12 articles found.
- Analysis of Curcumin on proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation of hepatocyte mice balb/C exposure to benzapyrene: A Systematic Review
Maslichah Mafruchati, Jonathan Makuwira Rawal Medical Journal. 2024; 49(3): 691-694. - Analysis of mice (Mus Musculus L.) and hamster embryo development using culture and vitrification medium: Systematic review
 Maslichah Mafruchati, Jonathan Makuwira Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(2): 143-149. - Morphology and histology of paryphasmata and hemibaculum of Varanus salvator based on sexual maturity
 Alif Yahya Al-maruf , Regita Permata Sari , Imam Mustofa, Suzanita Utama, Chairul Anwar, Maslichah - Mafruchati, Eka Paramytha Hestianah, Lita Rakhma Yustinasari, Benjamin Christoffel Tehupuring, Djoko R Legowo, Boedi Setiawan Open Veterinary Journal. 2021; 11(2): 330-336.