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  1. Tobacco Brand Names and Logos Recognition by First Grade Schoolchildren
    Mohammed K. AlShehri, Mohammed D. AlAhmari
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2019; 7(1): 32-38.
  2. Thyroid nodules and the risk of cancer based on fine-needle aspiration using Bethesda classification in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Fahad Alsabaan, Abdulrahman F. Alotaibi, Mohammed A. Alshehri, Manea Mohammed Alahmari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(3): 990-995.
  3. Quality of life of children with acute cough: a cross-sectional study
    Abdulaziz Musaad Abdulaziz Aldayel, Moath Sulieman Mohammed Aljabri, Abdulaziz Jarallah N. Alobaidi, Nouf Adel Hadi Hakami, Faris Ali Saeed Al Ghasib, Mohammed Fawzi Jameel Mujallid, Abdullah Odah Alahmari, Mohammed Saud Alenzi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(12): 2149-2152.
  4. Dietary habits among female medical student in King Khalid University, Abha City, 2014
    Safar Abadi Al Saleem, Reem Saeed Alahmari, Mastorah Saeed Alahmari
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016; 5(6): 1268-1274.
  5. A study to compare the efficacy of Static stretching and PNF stretching on forward shoulder posture
    Venkata Nagaraj Kakaraparthi, Khalid Alahmari, Irshad Ahmed
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2016; 4(1): 1-13.
  6. Pulsatile tinnitus secondary to sigmoid sinus diverticulum: A case report
    Abdussalam A Alahmari
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2022; 10(4): 121-126.
  7. Association between pulmonary embolism and abnormality in vital signs in Central Hospital, Saudi Arabia
    Ali Mousa Alahmari, Mohammed Hussain Almobarak, Adel Mahmoud Altowairqi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(2): 627-633.
  8. Enhanced Recovery Experience After Orthopaedic Surgery: A Systematic Review of Patient-Reported Outcomes
    Muath Abdulghani Alturkistani, Ali Mohammed Alahmari, Hussam Hussain Alhumaidi, Mohammed Muteb Alharbi, Alhanouf Adnan Alqernas, Noor Sayed Alsharkhat, Abdullah Khalaf Alshammari, Faisal Khalaf Alshammari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(1): 108-112.
  9. Prevalence and risk factors of anterior cruciate ligament injuries among football team players in Bisha City, Saudi Arabia
    Zenat Ahmed Khired, Hazem Shalan Alshahrani, Nawaf Mohammed Altayyib, Abdullah Hassan Alsuayri, Ayman DhaifAllah Alamri, Abdullah Saeed Alahmari, Mohammed Ali Alqarni, Saud Khshaim Alsaadi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(10): 1325-1332.
  10. The burden on EDs during Hajj due to pilgrim noncompliance with treatment for chronic conditions
    Areej Omar BaDawood, Asseil Ali Bossei, Mohammed Fahad AlSabhani, Sana Moghram AlAhmari, Mohammed Tariq Shata, Anas F. Hamam
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2020; 1(2): 103-109.
  11. The Role of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in the Development of Urinary Tract Complications: A Systematic Review
    Abdullah Abdu Ali Assiri, Sarah S. Alahmari, Manal Saeed Mohammed Al-qahtani, Saud Mamdoh Alfaisal, Nejod Mubasher M. Alnaem, Abdulaziz Mohammed Abdulhadi Al Muidh, Turki Saad Alshahrani, Abdulrhman Mohammed Asiri, Yahya Saeed Y. Alshafea, Abdulrahman Hisham Alqahtani, Muath Majed Alqahtani
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2025; 9(1): 256-261.
  12. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of self-ear cleaning among medical and nonmedical students at King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia
    Abdulaziz Ahmed A. Alshehri, Khalid Ayed Asiri, Moshabab Saeed D. Alahmari, Haifa Hisham A. Alwabel, Yahya Dhafer Alahmari, Syed Esam Mahmood
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(6): 960-967.
