607 articles found.The first 100 results are shown.
- Comorbidity of psychiatric disorders among patients with self-harm
Naila Yaqoob, Sadaf Ahsan, Omer Jalal Rawal Medical Journal. 2023; 48(3): 610-613. - Social Philosophy Of The Rishi Movement And Its Necessity In Contemporary Times
Irfan Jalal Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(2): 1058-1070. - Screening Strategies for the Detection of Breast Cancer: Correlating Knowledge and Practice of Women in Eastern Saudi Arabia
Sahbanathul Missiriya Jalal Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2023; 11(4): 74-84. - Online Teaching, Psychological State, and Job Satisfaction: Teachers Perspective during COVID-19 Pandemic
Muhammad Shabbir Ali, BushraNaoreen, Asif Iqbal, Hina Jalal Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 358-364. - Reconstruction of Andragogical Principles in Porang Farming Community
Rofik Jalal Rosyanafi, Djoko Saryono, Abdul Latief Bustami, Hardika,
Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(3): 521-535. - Impact of Self Efficacy of University Teachers on Their Performance
Bushra Naoreen, Syeda Samina Tahira, Dr. Shumaila Shahzad, Hina Jalal Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 2241-2248. - Logical memory, speed of processing and social-emotional development during middle childhood: The "Unknown Known"
Eman Jalal, Saad Arshad, Ayesha Jabeen, Syeda Laiba Hassan Rawal Medical Journal. 2024; 49(4): 831-834. - Ophthalmologic emergencies in pediatric patients aged 0–2 years
Mustafa Oguz Cumaoglu, Turgut Dolanbay, Abdussamed Vural , Gamze Yildirim Bicer, Mustafa Ozcelik, Mustafa Cihan Altay Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(2): 306-9. - Non- ST-elevation Myocardial Infraction in a Patient with Essential Thrombocytosis: Successful Treatment with GP-IIbIIIa Inhibitor
Kaiser Habib, S Jalal, Pawan Suri, K Aslam, Viqar Jan, Hilal Rather, Sultan Elahi. Rawal Medical Journal. 2008; 33(2): 262-263. - PRACTICES OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT: CHALLENGES AND ISSUES IN PAKISTAN
Syeda Samina Tahira, Muhammad Shabbir Ali, Tanzeela Latif, Saba Iqbal, Hina Jalal Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 5728-5737. - Decreased butyrylcholinesterase and oxytocin levels versus increased dopamine levels in Advanced Alzheimer'sPatients: A Preliminary-Study
Durmuş Ayan, Esma Özmen , Serpil Erşan, İsmail Sarı, Erdal Erşan, Sibel Söylemez, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(8): 0-0. - Evaluation of the relationship between endocrine organ masses; the thyroid and breasts
Hacı Bolat, Bülent Çakmak Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(3): 276-279. - Effect of exogenously applied kinetin and glycinebetaine on metabolic and yield attributes of rice (Oryza sativa L.) under drought stress
Jalal-ud-Din, Sami Ullah Khan, Ahmad Khan, Shahzad Naveed Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(1): 75-81. - Infant care among mothers in Central and Eastern Provinces of Saudi Arabia, 2017
Muneerah Abdulrahman Aljumah, Nourah Mohammed Alduhiem, Hajer Ali Alkreedees, Fatma Omer Bashraheel, Zahra Adel Jaffal, Ghadir Jalal Jwaid, Zahra Ahmed Al Talaq, Malak Sulaiman Alrejaye International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(12): 2210-2214. - Detection of alcohol use: Guidance of direct biomarker phosphatidylethanol
Dilek Salkim Islek, Fatma Beyza Kula, Eda Kiris, Omer Karatas, Nazlı Holumen, Emel Hulya Yukseloglu Novel Forensic Research. 2023; 2(1): 18-20. - Evaluation of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) applications in the aspect of forensic chemistry
Dilek Salkım Islek, Eda Kiris, Omer Karatas, Nazli Holumen, Emel Hulya Yukseloglu Novel Forensic Research. 2023; 2(2): 33-44. - Impact of Climate on Agricultural Production in England
M Cuneyt BAGDATLI, Ilknur UCAK , Rowida KHALILY Innovations in Agriculture. 2023; 6(0): 01-05. - Awareness of Female Patients Towards HPV Vaccine and Pap Smear at Maternity and Children Hospital in the City of Makkah, Saudi Arabi
