dr. Fayaz Ali Shah Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 5959-5969. - Scaffolding the Scaffolding: Assisting the Student's Social Emotional Learning at School
Aminah Qayyum, Dr. Shafqat Hussain, Dr. Bushra Yasin Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 3876-3885. - Potency of anti-trematode in inhibiting cathepsin-2L and cathepsin-5L of Fasciola gigantica using homology, docking, and molecular dynamics
 Henni Vanda, Farida Athaillah, Wahyu Eka Sari, Frengki Frengki, Nurliana Nurliana, Muhammad Hambal Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(11): 2754-2761. - Ortaokul 5. ve 6. Sınıf Öğrenci ve Öğretmenlerinin Seçmeli Derslere İlişkin Görüşleri
Yasin Akay ,Murat Çırakoğlu ,Burcu Hancı Yanar Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(1): 1-22. - Investigating The Problems Faced By The Esl Learners In E-Learning At Intermediate Level
Muhammad Yasin , Dr. Saeed Ahmad , Mariyam Saif Azeem Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 6187-6196. - Developing electronic teaching materials through comic mathematics media to increase student learning independence during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia
Rida Fironika Kusumadewi, Amos Neolaka, Mahmuddin Yasin Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 708-716. - Abdominal revascularization patency outcomes of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm and mesenteric ischaemia
Zehra Kursunlu, Ozlem Balcioglu, Hakan Posacioglu Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2023; 32(1): 19-26. - Pre-service Teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge Regarding Student Mistakes on the Subject of Geometric Shapes*
Burçin Gökkurt , Ömer Şahin , Yasin Soylu , Yusuf Doğan Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(1): 55-71. - A Systematic Review on religiosity, spirituality and health
Malik Muhammad Sohail, Miyan Ghulam Yasin Rawal Medical Journal. 2017; 42(4): 575-580. - Current perioperative management of elective colorectal resections in
Ireland: When is the ideal time to introduce feeding post operatively?
Tahir Yasin Khan, Tariq Wahab Khanzada, J.B.O Mahony, K. Mealy Rawal Medical Journal. 2008; 33(1): 82-85. - A study of scale development on determination of pre-service and in-service teachers beliefs about pre-school mathematics education
Bülent GÜVEN ,İlhan KARATAŞ ,Yasin ÖZTÜRK ,Selahattin ARSLAN ,Kadir GÜRSOY Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(4): 969-980. - The Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Health Care Providers in the Emirate of Ajman, UAE
Sajadhossein bazrafshani, Hifsa Randhawa, Yasin Ghaedi, Shazia Khan, Shatha Al-Sharbatti Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2020; 11(3): 40-50. - Effective and safe treatment of psychotic depression in an elderly patient with quetiapine and ECT
Mehmet Cemal Kaya, Yasin Bez Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2011; 1(2): 68-71. - Turkish reliability of National Institutes of Health (NIH) Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS®) constipation scale
Ahmet Mamur, Mehmet Kayhan, Ugur Bilge, Serkan Sungur, Huseyin Balcioglu, Ilhami Unluoglu Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(2): 170-172. - Adolescences with Abuse and Neglect: The Relationship Between Psychological Support Attitudes, Therapeutic Alliance and Early Maladaptive Schemas, Psychopathology
Müge GÖĞEBAKAN , Mehmet Hakan TÜRKÇAPAR , Levent SÜTÇİGİL Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2020; 9(1): 37-48. - Determinants of Overweight among Young Adults in Jordan
Yasin Mohammed Al- Tawarah, Hana Kasrouf Mudabber, Kawkab
Ramadan Shishani, Erika Sivarajan Froelicher Rawal Medical Journal. 2010; 35(1): 10-14. - Inter-Generational Domestic Violence, Causes, Consequences, And Rehabilitation Strategies Among Women Of Shelter Home
Dr. Wahida Anjum, Dr. Saeed Ahmad Watto, Dr. Shehla A.Yasin, Dr. Zainab Qazi, Abdur Rahim, Dr. Sarfraz Mahmood Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 7927-7949. - The Effects of Psychodrama and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Group Work on Test Anxiety
Necla Taşpınar GÖVECİ, Şaziye Senem BASGÜL Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2017; 6(1): 22-30. - An evaluation of gabapentin and pregabalin usage in the treatment of neuropathic pain related to spinal cord injury
Yasin Emre Kaya Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(3): 521-8. - Postoperative objective and subjective voice analysis in patients who underwent carotid endarterectomy and carotid body tumor resection
Umit Kahraman, Ozlem Balcioglu, Serkan Ertugay, Emrah Oguz, Hakan Posacioglu Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2023; 32(2): 78-82. - The Effects of Mastectomy and Post-Mastectomy Reconstructive Surgery of Breast-cancer Patients on their Depression, Self-esteem and Self-efficacy Beliefs
Zehra Kanmaz, Osman Tolga Aricak, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2019; 9(3): 119-127. - Comparison of Death Anxiety and State-Trait Anxiety Levels of Mothers of Diabled Children and Non-Disabled Children