  13. General public awareness of adult population toward hypoglycemic attacks in Saudi Arabia
    Sultan Abdulrahman S. Alamrani, Mawddah Mohammed Bushnag, Faysal Mohammed Alahmari, Abdulaziz Khalid Almowina, Muath Saeed Alqahtani, Nasser Hamoud Alotibi, Rayan Meshal Almutairi, Mohammed Mutlaq Althobaiti, Ghassan Althinayyan
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(9): 1482-1490.
  14. The comparative preference between zirconia and e-max among dentists in Saudi Arabia
    Alwaleed N Almalki, Mohannad M Almusined, Tariq Ibrahim Alqunayan, Abdullah A Alahmari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(6): 536-541.
  15. Prevalence and risk factors of depression among patients with type 2 diabetes in Taif - a cross-sectional study
    Omar Mohammed Alsaeed, Adel Abdullah Alshehri, Faisal Ahmad Alsumairi, Rayan Mohsen Almalki, Naif Fayez Alahmari, Ali Hussain Althobaiti, Ayman Abdelbaky Atalla
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(10): 1746-1754.
  16. The Effect of Aflatoxins on Male Reproduction
    Mohammed N. Mohammed, Magdy M. Ameen, Osman A. Mohammed, Osman MO. Al-Maghraby, Hekmat O. Abdel Aziz, Salah R. Ahmed, Mohamed Alkhatim Alsammani
    Medical Archives. 2014; 68(5): -.
  17. Influence of Socioeconomic Status in the Age at Menarche and Duration of Menstrual Bleeding
    Mohammed Elshiekh Saeed, Ammar Mohammed Ali Mohammed
    Materia Socio Medica. 2011; 23(4): 195-199.
  18. Cardiovascular manifestations in juvenileonset Behcet's disease: unusual mode of revelation
    Meriem Boumaaz, Iliyasse Asfalou, Ilyas El Kassimi, Maha Raissouni, Aatif Benyass, Elmehdi Zbir
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021; 5(3): 85-88.
  19. Atrial Fibrillation in patients of Arar, Northern Saudi Arabia
    Ahmed Futaykhan Alanazi, Abdulaziz Mofareh Alanazi, Mana Saleh Hadi AlGrad, Mohammed Mahdi Owiad AlSuliman, Faisal Saleh Alanazi, Abdulelah Abdulrhman Alzammam, Khalid Nadi Alanazi, Alhanouf Hussein Alahmari, Adel Turki Alenezi, Mohammed Abdullah Ali Qurayshah, Jafar Faraj Alamrad, Abdulaziz Matar R Alanazi,
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(7): 604-608.
  20. General public awareness toward gastroesophageal reflux disease in Saudi Arabia
    Saeed Mahmoud Mohammad, Asma Ali Mrair, Ali Mohammad Alqaraishi, Meshari Saleh Alwadei, Faisal Mohammed Alshehri, Abdulaziz Mohammed Alnojeam, Majed Ahmed Alanazi, Feras Obaidallah Alsulami, Mohammed Saleh Sawwan, Omar Mohammed Al Alshaykh
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(2): 581-587.
  21. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Regarding Burns Prevention and Burn First Aid Among Medical Students of King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
    Lama S Alghamdi, Asma M Alahmari, Hissa M Alshaibani, Manal A Alem, Nada M Aloufi, Anhar M Hasanain, Mawaddah K Yousuf, Badrah S. Alghamdi
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2023; 9(2): 44-51.
  22. Parents' knowledge, attitude, and practice toward childhood vaccinations, in Saudi Arabia, 2019
    Waleed A. Alsalhi, Mansour Mohammed Alqurashi, Fatemah M. Albarghawi, Fatimah Abdullah AlMuhanna, Alhanouf Hussein Alahmari, Abdullah Yahya Aldhban, Hamdan Dhafer Alshehri, Turki Abdullah AlJaloud, Ghadah Abdulrahman Albalawi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(4): 781-787.