Farkad Bantun*, Saad Alshehri, Ahmed A. Khorsan, Mashael Kelantan, Abeer A. Barhameen, Sumyya H. Hariri, Hamdi M. Al-Said, Naif A. Jalal, Aiman M. Momenah, Sami S. Ashgar , Naeem F. Qusty Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2022; 13(5): 21-25. - Variability of Carotid Intima Media Thickness in Youth According to the Geographic Region
Mustafa, Aparcı, Zekeriya, Arslan, Ejder, Kardeşoğlu, Eyüp, Büyükkaya, Ömer, Yiğiner, Turgay, Çelik, Ömer, Uz, Zafer, Işılak, Bekir, Sıtkı, Cebeci, Ersoy, Işık TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2009; 8(2): 119-124. - Unfavorable Effects of Smoking on Atherosclerotic Risk Factors of Young Individuals
Mustafa, Aparcı, Zekeriya, Arslan, Zafer, Işılak, Ejder, Kardeşoğlu, Ömer, Yiğiner, Ömer, Uz, Turgay, Çelik, Atilla, İyisoy, Bekir, Yılmaz, Cingözbay, Bekir, Sıtkı, Cebeci TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2009; 8(3): 193-198. - Grain growth and yield potential of wheat genotypes under late sown heat stressed condition
Joyanti Ray, Jalal Uddin Ahmed Fundamental and Applied Agriculture. 2019; 4(1): 671-679. - Pneumothorax in the newborn due to oxygen therapy through the intubation tube; A case report
Murat Kuru, Fatma Durak, Selda Yavascan Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(2): 509-11. - The influence and effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on orthopaedic resident training: a nationwide cross-sectional survey in Turkey
Evrim Duman, Hüseyin Bilgehan Çevik, Osman Yağız Atlı, Önder Ersan Hand and Microsurgery. 2022; 11(1): 3-10. - Which Markers Playing a Role in Diabetic Polyneuropathy and Neuropathic Pain? (Diyabetik Polinöropati ve Nöropatik Ağrıda Hangi Belirteçler Rol Oynuyor?)
Mehlika Panpalli Ates, Sevgi Ferik, Hayat Guven, Selim Selcuk Comoglu Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2021; 6(3): 0-0. - Retrospective analysis of elderly poisoning cases admitted to emergency departments: A two-center study
Abdussamed Vural, Turgut Dolanbay, Levent Sahin, Mustafa Ozcelik Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(1): 138-44. - The effect of qat chewing and other factors on breast-feeding and child survival in a Yemeni society.
Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Omer; Mohammed Al Mansoub; Rahab Omer; Rasha Omer; Muna Shadli; Rachael Williams Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics. 2011; 11(2): 14-20. - The availability of reading-comprehension tools developed according to the learning outcomes in 3rd grade curricula: An evaluation based on teachers' opinions
Ömer Cem KARACAOĞLU Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(2): 831-852. - Türk Mûsikîsi Rehberi Gülçin YAHYA KAÇAR 1. Baskı, Ankara: Maya Akademi Yayın Da�ıtım, 2009, 417 s. ISBN 978-605-5985-41-7
Ömer Can SATIR Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(2): 10-14. - Functioning and quality of life in bipolar disorder
Omer Aydemir Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2016; 29(1): 1-7. - YARATMA CESARETİ
Ömer Can SATIR Elementary Education Online. 2011; 10(1): 11-16. - Type 1 bilateral spontaneous rupture of the 5. Flexor digitorum profundus tendon: a case report
Ömer Fatih Nas Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2012; 46(4): 221-224. - The comparison of vacuum assisted closure (VAC) and conventional treatment methods in postpneumonectomy empyema cases
Omer Cenap Gulyuz, Ozgur Omer Yildiz, Goktan Temiz, Ilknur Aytekin Celik, Nurettin Karaoglanoglu Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(10): 2200-5. - English Title Not Available [Turkish Title:DIŞ BORÇLANMA KAPASİTESİ YAKLAŞIMLARI VE TÜRKİYE\'DE DIŞ BORÇLANMANIN SINIRI]
Ömer Veysel ÇALIŞKAN Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2003; 14(48): 59-69. - English title is not available [Turkish title: Türkiye\'de Kayıtdışı Ekonomi ve Siyasal Yapılanma]
Ömer Faruk Çolak Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2003; 14(49): 248-258. - Medical Waste Management Survey in Primary Health Care Centers, Saudi Arabia
Eltigani O.M Omer, Ali S. R. Alsubaie Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2017; 5(1): 7-22. - Sıcak Hava Dalgaları ve Korunma
Ömer Faruk Tekbaş TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2007; 6(3): i-ii. - The factors affecting 5th grade students attitudes towards performance tasks
