164 articles found.The first 100 results are shown.
- Primary School Teachers Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Şirin KARADENİZ , SİNEM VATANARTIRAN Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(3): 1005-1016. - Primary School Teachers Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Şirin KARADENİZ , SİNEM VATANARTIRAN Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(3): 1017-1028. - Risk factors affecting the success of percutaneous cholecystostomy treatment in high-risk patients with acute cholecystitis
Aydin Aktas, Mehmet Ulusahin, Arif Burak Cekic, Muhammet Ates, Murat Enre Reis, Serkan Tayar, Mehmet Arif Usta, Ali Guner, Serdar Turkyilmaz, Nazim Agaoglu, Adnan Calik Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(10): 2695-700. - ANALYSIS OF SUICIDAL POISONING PATIENTS PRESENTED TO EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT
Abdülkadir, , GÜNDÜZ*, Jale, , KESEN, Murat, , TOPBAŞ, Hüseyin, , NARCI, Mustafa, , YANDI TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2004; 3(10): 234-242. - Could SCUBE be used as a therapeutic target in rheumatoid arthritis?
NURÇE ÇİLESİZOĞLU YAVUZ, ERHAN ÇAPKIN, ASIM ÖREM, AHMET MENTEŞE, DİLER US ALTAY, Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(10): 0-0. - Investigation of Anxiety Levels and Sleep Quality among Athletes from Different Sport Branches During the Pandemic: a Web-Based Cross-Sectional Survey from Turkey
Arif Kamil salihoğlu, Ahmet AYAR, Zehra Nur Ayar, Samet Oksuz, Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(4): 0-0. - Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health of Refugees, Immigrants, and Asylum-Seekers: A Systematic Review
Ferit Sevim, Safak Kiran, Ahmet Yesildag, Gokhan Yilmaz Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2023; 13(2): 27-37. - Associations Between Longitudinal Teacher Ratings of Hyperactivity/ Inattention and Academic Achievement Over a Four Year Period
Ozgur Oner, Sinem Vatanartiran, Sirin Karadeniz Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2022; 12(2): 64-71. - Factors affecting awareness of emergency contraception among women
Gamze Çan, Nurdan Geçer, Şehbal Yeşilbaş Üçüncü, Murat Topbaş, Nazım Ercüment Beyhun, Bekir Bulut TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2015; 14(2): 101-106. - Determining Nursing Students’ Dominant Learning Styles and Evaluating the Affecting Factors Using Decision Tree Method
Didem Sarımehmet , *İlknur Buçan Kırkbir, Bahar Candaş Altınbaş, Çiğdem Torun Kılıç Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2023; 14(2): 54-60. - Prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome and related factors among Karadeniz Technical University students
Gizem Civelek Teoman, Nazım Ercüment Beyhun, Bekir Bulut, Murat Topbaş, Gamze Çan, Serdar Türkyılmaz TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016; 15(4): 293-297. - Ovarian masses in children: A single centers experience
Hatice Sonay Yalcin Comert, Ilker Eyuboglu, Safak Ersoz, Ali Akdogan, Mustafa Imamoglu, Haluk Sarihan Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(5): 1465-8. - Evaluation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and cortisol levels in patients with bruxism
Onur YILMAZ, Efe Can SIVRIKAYA, Nekdet KOCAK, Elif SAHIN, Tamer TUZUNER, Ahmet ALVER, Yavuz Tolga KORKMAZ, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(10): 0-0. - The role of microRNAs in autism
Mutlu Karakuş, Alperhan Çebi TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016; 15(6): 569-574. - The Impact of the Initial Period of COVID-19 Pandemic Restrictions on Psychiatric Emergency Admissions: A Comparative Analysis of Demographics and Diagnoses
Emel Uysal, Filiz Civil Arslan, Aykut Karahan, Demet Sağlam Aykut, Evrim Özkorumak Karagüzel, Sevilay Kantekin, Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(1): 43-46. - Traditional Baby Care Practices of Mothers of Children Aged 6-12 Months in The Provincial Centre of Trabzon, Turkey
İlknur Kahriman, Murat Topbaş, Gamze Çan TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2011; 10(1): 61-70. - Is the MTHFR C677T variant a genetic risk factor in the etiology of autism spectrum disorder? Is it alone or by combined with rare variants of the PHGDH gene?
Running Title:
Is the MTHFR C677T a genetic risk factor for autism?
