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  1. Diterpene alcohol fraction of Cyperus rotundus Linn essential oil regulates Bcl-2 and Bax expression inducing apoptosis on HeLa in vitro and in silico
    Susianti Susianti, Yanwirasti Yanwirasti, Eryati Darwin, Jamsari Jamsari, Arif Setiawansyah
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2024; 14(11): 71-81.
  2. Cytotoxic activity screening of ethyl acetate fungal extracts derived from the marine sponge Neopetrosia chaliniformis AR-01
    Muh. Ade Artasasta, Yanwirasti, Akmal Djamaan, Dian Handayani
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2017; 7(12): 174-178.

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