Hatice KUMANDAŞ ,ÖMER KUTLU Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(2): 714-722. - Nitelikli Çocuk Kitaplarının Öğrencilerin Bilişsel İşlevleri Kullanma Düzeylerine Etkisi
Zeynel HAYRAN,H.Ömer BEYDOĞAN Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(4): 1589-1599. - The Instrument for Determining the Views of Primary School Students about Scientific Knowledge
Gül ÜNAL ÇOBAN ,Ömer ERGİN Elementary Education Online. 2008; 7(3): 706-716. - A Research on defining the factor structures of tests used at secondary schools student selection and placement test
Ömer KUTLU ,Ismail KARAKAYA Elementary Education Online. 2007; 6(3): 397-410. - Transcranial Brain Sonography in Parkinsons Disease and Other Parkinsonian Disorders: a Hospital Study from Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dzevdet Smajlovic, Omer C. Ibrahimagic Medical Archives. 2017; 71(4): 261-264. - Effects of Budget Deficit on Current Account Balance: Analysis of Twin Deficits Hypothesis in Case of Turkey
Metin BAYRAK; Ömer ESEN Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2012; 23(82): 23-49. - Dual Situated Learning Model and Science Teaching
Ercan AKPINAR ,Ömer ERGİN Elementary Education Online. 2007; 6(3): 390-396. - Development of the Scale of Project Based Virtual Learning Qualifications
Murat TUNCER ,Ömer YILMAZ Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(1): 109-119. - The Role of Science Teacher in Constructivist Theory
Ercan Akpınar ,Ömer Ergin Elementary Education Online. 2005; 4(2): 55-64. - The need for the Bachelor of Creative Drama in Higher Education of Turkey: Insights from Experts
Ömer Adıgüzel, İhsan Metinnam Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(1): 628-641. - The Scale for Determining the Views of Primary School Students about the Existence Domain of Scientific Knowledge
Gül ÜNAL ÇOBAN ,Ömer ERGİN Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(1): 188-202. - Importance of Campylobacter jejuni for Food Safety and Public Health
Ömer, Çakmak,, İrfan, Erol TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2010; 9(2): 157-166. - Comparison of the caregiver burden of the mothers of children with cerebral palsy and healthy children
Ercan Kaydok, Sezin Solum, Nesibe Sultan Cinaroglu Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(1): 67-72. - Osteitis of the Elbow: A Case Report
El alami Reda, Moudoud Youness, Berrada Mohamed Saleh, Kharmaz Mohamed, Lamrani Moulay Omar, Bassir Ridallah, Boufettal Moncef, EL Mekkaoui Jalal, Fekhaoui Mohamed Reda European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2024; 8(4): 64-67. - Atypical Presentation of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
Aysel Milanlıoğlu, Ömer Faruk Odabaş Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2012; 25(3): 278-280. - Usability Views of Stakeholders on Online Monitoring and Assessment of Reading Activities
Ömer Kırmacı, Özden Şahin İzmirli Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(2): 525-546. - İlkokul 4. Sınıf İçin Hazırlanan Bilimsel Süreç Becerileri Programının Etkililiğinin Belirlenmesi
Fatma Betül Kurnaz ,Ömer Kutlu Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(2): 529-547. - Development of Receptive Language in the Preschool Stage Through Storytelling
Ozan Cihat Yalçınkaya,Ömer Adıgüzel Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(2): 563-583. - An Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Public Sector Size and Economic Growth in Turkey
Ömer Faruk ALTUNÇ, Celil AYDIN Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2012; 23(82): 79-98. - DEVALUATION AND J-CURVE
Ömer Tanju Durusoy, İbrahim Tokatlıoğlu Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1997; 8(24): 65-79. - İçme ve Kullanma Sularının Kullanımında Dikkat Edilecek Hususlar
Ömer Faruk Tekbaş, Recai Oğur TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(3): i-iii. - English Title Not Available [Turkish Title:İŞGÜCÜ PİYASASINDA AYRIMCILIK: TÜRKİYE VE SEÇİLMİŞ ÜLKE ÖRNEKLERİ]
Ömer Faruk ÇOLAK, Hakan ARDOR Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2001; 12(40): 89-112. - Sexually Transmitted Infections and Protection in Soldiers