Burak Kaan KASAP, Çilem BİLGİNER, Gökhan YILDIZ, Bayram TORAMAN Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(4): 334-340. - Epidemiologic Features and Prognosis of Patients Who Was Diagnosed Having Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Applied to a Community Health Center
Nesrin, Nural, Sevilay, Hindistan, Ayla, Akkaş, Gürsoy, Nalân, Bayrak TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2009; 8(4): 297-306. - BURNOUT SYNDROME, JOB SATISFACTION LEVELS AND RELATED FACTORS IN CENTRAL TRABZON PROVINCE PRIMARY HEALTH CENTER WORKERS
Asuman, YAVUZYILMAZ*, Murat, TOPBAŞ, Emine, ÇAN, Gamze, ÇAN, Şükrü, ÖZGÜN TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2007; 6(1): 41-50. - The analgesic effect of dexketoprofen trometamol when added to lidocaine for intravenous regional anesthesia
Muge Kosucu, Elif Yener Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(9): 2240-4. - N-acetylcysteine reduces oxidative stress on end-organs in an ischemia-reperfusion rat model
Gokalp Altun, Zerrin Pulathan, Suleyman Caner Karahan, Esin Yulug Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(3): 722-7. - Trend analysis of thyroid carcinoma incidence: a retrospective analysis of 2705 cases from an endemic goiter region
Runnig title: Trend analysis of thyroid carcinoma an endemic goiter region
Mustafa Kocak, Gülşah Erbölükbaş, İrfan Nuhoğlu, Ahmet Suat Demir, Halil Önder Ersöz, Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(8): 643-650. - Turkish adaptation of collectivist coping styles inventory
Hikmet Yazıcı, Fatma Altun, Mustafa Şahin, Cansu Tosun, Ümit Pekdemir, Eda Bulut Yazıcı Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2017; 7(2): 93-103. - PREDICTIVE VALUE OF BIOMARKERS IN STEATOHEPATITIS AND FIBROSIS
şükriye Taşçı, İrem Dilaver , İsmail saygın , Birgül Tok Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(4): 0-0. - Intraneural hemangioma of the peroneal nerve: A case report
Muhammet Kalkisim, Ahmet Emin Okutan, Unal Sarac, Muhammet Salih Ayas, Mehmet Yildiz Hand and Microsurgery. 2019; 8(3): 185-189. - SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS
Evrim, , AKTEPE*, Sema, , KANDİL, Murat, , TOPBAŞ TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2005; 4(2): 88-97. - Screen of Bipolar Disorder in Pregnant Women
Demet Sağlam Aykut, Filiz Civil Arslan, Mihriban Yıldırım, Süleyman Güven, Ahmet Tiryaki Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2018; 8(4): -. - Relationship between Undergraduates Communication Skills and Their Negative Automatic Thoughts
Hatice ŞİRİN ,Hüseyin IZGAR Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(1): 254-266. - Relationship between Undergraduates Communication Skills and Their Negative Automatic Thoughts
Hatice ŞİRİN ,Hüseyin IZGAR Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(2): 585-596. - Acromegaly and Its Clinical Outcomes: A 10-year Retrospective Analysis of
a Cohort of Patients with Acromegaly from a University Setting
İrfan Nuhoğlu, Ali Pir, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(10): 0-0. - Mania induced by aripiprazole use: a case presentation
Demet Saglam Aykut, Ahmet Tiryaki, Evrim Ozkorumak Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2016; 29(4): 370-373. - Results of surgical treatment of glomus tumor
Kubilay Ersin Turkmen, Mehmet Yildiz, Ahmet Atilla Abdioglu, Kerim Oner Hand and Microsurgery. 2014; 3(3): 66-69. - Giant thenar intramuscular lipoma; A literature review and redefinition of the term giant lipoma
Muhammet Salih Ayas, Ahmet Emin Okutan, Servet Kerimoglu Hand and Microsurgery. 2019; 8(1): 44-50. - Prognostic effect of Factor V Leiden mutation in pregnant women with preeclampsia, eclampsia and chronic hypertension.
Factor V Leiden mutation in prognosis of preeclampsia.
