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  1. In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial efficacy of Eupatorium odoratum ethanol extract against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial strains
    Indah Amalia Amri, Purnaning Dhian Isnaeni, Jasni Sabri
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2024; 14(11): 3100-3107.
  2. Immunohistochemical evaluation of lesions in the gastrointestinal tract of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves orally exposed to Pasteurella multocida B:2
    MS Abubakar, M Zamri-Saad, S Jasni & ABZ Zuki
    Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2016; 14(1): 21-27.
    Sabri ÇAKLI
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2008; 19(1): 85-119.
    Sabri ÇAKLI
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1980; 1(1): 179-187.
  5. Criminal Implications Of Transgender Processes
    Dr. Khalid sabri hasani
    Elementary Education Online. 2022; 21(3): 277-290.
  6. Psychological Stress and Its Relationship to the Performance of the Climbing Skill and Individual Advancement on the Balance Beam
    Dr. Ameera Sabri Hussein
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 1486-1497.
  7. The Relationship of Physical Self-esteem to Some Basic Volleyball Skills for Third-stage Students
    Dr. Ameera Sabri Hussein
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 1476-1485.
    Geoff Hodgson [Trans./Çev. Sabri ÇAKLI]
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2006; 17(59): 99-113.
  9. Extended Spectrum B-lactamases and antimicrobial susceptibility among clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the West Bank, Palestine
    Tamer Essawi, Mohammad A Farraj, Israr Sabri
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2013; 3(2): 56-60.
  10. Instructors' Implications toward Interlanguage Fossilized Grammatical and Pragmatic Errors at University Level
    Qasim Hammadi Al-Ibadi, Sura Sabri Breesam
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 1541-1548.
  11. Values Education in Social Studies Lesson According to Different Perspectives
    Sevda Gülşah YILDIRIM,Sabri BECERİKLİ,Muammer DEMİREL
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(4): 1575-1588.
  12. Results of external fixator treatment in distal radius intra-articular fractures
    Mehmet Sabri Balik, Hakan Gurbuz
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2019; 8(2): 80-90.
  13. The Extent Of Using Of Virtual Psychological Counseling Among University Students During The Corona Pandemic From The Students' Point Of View
    Sulaiman Almasarweh , Kamal Aldhmour , Ismaeil Awawde , Osaima Sabri Al-Qaralleh , Rana Ibrahim EL-Bashabsheh
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(4): 3198-3216.
  14. Providing Reactive Power Support from Photovoltaics for Voltage Profile Improvement in Distribution Networks
    Sabri M. Kisakurek, Ahmet S. Yilmaz, Mustafa Sekkeli
    Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering. 2024; 10(4): 661-673.
  15. Stress lived before conception alters the maturation of the offspring
    Meriem Haloui, Amina Djouini, Sabri Benkermiche, Fatiha Bououza, Abdelkrim Tahraoui
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2017; 7(4): 191-8.
  16. Video Gaming And Its Association With Depression, Anxiety And Stress
    Rabia Sabri, Dr. Munnawar Naz Khokhar, Dr. Muhammad Umer, Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Zafar, Masood Hassan, Muhammad Asad Ullah
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 4869-4886.
  17. Hypothetical Assessment of Corporate Governance Theories and Strategies Influence on The Firm Performance
    Dr. Bushra Usman, Dr. Salman Masood Sheikh, Dr. Sheikh Usman Yousaf, Pirzada Sami Ullah Sabri
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 553-563.
  18. The role of paranasal sinuses in the mysterious etiopathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis
    Ahmet Payas, Sabri Batın,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(1): 71-76.
  19. Effect of COVID-19 on sleeping patterns and its correlation to body weight gain, screen time, and mental health: a cross-sectional study among adolescents in Riyadh
    Banan Sabri Al-Hijji, Enas K. Hirsh
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(7): 1670-1682.
  20. Risk of port site hernia after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
    Sabri Ozdas, Hilmi Bozkurt
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(7): 1881-5.