Ömer Coşkun, Ahmet Karakaş TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2012; 11(3): 345-352. - Değişime Hazır Olma Ölçeğinin Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik Çalışması
Yaşar Kondakçı ,Merve Zayim ,Ömer Çalışkan Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(1): 23-35. - The Analysis of Adolescents Attitude to Social Media and their Loneliness Level*
Farkha K. Trifa
Fattah A. Othman
Attar T. Omer THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (Botany). 2013; 9(1): 159-162. - Lipid Profile in Depressive Disorders with Melancholic and Atypical Features
Ömer Geçici, H. Murat Emül, Mustafa Serteser Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2005; 18(2): 82-88. - Matematiksel Zorluklar ve Çözüm Önerileri
Ömer ŞAHİN ,Burçin GÖKKURT,Yasin SOYLU Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(3): 1-6. - Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilişim Güvenliği Eğitimi Verebilmeye Yönelik Yeterlilik Algılarının İncelenmesi
Ömer Faruk Gökmen , Özcan Erkan Akgün Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(3): 1208-1221. - Some Physiological and Serum Biochemical Reference Values of Adult Chukar Partridge (Alectoris chukar Kurdestanica) in Kurdistan Region-Iraq
Omer Pavel, Bahjat Abbas, Hiewa Dyary Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2022; 15(2): 87-96. - Detection of Caprine-specific Nucleic Acid Sequences in Goat Milk Using Polymerase Chain Reaction
Asim A. Osman, Imadeldin E. Aradaib, Omer A. Musa Materia Socio Medica. 2013; 25(2): 105-108. - An interactive web application for propensity score matching with R shiny; example of thrombophilia
Emre Demir, Serdal Kenan Kose, Omer Faruk Akmese, Engin Yildirim Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(2): 490-8. - Environmental Factors and Cardiovascular Diseases
Ömer, Faruk, Tekbaş TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(5): 435-444. - Sekizinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin İstatistik Konusundaki Matematiksel Dil Becerilerinin Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli İle İncelenmesi
Zeynep Çakmak ,Ömer Faruk Çetin ,Mehmet Bektemir Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(2): 299-317. - CHEMICALS AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH
Ömer, Faruk, TEKBAŞ* TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2006; 5(1): 50-59. - Sınırda Kişilik Bozukluğunda Modları Anlama ve İyileştirmeye Üzerine Bir Derleme
AYŞE Gök Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2022; 11(2): 158-167. - Etiology and clinical pattern of cervical lymphadenopathy in Sudanese children.
Jalal Ali Bilal; Eltahir M Elshibly Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics. 2012; 12(1): 97-103. - Indirect shoot organogenesis of a valuable medicinal plant Paederia foetida L. using nodal explants
Totan Kumar Ghosh1, Samia Haque Binto1, Jalal Uddin Ahmed1, S.M. Zubair Al-meraj1, Mohammad Zahangeer Alam2 Fundamental and Applied Agriculture. 2019; 4(2): 806-814. - Molluscum contagiosum chez un adulte immunocompétent : aspect clinique, dermoscopique et histologique (Molluscum contagiosum in an immunocompetent adult: clinical, dermoscopic and histological aspects)
Youness Elkhachine, Mohammed Sinaa, Abderazak Jakar, Jalal Elbenaye International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(9): 21-23. - Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Emrah Can, Ali Bülbül, Sinan Uslu, Ömer Güran, Asiye Nuhoğlu Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(3): 124-127. - Pre-service Teachers Pedagogical Content Knowledge Regarding Student Mistakes on the Subject of Geometric Shapes*
Burçin Gökkurt , Ömer Şahin , Yasin Soylu , Yusuf Doğan Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(1): 55-71. - Adult Immunization
Ömer, Çoşkun TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(2): 159-166. - A comparison of clinical characteristics in bipolar I disorder and antidepressant-associated mania/hypomania
Nesrin Tomruk, Ömer Saatçioğlu, Rahşan Erim, Nihat Alpay Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2010; 23(2): 85-91. - Leucopenia due to quetiapine abuse and combination with olanzapine: a case report