BAKİYE OKUMUŞ AKBAŞ , Mehmet Armağan Osmanağaoğlu, Hasan Bozkaya , Ercüment Ovalı, Fahri Uçar, Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(7): 553-559. - Evaluation Of The Emergency And Elective Operations Performed On Elderly Over 65 Years In Karadeniz
Technical University Medical School Farabi Hospital
Murat Topbaş*, Gamze Çan*, Melahat Kızıl*, Füsun Yarış** Annals of Medical Research. 2002; 9(2): 105-108. - Telangiectatic Carcinoma - Like Lymphangioma Circumscriptum. A Rare Form of Cutaneous Metastasis of Breast Carcinoma: Case Report
Dua Cebeci, Sirin Yasar, Pembegul Gunes, Sema Aytekin
Medical Archives. 2020; 74(5): 391-392. - Investigation of Physiological Exercise Parameters and Sleep Status of Elite Karate Athletes
İlknur HAYIRLİ , Ahmet AYAR Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(11): 0-0. - Monitorization of tuberculosis screening tests during anti-TNF-α treatment in children with rheumatic diseases
Ferhat Demir, Mukaddes Kalyoncu Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(6): 1751-5. - Saturation biopsies for the diagnosis of prostate cancer
Hakan Şirin, Orhan Tanrıverdi, Muammer Kendirci, Cengiz Miroğlu Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2009; 43(2): 101-106. - Endoscopic subureteric enjection in vezicoureteral reflux
Mustafa AYDIN, Hakan ŞİRİN, Tuna KARATAĞ, Kaya HORASANLI Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2008; 42(2): 1-7. - Evaluation of potential drug-drug interactions in hospitalized patients at a tertiary care hospital: A pilot study
Yesim Kaya Yasar, Seckin Engin, Elif Nur Barut, Serhat Sevgi, Gamze Eroglu, Feride Sena Sezen Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(2): 389-92. - THE PERSONAL HYGIENE HABITS OF THE PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN TWO DIFFRENT LIVING AREA OF TRABZON
Gamze, , ÇAN*, Murat, , TOPBAŞ, Mehmet, , KAPUCU TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2004; 3(8): 170-177. - Renal artery embolization following aortobifemoral bypass: A case report
İhsan Alur, Mehmet Şirin Yıldırım, Süleyman Hilmi Aksoy, Ali Fedakar Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2020; 29(2): 127-30. - Genotype phenotype correlation of cadasil patients-single center experience
Alper Han Cebi, Cavit Boz Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(2): 381-4. - Sexual abuse in childhood: a multi-dimentional look from the view point of victims and perpetrators
Çilem Bilginer, Selma Tural Hesapçıoğlu, Sema Kandil Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2013; 26(1): 55-65. - A different symptom associated with tics in tourettes syndrome: vomiting
Selma Tural Hesapçıoğlu, Çilem Bilginer, Sema Kandil Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2014; 27(1): 69-73. - The relationships between self-handicapping tendency and narcissistic personality traits, anxiety sensitivity, social support, academic achievement
Ayse Kalyon, Ibrahim Dadandi, Hikmet Yazici Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2016; 29(3): 238-246. - Comparison of the lateral decubitus and beach chair positions in terms of their effects on airway pressure in arthroscopic shoulder surgery
Pinar Duman Aydin, Sedat Saylan, Ahmet Besir, Orkun Gul Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(12): 2847-52. - Diagnostic value of serum pentraxin-3 in deep vein thrombosis disease
Yasin Erol, Ali Aygun, Selim Demir, Ahmet Mentese, Umit Mentese, Abdulkadir Gunduz Novel Forensic Research. 2022; 1(1): 1-5. - The causes of neonatal mortality in neonatal intensive care unit in 5 years (2007-2011)
Selda Arslan, Ali Bülbül, Ayşe Şirin Aslan, Evrim Kıray Baş, Mesut Dursun, Sinan Uslu, Asiye Nuhoğlu Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2013; 47(1): 16-20. - Ageism and reflections of nursing care
Enes Bulut, Dilek Çilingir TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016; 15(5): 446-449. - Reconstruction of the unstable dorsal PIP fracture-dislocation with hemi-hamate autograft; Clinical experience, Result analysis, Minimum 18 month follow-up
Muhammet Salih Ayas, Caner Mesut Mataracı, Kerim Öner, Ahmet Emin Okutan, Ahmet Köse, Mehmet Yıldız, Hand and Microsurgery. 2019; 8(3): 160-166. - Spasmodic dysphonia
Seher Şirin Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(2): 238-245. - Mathematics Teaching via Paper Folding Method
Mihriban Hacısalihoğlu Karadeniz Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(2): 663-692. - An example of a misnomer in medicine: Choice of the term basal ganglia for the basal nuclei
Zafer Sahin , Omer Faruk Kalkan , Selim Kutlu Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(5): 1523-7. - Risk factors for anastomotic leakage and stricture following rectal cancer surgery: A retrospective cohort study
Mehmet Arif Usta, Arif Burak Cekic Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(2): 352-60. - Eğitim günümüzde çağdaş müzelerin öncelikli işlevidir. Bu nedenle müze, 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren halkın eğitimini gerçekleştirme misyonuyla çocuk dostu ve aile dostu sıfatlarıyla anılan, toplum hizmetine ve sürdürülebilirliğe önem veren
Ceren Karadeniz , Ayşe Okvuran Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(3): 865-879. - Are the urology residents capable of the ability of performing percutaneous nephrolithotomy?