  21. Effect of Raw and Boiled Oak Quercus brantii in Performance, Biochemical and Blood Indices, and Proximate Composition of Cyprinus Carpio L.
    Nasreen Mohialddin Abdulrahman, Nazenine Othman Hassan, Hawkar Jaafar Hamad Ameen, Hazem Abdulhameed Sabri, Vian Muhamad Ahmad, Karzan Omer Qader, Bakhan Rafiq Hassan, Hevar Aras Hama-Salih , Hemin Nuraddin Mohammed
    Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2022; 15(1): 1-12.
  22. Can mediastinum cause referred pain in idiopathic scoliosis?
    Ahmet Payas, Sabri Batın,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(10): 0-0.
  23. The role of component positions in revision hip arthroplasty; Minimum 5-year follow-up
    Fahri Emre, Erkan Sabri Ertas, Murat Bozkurt
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(2): 717-21.
  24. A repair of tibialis anterior hernia with periosteal turnover flap
    Mustafa Deveci, Alper Cirakli, Erdal Uzun, Eyup Sabri Oncel
    Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(3): 328-329.
  25. Histopathological examination after appendectomy: Neoplastic lesions
    Mehmet Sabri Ciftci, Burak Ucaner
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(3): 955-60.
  26. An Investigation of Potential Risk Factors for Postoperative Urinary Retention Following Cesarean Section
    Sabri Cavkaytar, Mahmut Kuntay Kokanali, Ali Irfan Guzel, Bergen Laleli, Umut Gokturk, Demet Kokanali, Yasemin Tasci
    Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(1): 8-12.
    Sümeyra Fırat, Gül Ünsel Bolat, Hesna Gül, Muharrem Burak Baytunca, Burcu Kardaş, Eyüp Sabri Ercan
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2018; 31(3): -.
  28. Comparison of laser and piezo incisions to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement - A pilot rat model study
    Hilal Yilanci, Burcak Kara, Sabri Ilhan Ramoglu
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(3): 602-7.
  29. Aripirazole and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adolescents with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Case Study
    Sevim Berrin İNCİ, Ülkü AKYOL ARDIÇ, Melis İPÇİ, Eyüp Sabri ERCAN
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2016; 5(1): 44-49.
  30. Psychiatric symptoms in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
    Hatice Harmancı, Sabri Hergüner, Harun Toy
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2013; 26(2): 157-163.
  31. Immunohistochemical Detection of Brucella melitensis Antigens in Formalin-Fixed Tissues of Sheep and Goats that Died of Other Diseases
    Nurul-Izzati Uda Zahli, Polycarp Nwunuji Tanko, Sabri M. Yussof, Opeyemi M. Onilude
    Nigerian Veterinary Journal. 2018; 39(4): 346-357.
  32. Assessment of patients applying for emergency services with hand injury
    Yakup Ekinci, Kaan Gurbuz, Sabri Batin, Alper Cirakli
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(4): 561-4.
  33. Comparison of diagnostic scoring systems with imaging methods for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis
    Birkan Birben, Bedriye Muge Sonmez, Sadettin Er, Sabri Ozden, Murat Tugra Kosa, Mesut Tez
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(12): 3166-70.
  34. Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the COVID-19 stress scale
    Ibrahim Gundogmus, Taha Takmaz, Sabri Berkem Okten, Anil Gunduz
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(1): 62-9.
  35. Investigation of the frequency of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patients by the hospital anxiety and depression scale
    Selcuk Ayhan, Sabri Abus, Yasar Kapıcı, Hakan Kaya
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(1): 58-62.
  36. Is there any relationship between ureteral DJ stent colonization and lower urinary tract symptom severity?
    Bulent Kati, Yusuf Yakupogullari, Emre Can Polat, Eyyup Sabri Pelit, Ali Gunes
    Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(1): 7-11.
  37. Investigation of the characteristics differentiating complicated and non-complicated appendicitis: A prospective analysis
    Kasım Turgut, Sabri Ozdas, Mehmet Sirik, Irfan Aydin
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(5): 1333-7.
