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  1. Fascia iliaca block for postoperative analgesia in a hip fracture patient
    Onur Baran, Ayhan Sahin, Bunyamin Kir, Irem Ates
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(1): 239-41.
  2. Prediction of High School Students’ Mathematics Anxiety by Their Achievement Motivation and Social Comparison
    Ahmet ERDOĞAN , Şahin KESİCİ , İsmail ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2011; 10(2): 646-652.
  3. Can We Predict Psychiatric Disorders at the Adolescence Period in Toddlers? A Machine Learning Approach
    Mirac Baris Usta, Koray Karabekiroglu, Gokce Nur Say, Yusuf Yasin Gumus, Muazzez Aydin, Berkan Sahin, Abdullah Bozkurt, Tolga Karaosman, Armagan Aral, Cansu Cobanoglu, Aysegul Duman Kurt, Neriman Kesim , Irem Sahin
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2020; 10(1): 7-12.
  4. Pathogenesis of chronic complications of diabetes mellitus
    Irem Okuducu Teran
    The Atlantic Journal of Medical Science and Research. 2021; 1(1): 1-3.
  5. Ortaokul 7. Sınıf ‘Vücudumuzdaki Sistemler’ Ünitesine Yönelik Günlük Yaşamla İlişkilendirme Ölçeği Geliştirilmesi
    Çiğdem Şahin ,Şahin Bodur
    Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(3): 999-1016.
  6. Web-assisted Positive Behavior Support
    İsmail ŞAHİN , Şahin KESİCİ
    Elementary Education Online. 2009; 8(1): 224-230.
  7. The effect of instruction designed with integral ASIE model on learning of genetics of preservice science teachers
    Sema İrem Orhan,Abdullah Aydın
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 1381-1406.
  8. Disabled Adolescence: The Views of Mothers about Puberty and Their Problems
    Hatice İrem Özteke Kozan,Erdal Hamart
    Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(3): 977-989.
  9. Effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid on Loss of Myelin Sheath of Sciatic Nerve in Experimentally Induced Diabetic Rats
    Irem Tasci, Caner Feyzi Demir, Tuncay Kuloglu
    Medical Archives. 2018; 72(3): 178-181.
  10. A Rare Neuropsychiatric Disorder: Klein-Levin Syndrome: Case Report
    İrem Yaluğ, Meltem Temiz, Şahap Erkoç, Lütfü Hanoğlu, Hayrettin Kara
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2006; 19(2): 110-114.
  11. Assessment of Quality and Reliability of Electroconvulsive Therapy Videos Available on YouTube
    Bahadir Demir, Sengul Kocamer Sahin, Irem Surme Kilic, Abdurrahman Altindag
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2021; 11(3): 181-185.
  12. Mania Related to Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
    Bahadir Demir, Seren Turkmen Mercan, Sengul Sahin, Irem Surme Kilic, Gulcin Elboga, Abdurrahman Altindag
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2021; 11(1): 84-86.
  13. Psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on hemodialysis patients
    Funda Datli Yakaryilmaz, Irem Pembegul
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(2): 622-7.
  14. Evaluation of the compatibility of phenotypic and molecular methods used to determine carbapenem resistance in enterobacterales isolates
    Yucel Duman , Irem Şik
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(8): 2107-11.
  15. Is Fixation With K-Wire Sufficient In Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability Accompanying The Distal Radius Fracture?
    Ali Şahin, Şahin Çepni,
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2020; 9(3): 128-136.
  16. Evaluation of exclusive breastfeeding rates and breastfeeding duration in term uncomplicated Turkish adolescent mothers
    Mefkure Eraslan Sahin, Erdem Sahin, Yusuf Madendag, Ilknur Col Madendag, Mehmet Ak
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(9): 2346-51.
  17. Evaluation of ECAP thresholds, T and C levels in children with sequential bilateral cochlear implants
    Merve Ozbal Batuk, Betul Cicek Cinar, Ebru Zeren , Özlem Bayülgen , İrem Düşünmez, Gonca Sennaroglu,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(7): 1372-7.
  18. The effects of dry needling on respiratory parameters in a patient with medium severity
    Ozden Gokcek , Irem Huzmeli,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(7): 1426-9.
  19. The importance of food sector in celiac disease
    Ayse Sahin Tutak, Songul Sahin Ercan
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(6): 1131-2.
  20. Investigation of Health Anxiety about COVID-19 and the Related Assumptions about the World of Health Care Professionals and the General Public
    Nevin Günaydın, İrem Şener, Büşra Uğur
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(10): 0-0.
  21. Increase in C-peptide levels after resolution of hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Myths or facts?
    Omercan Topaloglu, Bahri Evren, Saim Yologlu, Selale Sahin, Ibrahim Sahin
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(2): 648-56.