  23. La myélite secondaire au cytomégalovirus: Un mode de révélation non commun du VIH
    Loukou Franck Arnaud Kouakou, Niamien Patrice Koffi, Fernand Nathan Imoumby, Abderrahmane Housni, Miloud Gazzaz, Brahim el Mostarchid
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(2): 36-38.
  24. Une masse hypervasculaire de la région carotidienne: le chémodectome carotidien A hypervascular mass of the carotid space: carotid body tumor
    Suzanne Rita Aubin Igombe, Yaotse Elikplim Nordjoe, Raissa Albertine Kaukone Nyare, Fernand Nathan Imoumby, Jamal El Fenni, Abdelaziz Hommadi, Issam En-Naffa, Zamani Ouijdane
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(14): 52-54.
  25. Prevalence and incidence of urinary incontinence in pregnancy: a review
    Sarah Sultan Alahmari, Jameelah Ali Aboud, Fatimah Saleh Saad Alamri
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(7): 1793-1797.
  26. Genetic Diversity of Vibrio Parahemolyticus Isolated from some Shellfish
    Mohammed Mohammed Mousa, Hany Mohammed Abo yousif, Walaa Ibrahium Ahmed, Asmaa Moataz El Shabacy,
    Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2019; 61(2): 83-89.
  27. Influence of gender and economic status on the level of Saudi awareness towards coronary artery diseases risk factors and its positive modifications
    Faisal S. Alahmari, Fras W. Alhijli, Mohammed A. Alfadhel, Khaled A. Alkhudhairi, Sultan A. Aljohani, Mohammad R. Alshammri
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(9): 1634-1640.
  28. Recurrent Parotid salivary duct carcinoma in a single case and a review of the literature
    Youness El-Khadir, Oumayma Bounid, Ghita Hadraoui, Sanae Chaouia, Rokkaya Iharti, Samir Barkiche, Mouna Darfaoui, Issam Lalya, Abdelhamid El Omrani, Mouna Khouchani
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(9): 76-78.
  29. Radial diaphysis fracture associated with dislocation of the ipsilateral radial head: A case report
    Soufiane Aharram, Mounir Yahyaoui, Amghar Jawad, Omar Agoumi, Daooudi Abdelkrim
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(6): 112-113.
  30. Distance learning approach during COVID-19 pandemic for undergraduate medical students in four major universities in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - a survey report on students’ perspective
    Mohammed Abdullah Almutawa, Sulaiman Khalid Alfouzan, Albaraa Ali Alahmari, Yasir Ali Albarrak, Mohammad Fareed, Razique Anwer
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(8): 1496-1506.
  31. Intravenous methylprednisolone induced acute pancreatitis: a case report
    Benayad Aourarh, Tarik Adioui, Sanaa Berrag, Mouna Tamzaourte, Aziz Aourarh
    European Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2021; 5(11): 310-312.
  32. The effect of cataract surgery on patients quality of life in Jazan, Saudi Arabia
    Yara Mohammed Mobarki, Majid Moafa, Mohammed Yahya Faqihi, Abdulrahman Mohammed Adawi, Azza Jabir Mohanna, Abdullrahman Darraj,
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(1): 36-42.
    Naoual Benhmidou, Fadoua Rais, Fadila Kouhen, Abdelhak Maghous, Hasna Loughlimi, Khadija Bellahammou, Hanan Elkacemi, Tayeb Kebdani, Sanaa Elmajjaoui, Noureddine Benjaafar
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2017; 3(3): 192-196.
  34. Brain metastasis from uterine malignancies: treatment modalities and prognostic factors
    Naoual Benhmidou, Fadoua Rais, Abdellah Aissa, Otman Akkar, Khadija Bellahammou, Hasna Loughlimi, Abdelhak Maghous, Fadila Kouhen, Tayeb Kebdani, Hanan Elkacemi, Sanaa Elmajjaoui, Noureddine Benjaafar
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2017; 3(1): 60-64.