  38. Letter to the editor regarding “Preoperative predictor laboratory markers for complicated appendicitis: A retrospective analysis of single-center experience”
    Enes Agirman, Rifat Peksoz, Sabri Selcuk Atamanalp
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(1): 234-5.
  39. Is Ideal Treatment of Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures Possible? Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Three Surgical Choices
    Kaan Gürbüz , Yakup Ekinci , Sabri Batın, Zeliha Kaya Erten
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2020; 9(2): 67-75.
  40. The Concistency of the 15-49 Aged Women Monitoring Records and the Factors that Affect this Consistency in the no 4 Health Center District in Manisa
    Nasır, Nesanır*, Ahmet, Sabri, Alper, Serdar, İpek, Berna, Akovalı, Hatice, Yılmaz, Nimet, Pınar, Baysan, Erhan, Eser
    TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2007; 6(5): 336-340.
  41. Ear laterality in sudden sensorineural hearing loss
    Nurdogan Ata, Mesut Sabri Tezer, Omer Erdur, Tahir Bulbul, Abdullah Demirkan, Halil Emre Gogus, Emre Karaoglu, Mehmet Ali Ciftci
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(9): 1919-21.
  42. Correlation of perceived stress and psychological well-being among doctors serving at various government and private hospitals of Faisalabad.
    Nazia Nazir, Hafiz Amjad Hussain, Fatima Tanveer, Subhan Ullah, Maryam Khokar, Ahmad Ayaz Sabri
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2020; 45(4): 886-889.
  43. Severe head trauma in children: Analysis of 68 cases in light of current guidelines
    Mehmet Sabri Gurbuz, Muhterem Duyu, Ahmet Ferruh Gezen, Pinar Canizci Erdemli, Ercan Bosnak, Cimen Elias, Hasan Guclu, Numan Karaarslan
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(2): 596-603.
  44. Investigation of Electrocardiogram and Inflammation Parameters in Patients with First Episode Mania
    Yaşar Kapıcı, Sabri Abuş, Selçuk Ayhan, Bulut Güc, Atilla Tekin,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(3): 0-0.
  45. Reconstruction of a Misleading Sebaceous Gland Lesion of an Eyelid: A Case Report Göz Kapağında Yer Alan Yanıltıcı Bir Sebase Gland Lezyonunun Rekonstrüksiyonu: Olgu Sunumu
    Percin Karakol , Layth J. M. Saada, Sabri Ozturk, Kurtulus Oz
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2024; 9(3): 0-0.
  46. Investigation of hemogram and biochemistry parameters in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
    Olga Bayar Kapıcı , Sabri Abus, Selcuk Ayhan, Meral Karaagac, Mehmet Sirik
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(1): 94-9.
  47. Association of delivery type with postpartum depression, perceived social support and maternal attachment
    Sabri Hergüner, Erdinç Çiçek, Ali Annagür, Arzu Hergüner, Rahmi Örs
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2014; 27(1): 15-20.
  48. Comparative study of frontal QRS-T angle and inflammatory parameters in obsessive compulsive disorder patients and healthy control group
    Sabri Abus, Yasar Kapici, Selcuk Ayhan, Bulut Guc, Atilla Tekin
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(4): 1473-7.
  49. Quality of Life of People Living with HIV Compared with that of The General Population in Turkey: A Cross Sectional Study
    Sabri Atalay, Hazal Albayrak Ucak, Kadir Ascibasi, Ufuk Sonmez
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2022; 12(1): 32-40.
  50. Guided Endodontic Access Cavity of Maxillary Obliterated Pulp Canal Lateral Incisor
    Majid Anas Krsoum, Sabri Thobaiti, Mohammed Hefne
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(12): 2003-2007.
  51. QRISK*3 Outcome and Its Relationship with Disease Duration and Lipid Parameters in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    Yasar Kapici, Sabri Abus, Abdulmecit Afsin, Yusuf Hosoglu, Bulut Guc, Atilla Tekin
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2022; 12(4): 197-202.