  22. Diabetic nephropathy: diagnosis, prevention and treatment [Diyabetik nefropati: tanı, önleme ve tedavisi]
    Irem Pembegul Yigit, Hulya Taskapan
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2016; 5(4): 1068-73.
  23. Evaluation of the Risk Factors Associated with Post-conisation HPV Persistence during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Sevgi Ayhan, Gunsu Kimyon Comert, Tufan Arslanca, Irem Kar, Osman Turkmen, Burak Ersak, Ozgun Ceylan, Mustafa Sahin, Fatih Kilic, Ahmet Taner Turan
    THE ULUTAS MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2023; 9(2): 81-91.
  24. Comparison of conservative and extension block pinning methods in the treatment of bony mallet finger injuries
    Ali Şahin, Esra Demirel, Şahin Çepni, Mesut Tahta
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2021; 10(3): 169-176.
  25. Sonographic criteria for the evaluation of dietary compliance of children with celiac disease
    Sukru Sahin, Filiz Demir Sahin
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(2): 417-22.
  26. Bullous Dermatosis in the Southeastern of Turkey: A study of 125 cases
    İrem Yanatma, Gulbahar Sarac , Hacer Vural Karatoprak , Hülya Cenk,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(4): 320-324.
  27. HDL-C as a new therapeutic target in the treatment of dyslipidemia
    Sahin I
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2012; 1(2): 141-149.
  28. Evaluation of Post-Earthquake Late-Term Trauma Levels in Dialysis Patients and Healthcare Professionals
    Emre Yasar, Irem Pembegul
    Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(8): 569-575.
  29. Daydreaming and Sluggishness May Predict Different Functions for Non-Suicidal Self-İnjury: A Clinic-Based Single-Center Study
    Yasemin Tas Torun, Hesna Gul, Mustafa Sahin, Ozlem Hekim, Burcin Ozlem Ates, Sahin Bodur, Ahmet Gul, Mehmet Ayhan Congologlu
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2021; 11(4): 267-276.
  30. Kaufman Alanları Yaratıcılık Ölçeği’nin Türkçeye Uyarlanması ve Psikometrik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
    Feyzullah Şahin
    Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(3): 855-867.
  31. Early- and late results of anastomosis techniques for creation of brachiocephalic fistulas for hemodialysis
    Aykut Şahin
    Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2020; 29(1): 38-40.
  32. Okul Müdürlerinin Okul Geliştirme Yönetim Ekibine İlişkin Görüşleri
    İdris ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(2): 621-633.
  33. Yaratıcılık – Zekâ İlişkisi: Yeni Deliller
    Feyzullah ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(4): 1516-1530.
  34. Preservice Elementary School Teachers’ Opinions Related to Oral History as a Teaching Method in Social Studies
    Şahin DÜNDAR
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(4): 1621-1643.
  35. Assessment of New Turkish Curriculum for Grade 1 to 5
    İsmet ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2007; 6(2): 284-304.
  36. An Investigation of School Culture with Respect to Some Variables
    Semiha ŞAHiN
    Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(2): 561-575.
  37. The prevalence and predictors of prediabetes in the patients on liver transplant wait list
    Omercan Topaloglu, Bahri Evren, Saim Yologlu, Selale Sahin, Cuneyt Kayaalp, Ibrahim Sahin
    Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(4): 564-8.
  38. Technology, Globalization and \'new\' Situations
    Murat Şahin ÖCAL
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1995; 6(18): 101-117.
  39. English Title Not Available [Turkish Title: TEKNOLOJİK DEĞİŞİM VE REKABETİN EVRİMİ]
    Murat Şahin ÖCAL
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1997; 8(27): 187-208.
  40. Okul Yöneticilerinin İnsan Haklarına İlişkin Görüşleri
    Münir Şahin , Mehmet Üstüner
    Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(3): 880-898.
  41. Oxidative Stress Status, Metabolic Profile and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    Karabulut AB, Cakmak M, Kiran RT, Sahin I
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2012; 1(1): 27-34.
  42. Comparative Analysis Of Constructivism And Its Impact Over Traditional Learning
    Sahin Mondal , Dr. Neelam Khare
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(2): 3338-3350.
  43. Thought Action Fusion in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    Şahin ÇİFTÇİ, Tacettin KURU
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2013; 2(3): 138-146.
  44. Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of Adolescents: The Mediator and Moderator Role of Playing Musical Instruments and Joining a Band
    Elementary Education Online. 2012; 11(3): 738-747.
  45. Organizational Culture and Teacher Leadership in Educational Organizations: Mediation Role of Leader-Member Exchange
    Necati ÖZTÜRK,Sevilay ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(4): 1451-1468.
  46. The Opinions of Secondary School Teachers on Teacher Performance Appraisal Model and Implementations
    Betül BALKAR,Sevilay ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(1): 396-412.