  35. Spider procedure for sacral pressure sore reconstruction:A case report.
    Sarah Sabur, Imane El Aissaoui, Mohammed Raboune, Lamiaa Bensaida, Samir Mazouz, Noureddine Gharib, Abdellah Abassi
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2017; 1(2): 46-48.
  36. Ultrasonic Scanning for Placentome Size in Pregnant Maraz Goat in Sulaimani Province
    Burhan Sabir Mohammed, Salah Noori Mohammed and Talib Ghaidan Mnnat Ali
    Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2023; 16(2): 98-106.
    Mohammed Abulqaseem Mohammed Elasfar, Dr. Hema Roshney binti Mustafa
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(5): 2891-2906.
  38. The impact of disciplinary sanctions on scientific promotions – A comparative analytical study
    Iman Haif Mohammed, Mohammed Abdul Amir Abbas Al-Ardi
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 2048-2061.
  39. The impact of disciplinary sanctions on scientific promotions – A comparative analytical study
    Iman Haif Mohammed, Mohammed Abdul Amir Abbas Al-Ardi
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 2026-2039.
  40. Prevalence and risk factors for diabetic retinopathy in Saudi Arabia: systematic review study
    Abdullah Atiah Al-Ghamdi, Nura Fikri Alshoaibi, Bedoor Mesad Aldaadi, Manar Mohammed H. Alamri, Shahad Mansour Alharthi, Rahaf Ali Alothman, Sabah Mubarak H. Alshahrani, Wed Hani Alghazal, Reham Nasser Alsaud, Walaa Muteb D. Alahmari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(10): 2866-2867.
    Ragaa M. El-Balshy, Mohammed El-Hady, *Gamal M. Madkour, Mohammed Abdel Halim , Amina F. Tag
    THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (Zoology). 2009; 5(0): 341-352.
    Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine. 1986; 5(4): 27-28.
    Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine. 1986; 5(4): 33-35.
    Sura Essam Mohammed Reda, Sarah Mohammed Abed
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(11): 27-35.
    Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine. 1986; 5(4): 29-30.
  46. Barriers to accessing mental health services among medical students at Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Eman Abahussain, Mohammed Abdulhameed Alelaiwi, Abdulaziz Abdullah bin Masoud, Mohannad Salahaden Aldosari, Feras Ibrahim Albasri, Abdulhakeem Hamad Alkhenizan, Ali Ahmed Alghamdi, Adnan Zohair Mulla
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(8): 1956-1967.
  47. Breaking bad news to a patient diagnosed with diabetes mellitus: perceptions of the Saudi population
    Samer Alzahrani, Norah Turki Alrowaitee, Hadeel Saifaldeen Hawsawi, Aljawharah Mohammed Alshahrani, Lina Ziyad Alshalan, May Saud Alharbi, Waleed Thamer Abanumay, Nafad Nasser Alyahya
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(12): 3610-3616.
  48. Accessory Renal Vessels
    Ammar Mohammed Ali Mohammed, Rami Gusm Elseed Abdalrasol, Khatim Alamin Abdalhai, Mohamed Gommaa Hamad
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2012; 20(3): 196-197.
  49. Serodiagnosis of hydatidosis in sheep slaughtered at Sokoto abattoir, Sokoto state, Nigeria
    MA Saulawa, AA Magaji, OO Faleke, AA Mohammed, AU Junaidu, MD Salihu, AI Musawa, A Sada, LU Fakai, M Mohammed, A Bala, S Sidi & N Lawal
    Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2011; 9(2): 20-23.
  50. Preliminary Evaluation of Some Qualitative Traits of Sugarcane Germplasm of North-Western Nigeria
    L. Abubakar, A.A. Aliero, S.G. Mohammed, S. Mohammed, M. Musa and T.S. Bubuche
    Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 2013; 21(2): 116-121.
    Mohaned Mohammed Sahb, Zeina Mohammed Kadam
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(4): 87-92.
    Sajida J. Kadhim, Mohammed Q. Mohammed, Jasim M. S. Alshawi
    European Chemical Bulletin. 2022; 11(7): 15-22.