Mehmet Taşkıran, Mustafa Kadıhasanoğlu, Mustafa Aydın, Umut Sarıoğulları, Hakan Şirin, Orhan Tanrıverdi, Muammer Kendirci, Cengiz Miroğlu Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2013; 47(2): 67-73. - Parkinsonism Due to the Use of Long-Term High-Dose Valproic Acid in an Elderly Patient with Mania Syndrome: A Case Report and Literatüre Review
Demet Sağlam Aykut, Gizem Aral, Ahmet Tiryaki Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2018; 8(4): -. - The Determination of Knowledge Level of Family Physicians For Frailty; A Cross-sectional Study
SELCUK AKTURAN, BİLGE TUNCEL, SEVİM AKSOY KARTÇI, CANAN TUZ The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2020; 11(4): 171-178. - The psychocognitive, biochemical, and electrophysiological effects of
cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in patients undergoing
carotid endarterectomy accompanied by cervical block
Ergin Arslanoğlu, Kenan Abdurrahman Kara, Shiraslan Bakhshaliyev, Kaan Altunyuva, Çağla Canbay Sarılar, Vuslat Yılmaz,Görkem Şirin, Nerses Bebek, İbrahim Ufuk Alpagut Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2021; 30(3): 229-35. - THE ATTITUDE OF YOUNG ADULTS AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE HIV/AIDS
Gülten, KARADENİZ, , *, Saliha, ALTIPARMAK, , , Emre, YANIKKEREM, , TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2004; 3(5): 87-92. - An investigation of the use of SCUBE1 protein as an early prognostic marker in predicting prognosis after cardiopulmonary resuscitation in cardiac arrest patients
Gurkan Altuntas, Ali Aygun, Faruk Ozsahin, Selim Demir, Betül Abanoz, Ahmet Ali Top, Senol Ardic, Ozgur Tatli, Ahmet Mentese, Suleyman Turedi Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(8): 2118-23. - EXCHANGE RATES AND INFLATION RELATIONS DURING THE PERIOD OF DOLLARIZATION IN TURKEY
Harun TERZİ, Serdar KURT Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2007; 18(64): 1-22. - English Title Not Available [Turkish Title: P-STAR MODELİ: DENGE FİYAT AÇIĞI ENFLASYON İLİŞKİSİ]
Gamze, , ÇAN* TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2006; 5(5): 374-381. - Pseudo ?pseudokidney sign? caused by primary mesentery tumor
Dr. Mustafa ÜNAL*, Dr.Cihangir EREM**, Dr.Kemal SERÇE* Annals of Medical Research. 1994; 1(4): 304-305. - Effect Of Mitomycin C in The Prevention of Tendon Adhesion After Surgery and The Effect of Biomechanical Stretching on Tendon Histology
Yılmaz Güvercin, Ahmet Atilla Abdioğlu, Mehmet Emre Baki, Gökçen Kerimoğlu, İlker Karahasanoğlu, Mehmet Yıldız, Hand and Microsurgery. 2021; 10(3): 193-202. - Relations of Concentration of Wealth, Economic Power and Economy: A Pikettian Approach to Oligopolistic Tendencies in Anglo-saxon Financial Services, Credit Rating, Libor and Media Industries
Ersan Bocutoğlu Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2015; 26(1): 71-119. - CECUM TUMOR DELAYED DİAGNOSİS DUE TO FEAR OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC
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Sirin Küçük, İzzet Göker Küçük The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2020; 11(3): 124-130. - Poorly Differantiated Rectal Cancer With Breast Metastases
 ELANUR KARAMAN, EMİNE ALTINTAŞ, American Journal of Diagnostic Imaging . 2022; 8(4): 76-79. - Title: Genetic diagnosis of maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) in northeast TURKEY
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Şule Altıner, Said Çelik, Murat Hakkı Yarar, Alper Han Çebi, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(4): 325-328. - Industrial noise & hearing loss
Dr . Enver ALTAŞ*, Dr. Süleyman ŞİRİN*, Dr. R. Murat KARAŞEN*, Dr . Az i z Öztürk*, Dr . Bülent AKTAN*, Dr. Harun Üçüncü* Annals of Medical Research. 1998; 5(3): 133-137. - Climate change may impact appetite for fish and chips: Increasing Scombroid poisoning, a broad perspective from a multicenter study