Adile Koca, Şaziye Senem Başgül, Mahmut Yay Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2019; 32(1): -. - Exploring English Language Teachers Role In An ESL Classroom
Muhammad Yasin, Syed Awon Muhammad Bukhari, Noveen Javed Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 6404-6414. - Factors affecting pre-service teachers choice of teaching as a profession
Gökhan ÖZSOY ,Sibel ÖZSOY,Yasin ÖZKARA ,Aysel D. MEMİŞ Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(3): 910-921. - Koruyucu Faktör Olarak Öz-Şefkat Üzerine Bir Derleme Çalışması
Mustafa KURTOĞLU, Şaziye Senem BAŞGÜL Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2021; 10(1): 56-65. - Management of ranula wıth marsupıalızatıon technıque: Case series
Endang Syamsudin , Siti Deinar Andhitya , Asri Arumsari, Kiki Ahmad Rizki International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(12): 905-910. - Marsupialization as a ranula management: case report
Nana Sulfiana, Melita Sylvyana, Abel Tasman, Emiliana Lia International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(7): 458-461. - Zorlu bir klinik sorunun gözden geçirilmesi: gebelikte akut biliyer pankreatit
Review of a challenging clinical issue: acute biliary pancreatitis during pregnancy
Yasin Ceylan, Bertan Akar Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2021; 6(0): 95-98. - Communication difficulties in perioperative anesthesia management for immigrant and refugee patients
Mehmet Akif Yazar, Yasin Tire, Betul Kozanhan Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(2): 375-80. - The Investigation of Relationship Between Procrastination and Discomfort Intolerance in University Students.
Levent SÜTÇÜGİL, Asiye Nur Nihan YURDAKUL, M.Hakan TÜRKÇAPAR Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2017; 6(3): 123-132. - Sentiment Analysis of Online Food Reviews using Big Data Analytics
Hafiz Muhammad Ahmed, Mazhar Javed Awan, Nabeel Sabir Khan, Awais Yasin, Hafiz Muhammad Faisal Shehzad Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 827-836. - The Effect of Human Capital Accumulation and Education on Economic Growth
Ashfaq Ahmad; Shahbaz Ahmad; Muhammad Mobeen Shafqatc; Sadia Bano*; Humaira Ijaz; Muhammad Ilyas; Shahzad Mushtaq; Yasin Munir Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 7688-7701. - Endangered Punjabi Dialects and communicative constraints: An Alarming Situation for Punjab's Identity
Hafsa Yasin, Sumera Baby, Hannan Khan Tareen, Dr. Manan Khan Tareen Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 2756-2764. - First report of Alternaria brassicicola causing leaf spots on garlic, an important food and medicinal plant
Iqra Shahzadi, Aqeel Ahmad*, Nasim Ahmad Yasin, Ghulam Fareed, Yaseen Ashraf, Waheed Akram, Waheed Ullah Khan and Muhammad Tayyab Journal of Medicinal Botany. 2017; 1(0): 8-12. - A rare case; Cardiovocal syndrome due to aortic arch aneurysm (Ortner syndrome)
Aşkın Pekbay , Uğurcan Balyemez, Özlem Balcıoğlu, Barçın Özcem, Mustafa Parıldar, Aşkın Ali Korkmaz, Case Reports and Series in Medicine. 2024; 1(3): 48-50. - Effects of coronary artery bypass operations on relieving complaints of angina pectoris
Dr. Haşan Berat Cihan*, Dr. Ömer Soysal*, Dr. Metin Gülcüler*, Dr. Öner Gülcan* , Dr. Haşan Özdemir* Annals of Medical Research. 1995; 2(3): 268-271. - A qualitative research on the factors determining product awareness and product preference in promoting medicines by digital tools
Ali Karaman, Yakup Durmaz Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(4): 923-9. - Techno-Economic Assessment of Implementing Concentrated Solar Power Technology in the Palestinian Territories
Aysar M Yasin, Osama Draidi Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2020; 6(3): 253-264. - Effect of educational intervention on understanding, perception, and implementation of pharmacovigilance among medical students at a rural teaching hospital in Haryana
Naveen Kumar, Sana Tafseer, Siddharth Ahuja, Navin Budania, Vinod K Bhardwaj National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024; 14(3): 455-460. - Situation analysis of health care waste management in private sector hospitals in Federal Capital Territory, Islamabad, PAkistan
Misbah Hasan, Sadaf Hasan, Muhammad Umar, Abrar Hussain Azad, Sadia Haroon Rawal Medical Journal. 2015; 40(4): 437-440. - Emergencies treatment for tongue laceration in children : A serial case
Andi Arfandi Arifuddin, Endang Sjamsudin, Melita Sylvyana, Emiliana Lia International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2019; 3(7): 488-493. - Views of generation Z nurse candidates on their willingness to work in featured services in hospitals: A qualitative study
Yasin Cetin, Asli Tok Ozen, Mumin Savas Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(1): 108-15. - Treatment of lower extremity varicosities with polidocaııol sclerotherapy
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Meltem Korkut*, Gülendam Koçak*, Yasin Dağ*, Ayşehan Akıncı* Annals of Medical Research. 2002; 9(4): 277-279. - Association of neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes with CA15-3 as a predictor of breast cancer in female patients