  53. Neuroprotective effects of herbal cocktail on cerebrovascular dysfunction in rats with induced hyperhomocysteinaemia
    Ayman Mohammed Algohary, Omar Abdel-Hamed Ahmad-Farid, Areeg Mohammed Abd-Elrazek, Raid Selem Al-Baradie
    Biomedical Research and Therapy. 2016; 3(12): 1045-1061.
  54. Isolated Subtalar Dislocations: Insights from a Case Study and Literature Review
    Abdullah Alzahid, Mohannad Alghamdi, Faisal Alkhadra, Qasem Almulihi, Mohammed Assiri, Mohammed Almulhim, Abdulaziz Alhawas
    Medical Archives. 2024; 78(1): 71-74.
  55. Impact of Dietary Vitamin E and Selenium on Production Performance in Japanese Quail
    Mohammed Adulkareem Wahab, Mahmood Hasan Mohammed Ameen, Dilshad Namiq Khwrshed
    Al-Anbar Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2024; 17(2): 95-104.
  56. Prevalence and Causes of Delay in Seeking Medical Care Among Al-Madina Population, Saudi Arabia
    Anas yousef Alharbi, Abdulrahman Sulaiman Alhazmi, Maged Abdullah Aljabri, Omar mohammed Alawaji, Mohammed khaled Almolhis
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2019; 7(1): 23-31.
  57. Fecal and Urinary Incontinence Associated with Pregnancy and Childbirth
    Ahmed Hussein Subki, Maged Mazen Fakeeh, Muhab Mohammed Hindi, Ali Mohammed Nasr, Adel Dakhel Almaymuni, Hassan S. Abduljabbar
    Materia Socio Medica. 2019; 31(3): 202-206.
  58. A study to measure patients' knowledge about drug safety and use
    Othman Ahmed Daghriri, Abdullmonem Yahya Al Hadi, Adil Mohammed Gereby, Mohammed Hadi Medkhali, Mohammed Mosa Tafyan, Noufa Ibrahim Hakami, Albader Mohammed Yahya Moafa
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(2): 564-569.
  59. Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome: Still arousing clinician interest!
    Ilyas El Kassimi, Adil Rkiouak, Youssef Sekkach
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(11): 2107-10.
  60. Prevalence and Management of Post-Extraction Complications
    *Muad Assiry, Mohammed Aloqbi, Hassan Albrahim, Abdulaziz Alnabulsi, Hala M Abdel-Alim, Maisa O. Al-Sebaei3 Mohammed Y. Al-Ghamdi, Lojain Bassyoni
    Journal of Complementary Medicine Research. 2023; 14(2): 90-97.
  61. Prevalence, health-related quality, and management of premenstrual syndrome among female medical student
    Shurouq AlKhalifa, Roba Aldossary, Maha Alahmari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(2): 263-269.
  62. Satisfaction and Experience of Women with Breast Cancer Screening Services in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Ameerah Abdulmohsen Alrossais, Mustafa Ahmed Alshihri, Nasser Sulaiman Alsubaihi, Lolowh Mohammed Almoheteb, Hagir Mohammed Bakhiet, Muna Hassan Hassanein
    Materia Socio Medica. 2023; 35(2): 129-134.
  63. Adhesive-related skin injuries in adult ICU patients: uncovering prevalence and key risk factors - a systematic review and meta-analysis
    Basel H. Bakhamees, Mona Saad Alshehri, Samar Numan Aljubayri, Nasser Sami Nasser Alyami, Mohammed Saeed M. Almousa, Mohammad Abdulaziz Bin Oti, Hatem Abdullah Ali Alzahrani, Sarah S. Aljaied, Bodour Abdullah A. Alqarni, Abdulrahman M. Alahmari
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(12): 3723-3730.
    Naoual Benhmidou, Fadoua Rais, Khadija Bellahammou, Abdelhak Maghous, Hasna Loughlimi, Meryem kamouni, Fadila Kouhen, Sanaa Elmajjaoui, Tayeb Kebdani, Hanan Elkacemi, Noureddine Benjaafar
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2016; 2(3): 183-186.