Mustafa Ferudun Celikmen, Verda Tunaligil, Mustafa Cicek, Melih Imamoglu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(2): 448-54. - Prognostic factors and the role of adjuvant radiation therapy in Non-melanoma skin cancer: Retrospective, A single-center experience
Emine Canyılmaz, Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(4): 0-0. - Knowledges and Attitudes in Province of Trabzon Regarding Anti-Smoking Legislation
Gamze Çan, Murat Topbaş, Asuman Yavuzyılmaz, Funda Öztuna, Emine Çan TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2011; 10(3): 275-280. - Andropause: Male Menopause?
Selda İldan Çalım, Ahsen Şirin TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2013; 12(4): 471-476. - The Health Life Style Behaviours of University Students
Gülten, Karadeniz, Emre, Yanıkkerem, Uçum, Özden, Dedeli, Öznur, Karaağaç TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(6): 497-502. - Multigravidas perceptions of traumatic childbirth: Its relation to some factors, the effect of previous type of birth and experience
Songul Aktas Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(1): 203-209. - Comparison of the Changes in Blood Carboxyhemoglobin and Bilirubin Levels and Their Effects on Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia in Neonates Born by Cesarean Section versus Vaginal Delivery
Filiz AKTÜRK ACAR, Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(3): 185-189. - Mother Rights Aspects of Safe Motherhood
Emre, Yanıkkerem*, Aynur, Saruhan, Ahsen, Şirin TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(2): 179-186. - An analysis of the relationship between insomnia-fatigue levels of the mothers and their depression and maternal attachment status
Songul Aktas, Dilek Kucuk Alemdar Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(4): 728-32. - Histopathological effects of laser fiber diameter in different laser modulations: an experimental exvivo study
Mustafa Karaaslan, Mehmet Emin Sirin Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(4): 1094-8. - A retrospecti̇ve evaluation of the epitelial lesions / neoplasms of the gallbladder in Uşak city and determination of the visual frequency
Sirin Kucuk, Ersoy Ercihan, Asli Ucar Uncu, Mehmet Gundogan, Cengiz Kocak Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(1): 26-32. - Erosive adenoma of nipple treated with cryotherapy and dermatoscopic features
Dua Cebeci, Sirin Yasar, Pembegul Gunes Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(1): 233-5. - The Impact of Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty With or Without Fat Excision on Dry Eye Parameters: A Comparative Study
Ceren Durmaz Engin , Dilhan Karaca, Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(12): 0-0. - Visual Performance in Myopic Adolescents Fitted with Pupil-Optimised Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses
Ceren Durmaz Engin, Dilhan Karaca Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(1): 30-34. - The prognostic value of T-peak T-end among patients with implantable cardiac defibrillator for secondary prevention
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Dr.Mustafa ÜNAL*, Dr.Kemal SERÇE* Annals of Medical Research. 1995; 2(2): 226-235. - Perioperative or intraoperative blood transfusion increases the risk of postoperative pancreatic fistula following pancreaticoduodenectomy
Aydin Aktas, Arif Burak Cekic, Muhammet Ates, Murat Emre Reis, Mehmet Ulusahin, Ali Guner, Serdar Turkyilmaz Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(10): 2585-91. - Does anti-Helicobacter pylori immunohistochemical staining has a confirmative role in the definitive diagnosis of negative gastric biopsy samples stained with routine histological stains?
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Mustafa ÜNAL*, M.D., Cihangir EREM**, M.D., Kemal SERÇE**, M.D., Ömer İLELİ**, M.D. Annals of Medical Research. 1995; 2(2): 196-198. - Gastrointestinal mucormycosis causing an acute intestinal obstruction in neonate patient
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