  47. Attitudes of Secondary Level of Primary School Students Towards Music Lessons
    Şahin SARUHAN , Jale DENİZ
    Elementary Education Online. 2011; 10(2): 695-702.
  48. Primary School Teachers’ Classroom Management Behaviors
    Idris ŞAHİN , Uğur ALTUNAY
    Elementary Education Online. 2011; 10(3): 905-918.
  49. The Opinions of Secondary School Teachers on Teacher Performance Appraisal Model and Implementations
    Betül BALKAR,Sevilay ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(1): 396-412.
  50. The Effect of Project Based Learning Approach on Undergraduate Students' Environmental Problem Solving Skills
    Elif BENZER ,Fatma ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(2): 383-400.
  51. Teachers’ Views about Retirement and Pre-retirement Training*
    Hülya ŞAHİN ,Abdullah SELVİTOPU
    Elementary Education Online. 2012; 11(4): 1053-1065.
  52. Examining Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes towards Teaching Profession in Elementary Education: A Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
    Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(3): 922-933.
  53. English Title Not Available [Turkish title: DOĞAL TEKELLER VE REGÜLASYON]
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2003; 14(47): 143-191.
  54. English Title Not Available [Turkish Title: UFUK SERDAROĞLU\'NUN MAKALESİ ÜZERİNE NOTLAR]
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 1995; 6(16): 83-87.
  55. Okul Öncesi Öğretmen Adaylarının Çevre Sorunlarına İlişkin Tutum Ve Davranışlarının İncelenmesi
    Hilal Güşta Şahin , Süleyman Doğu
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1402-1416.
  56. Congenital constriction band syndrome associated with late-onset entrapment neuropathy at distal 1/3 of left crus: a case report
    Mehmet Şükrü Şahin, Tarkan Ergün
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2012; 1(3): 103-106.
  57. Comment on “An Unusual Tenosynovitis Agent of the Hand: Tuberculosis Tenosynovitis”
    Kemal Gokkus, Mehmet Şükrü Şahin
    Hand and Microsurgery. 2020; 9(3): 183-184.
  58. Parçalanmış Aileye Sahip Çocukların Hayat Bilgisi Dersi Benim Eşsiz Yuvam Temasının İşlenişine Katılım Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi
    Zehra Duygu Şahin , Taner Altun
    Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(4): 1249-1277.
  59. Teachers’ Views About Retirement and Pre-retirement Training
    Elementary Education Online. 2012; 11(3): 800-812.
  60. Usability Views of Stakeholders on Online Monitoring and Assessment of Reading Activities
    Ömer Kırmacı, Özden Şahin İzmirli
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(2): 525-546.
  61. Proje Tabanlı Öğrenme Kapsamında Gerçekleştirilen Ders Dışı Egzersiz Çalışmalarına İlişkin Öğrenci Görüşleri
    Şahin İdin ,Pınar Özdemir Şimşek
    Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(3): 761-777.
  62. Özgül Öğrenme Güçlüğü Tanısı Olan ve Normal Gelişim Gösteren Çocukların Benlik Kavramları, Öz-Yeterlik İnançları ve Sosyal Becerilerinin Karşılaştırılması
    Pakize URFALI DADANDI , Mustafa ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(2): 532-545.
  63. Social Studies Learning Approaches Scale (SÖYÖ): Validity and Reliability Study
    Melehat Gezer,İbrahim Fevzi Şahin
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(1): 228-244.
  64. Comparison of the Social Self Efficacy Results of 9-13 Age Groups Individuals Who Do Sports And Don’t Do (Bursa Sample)
    Füsun Öztürk ,Şenay Koparan Şahin
    Elementary Education Online. 2007; 6(3): 468-479.
  65. Association between mean platellet volume levels and mortality outcomes in geriatric patients in intensive care
    Irem Akin Sen, Feruza Turan Sonmez
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(4): 1269-73.
  66. Gathering Data in Health Area: Capture – Recapture Method
    Işıl, İrem, Budakoğlu*, Hediye, Seval, Akgün
    TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(1): 75-80.
  67. Okul Öncesi Dönem Çocuklarının Gelişim ve Öğrenmelerinin Desteklenmesinde Pedagojik Dokümantasyonun Katkısının Öğretmen Görüşlerine Göre İncelenmesi
    Mehmet Buldu , Figen Şahin , Arif Yılmaz
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1444-1462.
  68. Matematiksel Zorluklar ve Çözüm Önerileri
    Ömer ŞAHİN ,Burçin GÖKKURT,Yasin SOYLU
    Elementary Education Online. 2013; 12(3): 1-6.
  69. Wrist Arthroscopy: Is It Really Effective For All Common Wrist Disorders? Running Title: Wrist Arthroscopy
    orcun sahin
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(4): 412-412.