  65. Routine childhood immunization status in Saudi Arabia during the COVID-19 pandemic: cross-sectional study
    Alanoud Zaid Aljarbou, Nadeef Jafar Alqahtani, Amani Abdulrahman Abu-Alnaja, Abdulaziz Safar Alshahrani, Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Aldayel, Nouf Mohamed Alzawahmah, Hesham Sameh Abozaid, Leen Jafar Alqahtani
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2021; 5(4): 999-1006.
  66. Cardiac cell regeneration in zebrafish a systematic review study
    Mohammed Al-Shammai, Jawaher Saad Alanazi, Shahad Nazel, Ali Alanazi, Abdulaziz Hejazi, Mahmoud Achira, Amal Alosaimi, Abdulrahman Alhamidi, Danah Alghamdi, Abdulrahman Alsaigh, Murtada Aldahan
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(11): 3169-3180.
  67. High imported malaria incidence at a Moroccon military hospital
    Imane Tlamçani, Najoua Benseddik, Meryem Alami, Moncef Amrani, Salma Benjelloun, Ghita Yahyaoui, Mohammed Er-rami, Mohammed Karim Moudden, Mohamed El Baaj
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014; 4(2): 44-49.
  68. Management and outcome of spontaneous cervical epidural hematoma: Case report and review of the literature
    Adil Belhachmi, Yao Christian Hugues Dokponou, Fernand Nathan Imoumby, Alngar Djimrabeye, Brahim El Mostarchid, Miloud Gazzaz
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2021; 5(12): 15-17.
  69. Effectiveness of different interventions for smoking cessation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
    ​Arwa Ahmed Alqahtani, Yara Khalid Alsarhan, Hadeel Saifaldeen Hawsawi, Razan Mohammed Alanazi, Afnan Fahad Alhallafi, Elaf Nawaf Mubarak, Leen Khalid Alsarhan
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(9): 2531-2540.
    Mohammed Mohammed,
    Science Forum (Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences). 2019; 18(1): 7-12.
  71. Evaluation of knowledge of medical department nurses regarding standard procedure toward electrocardiogram in Al-Amara City Hospitals, Iraq
    Mustafa Salim Abdul Alridh, Amjad Hashim Mohammed, Mohammed Lilo Saadoon
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2023; 48(1): 54-57.
  72. Perception, Attitude, And Practice Of Patients With Osteoarthritis In Sudair Area-Saudi Arabia
    Fihaid Alanazi, Meshary Abdullah Alhammad, Moath Mohammed Almutlaq, Ahmed Khalid Alaqil, Abdulrahman, Mohammed Alanazi
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2021; 9(3): 43-54.
  73. Acceptance of Covid-19 vaccine among nursing students of Mosul University, Iraq
    Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed, Nasir Muwfaq Younis, Nawaf Mohammed Dhahir, Kareem Nasir Hussien
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2022; 47(2): 254-258.
  74. How Many Subjects Should be Studied: Sample Size Determination through Hypothesis Testing and Confidence Interval
    Waqas Sami, Mohammed O. Al-Rukban, Mohammed Almansour, Tayyaba Waqas, Kamran Afzal, Rehan Asad
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2013; 1(2): 43-48.
  75. Glycogen Storage Disease Type IV: A Case Report
    Abdelhakim Elyajouri, Mohamed Sellouti, Abdelhakim Ourrai, Amale Hassani, Rachid Abilkassem, Aomar Agadr
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(5): 88-90.
  76. Telegram as a Tool to Supplement Online Medical Education During COVID-19 Crisis
    Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, Hussain Ibrahim Alradhi, AbdulSalam Abdulkarim Alhumaidi, Khalid Hussni Alshaikh, Abdulraouf Mohammed AlObaid, Mohammed Taher Alhashim, Mona Hmoud AlSheikh
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2020; 28(2): 94-97.
