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9 articles found.

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  1. Effects of various pre-slaughter weights on the physico-chemical qualities of pig meat
    Mykola Povod, Olekasndr Mykhalko, Oleksandr Kyselov, Victor Opara, Valery Andreychuk, Yevheniia Samokhina
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2021; 8(3): 521-533.
  2. Comparative hygienic evaluation of behavior of different pesticides groups in soil, prediction of risk of ground water contamination and its danger for human health in areas with irrigation farming
    Olesya Novohatska, Pavlo Stavnichenko, Mykola Kondratiuk, Anna Antonenko, Olena Vavrinevich, Sergiy Omelchuk, Vasyl Bardov
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2018; 43(1): 129-136.
  3. Сharacterization of lytic activity of Phage SAvB14 on Staphylococcus aureus variant bovis
    Yulia Horiuk, Victor Horiuk, Mykola Kukhtyn, Anatoliy Tsvihun, Sergiy Kernychnyi
    Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research. 2020; 7(3): 509-513.

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