Erkan Aydın, Ömer Şenormancı, Kürşat Altınbaş, Erhan Kurt Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2010; 23(3): 219-222. - TREATMENT WITH BONE MARROW PRODUCTS ACCELERATES RECOVERY FROM CHEMOTHERAPY ASSOCIATED LEUKOPENIA AND LIVER INJURY IN TUMOUR BEARING MICE
Mohamed L. Salem, Kadry A. EL-Bakry, Nahed A. Omer, Eman H. Moubark THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (Zoology). 2015; 11(2): 201-2011. - Infectious dermatological diseases findings of the wrestlers according to regions
Omer Kaynar Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(1): 65-69. - A comparison of on-admission blood cell count-derived parameters on the development of contrast-induced nephropathy in acute coronary syndromes
Casit Olgun Celik Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(1): 296-302. - THE IMPACT OF WORDS ATTACK STRATEGIES ON IRAQI EFL INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS STUDENTS' READING COMPREHENSION
1Rusal Assim, 2Abd Ali Nayif Hassan, 3Nada Abdul Waahid Omer Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(1): -. - The impact of self-stigmatization on functioning in bipolar disorder
Ömer Aydemir Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2013; 3(4): 141-5. - Immunoexpression of androgen receptor in genital tissues of male BALB/c mice
Fatih Mehmet GÜR, Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(9): 0-0. - English Title Not Available [Turkish title: TÜRKİYE EKONOMİSİNİN REKABET GÜCÜ]
Erol TAYMAZ, Oğuz OYAN, Ömer Faruk ÇOLAK, Serdar SAYAN Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2003; 14(47): 99-126. - Herniorrhaphy in two newborn lambs with omphalocele
 Jalal Mohamed Abdelhadi , Aiman Oheida Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(4): 667-671. - Biological debridement with maggots in chronic wounds: a case series
Şenol Yıldız, Mehmet Tanyüksel, Engin Araz, Ömer Faruk Taner, Ömer Coşkun,
Yüksel Yurttaş, Günalp Uzun TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016; 15(4): 336-341. - Effect of Absenteeism on Student’s Performance in Different Components of Examinations - A Comparison of Online Verses Offline Teaching
Zaheera Saadia, Khalid Nasrallah, Aseel Ibrahim Alzuwaydi, Hossam Omer Hamid Acta Informatica Medica. 2024; 32(1): 47-53. - Factors Affecting Yo-Yo Syndrome in University Students with Obesity
Omer Karaman , Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(4): 336-341. - Effects of Developments in Digital Economy and Economic Complexity Index on Foreign Trade Balance: Panel Data Analysis for Developed Countries
Ömer Tanju DURUSOY Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2024; 35(133): 367-387. - Investigation of the immunological changes and comparison of the microbiological flora of the tonsil surface and core in recurrent tonsillitis
Erdoğan Gültekin, Ömer N. Develioğlu, Murat Yener, Mehmet Karakaya, Zafer Çiftçi Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2011; 45(3): 80-84. - Extremity Vessel Injuries Due to Gunshot and Explosive Weapons
Ahmet Çekirdekçi, Çağatay Çifter, Tansel Darçın, Ömer Tetik, Oğuz Köksel Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 1994; 3(2): 66-9. - Dying for milk: A neonate with severe hypernatremia associated with inadequate breast feeding.
Omer S M Suliman Sudanese Journal of Paediatrics. 2015; 15(2): 55-62. - Effects of isotretinoin treatment on menstrual cycle in acne patients
Banu Ismail Mendi, Mehmet Fatih Atak, Bokebatur Ahmet Rasit Mendi, Sumeyye Tanir Ozer, Banu Farabi Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2024; 13(3): 629-32. - Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry profiling of the costus plant Saussurea lappa (Decne.) C.B. Clarke root extracts and their anti-bacterial activity
Reem EE Omer, Faisal Koua, Ibtehal MA Omer, Amar Mohamed Ismail, Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2019; 9(5): 73-81. - Dermoscopic diagnosis of epidermal cyst
Omer Faruk Elmas Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(7): 1249-52. - Clinical features of patients who were diagnosed with glaucoma incidentally
Gamze Yildirim Bicer Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(3): 618-22.