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  1. Screening for Toxic and Haematological Effect of Ethanol Extract of Azadirachta Indica in Wistar Rats Using Some Serum Enzymes as Markers
    Ikpeazu O.V., Igwe K.K., Otuokere I.E.
    Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2020; 13(1): 113-119.
  2. Biochemical and Safety Examination of Ethanol Extract of Justicia Carnae on PHZ -Produced Anaemia in Wistar Rats
    Ikpeazu O.V., Igwe K.K., Otuokere I.E.
    Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2020; 13(1): 74-81.
  3. Evaluation the Effect of Vernonia amygdalina. Del Leaves Ethanol Extract on Blood Sugar and its Synergism with Glibenclamide in Rats
    K.K. Igwe , O. V. Ikpeazu, I.E. Otuokere
    Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2020; 13(1): 26-34.
  4. Stability Constants and Thermodynamic Parameters of Cefotaxime-Cu(II) Complex at Different Temperatures: Metal - Chelation Therapy
    O.V. Ikpeazu, I.E. Otuokere and K.K. Igwe
    Science Journal of Advanced and Cognitive Research. 2020; 1(1): 87-97.
  5. Synthesis, Characterization and Anti-bacterial Screening of Fe(II) Mixed Ligand Complex of Ofloxacin with Ascorbic Acid
    Ugochukwu Onyenze, Ifeanyi E Otuokere, Joy Enogbe Emmanuel
    European Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews . 2024; 1(2): 112-118.

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