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7 articles found.

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  1. Growth, rumen development and meat quality in lambs of Blackhead Pleven breed, weaned at 25 and 70 days of age
    Miroslav Simeonov, Nikolai Todorov, Krum Nedelkov, Stefan Ribarski, Teodora Popova, David Yovchev, Atanas Kirilov and Ina Stoicheva
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2015; 27(3): 291-301.
  2. Effect of HPV status, smoking and alcohol consumption, on miRNA expression in oral cancer - a review of the literature
    Konstantin Tonchev, Boyan Vladimirov, Victoria Sarafian, Nikolai Mehterov
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2017; 3(4): 234-243.

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