  52. Post-operative outcomes following the excision of dorsal wrist ganglions with/without the use of Methylene Blue
    Suleyman Tas, Rustu Kose, Ahmet Sen, Sabri Balik
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2016; 5(1): 1-6.
  53. Relationship between thyroid masses and compressive symptoms at King Fahd Hospital University, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
    Mohammed AlHashim, Alhanoof AlKhunaifer, Fatimah Almoumen, Mariam Almahaish, Randa Sabri, Sarah AlRubaya
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(2): 767-774.
  54. Evaluation of hospitalized Covid-19 patients who received tocilizumab treatment in terms of clinical response, prognosis, and side effects
    Ufuk Sonmez, Sabri Atalay, Alpay Ari, Murat Arslan, Huseyin Ozkarakas
    The Atlantic Journal of Medical Science and Research. 2022; 2(2): 25-31.
  55. Splenic artery aneurysm: Management of a rare entity in a series of patients
    Server Sezgin Uludag, Deniz Esin Tekcan Sanli, Nazım Gures, Ahmet Necati Sanli, Berk Arapi, Sabri Sirolu, Fatih Gulsen, Abdullah Kagan Zengin
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(2): 386-90.
  56. The frequency of insomnia and associated factors among schoolteachers in the Makkah region, Saudi Arabia
    Muhammad Irfanullah Siddiqui, Salah Bakry, Sultan Alnemari, Waddah Alharbi, Ibrahim Alghufayri, Hammad Alharbi, Aous Alattas, Mohammed Almatrafi, Mutaz Sabri, Nawaf Alsaedi, Sulten Al-Zahrani
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2022; 6(8): 1015-1021.
  57. The impact of COVID-19 lockdown on weight gain and lifestyle behavior in school age children and adolescents, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Hissah R. Almuzini, Banan Sabri Al-Hijji, Naif A. Alomari, Suha S. Algain, Bandar S. Alshehry, Saleh S. Alsuwayt
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(7): 1637-1650.
  58. Evaluation of patients who underwent computed tomography angiography with the pre-diagnosis of pulmonary embolism
    Olga Bayar Kapıcı , Sabri Abuş , Ahmet Akçay , Selçuk Ayhan , Meral Karaağaç , Kadir Bıyıklı , Sezer Markirt , Erkan Markirt ,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(11): 887-893.
  59. Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders; A Systematic Review
    Akram Mohamed Awadalla, Ali A. Ghaffar Alsharifa, Mohammed Abdullah Alrabie, Rasha Harbi Alashjaee, Abdullah Mohammed Alsaady, Ali Hussain Buzaid, Nada Dhafer Albishi, Zainb Mohammed Alkaibi, Raghad Dhafer Alamri, Rawan Sabri Yusuf, Saud Ali Alsuwat
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(1): 340-348.
  60. Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plant Mentha rotundifolia (L.) Huds. in El Tarf, extreme northeast of Algeria.
    Meriem Djekoun , *Hicham Boughendjioua , Mohamed Sabri Khelfaoui , Mohamed Sofiane Boubekeur , Manel Djekoun, Naouel Rekioua , Fouzia Benaliouche , Nour El Houda Saidi , Fadhila Riadi
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2022; 13(1): 17-21.
  61. The predictive value of preoperative neutrophil-lymphocyte and platelet-lymphocyte ratio on overall survival in patients with operable gastric cancer
    Sabri Ozden, Salih Burak Gundogdu, Sadettin Er, Birkan Birben, Baris Dogu Yildiz, Mesut Tez
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(6): 1689-94.


    Dr. Ayşe Balat1, Dr. M.Kemal Baysal2, Dr. Sabri Acar2, Dr. Nuran Gürses2, Dr. Serap Uysal2, Dr. Şükrü Küçüködük2, Dr. Murat Aydın2

    Annals of Medical Research. 1994; 1(1): 39-46.

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