    Mohammed Aliyu Mahuta, Ibrahim Sani Shabanda, Gwani Mohammed, Hannatu Abubakar Sani
    Journal of Innovative Research in Life Sciences. 2024; 6(1): 62-72.
    Mohammed N. Karim Nidhal A. Mohammed
    THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY (Zoology). 2012; 8(2): 349-354.
    Abubakar M, Mohammed IU, Anas H, and Mohammed MT
    Journal of Innovative Research in Life Sciences. 2019; 1(1): 1-8.
  80. Novel use of ear sockets as points of traction in partial foetotomy in Bunaji cows
    AA Bello, S Danbirni, G Mohammed, JS Rwuaan, AK Mohammed & AKB Sackey
    Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences. 2016; 14(2): 63-66.
  81. Seizure Analysis Presented to Emergency Department in Saudi Arabia: New VS Chronic Cases
    Faisal A. AlGhamdi, Zeyad T. Alharbi, Rakan S. Alharb¹, Abdulrahman A. Alfryyan, Nasser A. AlJoaib, Nisreen H. AlMaghraby, Mohammed M. AlGhamdi, Mohammed AlMulhim
    Medical Archives. 2023; 77(6): 465-470.
  82. Functional outcome of closed reduction of supracondylar humerus fracture with Cross Kirschner Wire in children
    Mohammed Bagir Al-Sharaa, Mohammed Shihab Al-Edanni
    Rawal Medical Journal. 2022; 47(1): 137-140.
  83. Incidental 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in respiratory muscles in a patient with Hodgkin lymphoma
    Yassir Benameur, Adnane Hammani, Salah Nabih Oueriagli, El Mehdi Mahtat, Omar Ait Sahel, Kamal Doghmi, Abderrahim Doudouh
    Pakistan Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2022; 12(1): 67-68.
  84. Comparison of Two Treatment Modalities in Overactive Bladder: a Rapid Overview
    Abdulrahim A. Mirza, Mohammed A. Alamoudi, Ahmad A. Mirza, Munirah A. Alsubaie, Mohammed A. Abuzenada
    Medical Archives. 2022; 76(6): 469-472.
  85. Prevalence and risk factors of pediatric constipation in Saudi Arabia: a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis
    Abdulrahman M. Alahmari, Nasser Talal Alotaibi, Abdulmajeed Saad S. Alshahrani, Nouf Abdullah K. Alshammari, Faisal Abdulaziz Albattat, Abdulaziz Mohammed Alsharaef, Aljohara Khalid Alrobeishy, Sajidah Jafar Al Mutar, Remas A. Alghamdi, Najim z. Alshahrani
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(12): 3714-3722.
  86. Wernicke's encephalopathy: rare complication of hyperemesis gravidarum
    Ayoub Ettabyaoui, Hiba Oudghiri, Otman El Ouarti, Badr Alami, Nizar Bouardi, Meriem Haloua, My Youssef Lamrani Alaoui, Meryem Boubbou, Mustapha Maaroufi
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(12): 1-3.
  87. Detection of Cytological changes in buccal mucosa among Sudanese alcohol drinkers
    Alkhair Abd Almahmoud Idris, Mohammed Abuzied Mustafa , Hassan Moutasim Yousif, Mohammed Aldai Hammad, Mohammed Abdelgader Elsheikh
    Journal of Biological Research and Reviews. 2024; 1(4): 173-178.
  88. Agénésie de l´artère pulmonaire droite, à propos d’un cas
    Ayoub Ettabyaoui, Charifi Yahya, Nizar Bouardi, Meriem Haloua, My Youssef Alaoui Lamrani, Meryem Boubbou, Mustapha Maaroufi, Bader Alami
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(10): 40-43.
  89. Congenital limbs deficiency versus phocomelia the hard workup with the subtleties and malformations accompanying the syndromes images: Case series
    Mohammed Joudi Aboud, Shaimaa Mohammed Kadhim, Noor Mohammed Abudi, Haidar Mohammed Joudi, Zeena Mohammed Joudi
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