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Mustafa Kurtoglu, Saziye Senem Basgul Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2023; 13(1): 13-20. - Early result of arthroscopic repair of Palmer type I-B triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) tears
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İbrahim Yağcı, Yasin Taşdelen Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2018; 8(4): -. - Cost analysis of disposable/reusable surgical drapes used in Turgut Ozal Medicine Center
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Yasin Uzuntarla, Necmettin Cihangiroğlu, Sümeyra Ceyhan, Uğur Uğrak TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016; 15(2): 98-104. - Evaluation of gastroesophageal reflux disease and related factors in seasonal agricultural workers
Yasemin Saglan, Ugur Bilge, Dilek Oztas, Ramazan Saglan, Yunus Emre Sari, Huseyin Balcioglu, Ilhami Unluoglu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(4): 963-6. - An update on borderline personality disorder: life in the fast lane
Ercan Akin, Mesut Cetin, Samet Kose Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2017; 7(1): 65-72. - Comparison of extensive or semi-intensive feeding for Anatolian water buffalo
Taskin Degirmencioglu, Halil Unal , Hasan Hasan KURALOGLU Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(9): 712-715. - The Social Construction of Islamic Education Through the Internalization of Traditional Values and Regional Culture
Nor Hasan Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 148-159. - Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion (Trap) Sekansının Prenatal Tanısı: Olgu Sunumu
Prenatal Diagnosis of Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion (Trap) Sequence: a Case Report
Yasin Ceylan, Bertan Akar, İlteriş Yaman Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2021; 6(0): 204-206. - Yapışık İkizin Nadir Bir Türü Olan Sefalotorakoomfaloselin Prenatal Tanısı: Olgu Sunumu
Prenatal diagnosis of a rare type of conjoined twin, cephalothoracoomphalopagus: a case report
Yasin Ceylan, Bertan Akar, İlteriş Yaman Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2021; 6(0): 207-209. - A rapid appraisal of educational environment of an evolving medical school in northern India
Sulabha M Naik, Abhishek Singh International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2017; 6(10): 1467-1472. - An Examination on Nuri Bilge Ceylans Movie Uzak: The Story of Winner Losers
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Hasan DEMIRTAŞ Elementary Education Online. 2012; 11(1): 18-34. - Kapsamlı Gelişimsel Rehberlik Programı Bağlamında Geliştirilen Bir Etkinlik Örneği: Psikososyal Gelişim Alanları
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Muhammad Hasan Journal of The Pakistan Dental Association. 2018; 27(2): 46-49. - English Title Not Available [Turkish Title: 1923-1938 DÖNEMİNDE TÜRK-ARAP İLİŞKİLERİ: KARAR VERME ANALİZİ]
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Ahmet Mamur, Mehmet Kayhan, Ugur Bilge, Serkan Sungur, Huseyin Balcioglu, Ilhami Unluoglu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2017; 6(3): 476-8. - Analysis the relationship between psychological contract and organisational justice perception of paramedical personnel
Necmettin Cihangiroğlu, Bayram Şahin, Yasin Uzuntarla TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2015; 14(4): 293-299. - Can primary insert be used in revision knee prosthesis?
Omer Bozduman, Yasin Koker, Ilker Polat, Burak Akan Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(3): 881-5. - The pattern of adverse drug reactions at a National Cancer Hospital in Indonesia: Analysis of spontaneous reports from healthcare professionals
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Ali Karaman, Hasan Kahveci Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(2): 84-86. - İlkokul 4. Sınıf Düzeyindeki Fen Eğitimi Araştırmalarının Tematik İçerik Analizi
Hasan Bağ , Muammer Çalık Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1353-1377. - Pragmatic Manipulation of Advisories in Biblical Proverbs
Kamal Hasan Jawad Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 107-115. - Analysis and Evaluation of 3. And 4. Grade Science Course Learning Outcomes According to Revised Bloom Taxonomy
Hacı Hasan YOLCU Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(1): 253-262. - Aesthetics Of Design Elements In The Drawings Of Futuristic Movement Artists
Sukaina Hasan Khayif Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 7885-7919. - Türkçe Öğretmen Adaylarının Medya Okuryazarlığı Dersine Yönelik Görüşleri
Hasan Basri Kansızoğlu Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(2): 469-486. - A single center surgical experience in total laparoscopic hysterectomy and the effect of variables on operation time: Do the uterine volume and the suture type influence the operation time?
Esra Isci Bostanci, Yasin Durmus, Fulya Kayikcioglu, Secil Gunes, Nurettin Boran Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(4): 716-21.