  70. An Analysis of Primary First Grade Students’ Readiness in Natural Numbers
    Seyhan Paydar,Adem Doğan,Ali Ekber Şahin
    Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(3): 1059-1072.
  71. The Relation between Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence: An Investigation about the Education Supervisors
    Semiha Şahin , Bülent Aydoğdu , Cenk Yoldaş
    Elementary Education Online. 2011; 10(3): 974-990.
  72. Study of Validity and Reliability of Scale of Attitude towards Scientific Research
    Özgen KORKMAZ , Ayfer ŞAHİN , Rüştü YEŞİL
    Elementary Education Online. 2011; 10(3): 961-973.
  73. Chaotic Process in the Assignment of School Administrators and Its Effects
    İdris Şahin,Fatma Kesik,Kadir Beycioğlu
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(3): 1007-1021.
  74. Investigating Primary Students' Reading Attitudes with Respect to Different Variables
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(3): 1120-1136.
  75. Machine-Coded News-Based Sentiment Index for Turkey and its Impact on Exchange Rates
    Gökhan Şahin Güneş
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2022; 33(123): 147-171.
  76. Prediction of Elementary School Students’ Career Decision Making Difficulties by Their Parental Attitudes and Guidance Needs
    Şahin KESİCİ ,Erdal HAMARTA ,Coşkun ARSLAN
    Elementary Education Online. 2008; 7(2): 361-367.
  77. Evaluation of cardiorespiratory state in patients with cerebral palsy
    Cigdem El, Irem Huzmeli, Esra Dogru Huzmeli, Fatma Duman
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(3): 447-51.
  78. Brain death: Our experiences in intensive care unit
    Fatma Irem Yesiler, Mustafa Kemal Bayar, Behiye Deniz Kosovali
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(4): 551-5.
  79. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in ten hemodialysis patients: a single center experience
    Irem Pembegul Yigit, Hulya Taskapan, Ali Gurel
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2016; 5(4): 1016-8.
  80. The Impact of School Properties to Mathematics Literacy in the PISA 2012 Turkey Sample
    Yıldız Yıldırım,Melek Gülşah Şahin,Elif Sezer
    Elementary Education Online. 2017; 16(3): 1092-1100.
  81. Öğretmen Adaylarının Eğitim İnançları ile Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimleri Arasındaki İlişki
    Senar ALKIN-ŞAHİN , Nihal TUNCA , Özgür ULUBEY
    Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(4): 1473-1492.
  82. Teachers' opinions on the effectiveness of digital technology in the realization of cognitive objectives
    Dinçer Temelli,Çavuş Şahin,Osman Yılmaz Kartal
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(4): 2448-2466.
  83. The internet addiction and aggression among university students
    Mehmet Şahin
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2014; 27(1): 43-52.
  84. Assessment of change in neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-lymphocyteratio in patients with acute and chronic urticaria
    Gulbahar Sarac, İrem Mantar, Serpil Sener, Hulya Cenk, Yelda Kapicioglu
    Annals of Medical Research. 2018; 25(4): 719-22.
  85. Doğaya Bağlılık Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye Adaptasyonu
    Birgül Çakır , Güliz Karaarslan , Elvan Şahin , Hamide Ertepınar
    Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(4): 1370-1383.
  86. Pre-service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge Regarding Student Mistakes on the Subject of Geometric Shapes*
    Burçin Gökkurt , Ömer Şahin , Yasin Soylu , Yusuf Doğan
    Elementary Education Online. 2015; 14(1): 55-71.
  87. Complete antegrade splanchnic revascularization
    Mehmet Ali Şahin, Erkan Kuralay, Ertuğrul Özal, Bahadır Külah
    Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2022; 31(2): 129-33.
  88. The Distribution of Misbehaviors in the First Grade According to Age Differences, and Teachers’ Responses to Those Behaviors
    Ayşegül Avşar Tuncay,Nuri Barış İnce,Ali Ekber Şahin
    Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(4): 2005-2026.
  89. A Study on the Military Physicians’ Perceptions on Participation to Institutional Decision Making Process
    Necmettin Cihangiroğlu, Atılhan Naktiyok, Bayram Şahin, Cesim Demir
    TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2010; 9(2): 113-122.
  90. The role of concept images in solving geometric word problems
    Elif Karatağ Şahin,Hilal Gülkılık,Hasan Hüseyin Uğurlu
    Elementary Education Online. 2020; 19(3): 1321-1336.
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2010; 21(77): 115-142.
  92. A brucellosis Case Presenting with Vesicular and Maculopapular Rash and Febrile Neutropenia
    Selmin Dirgen Caylak, Hamdi Sozen, Ibak Gonen, Cem Sahin
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014; 4(1): 39-41.
  93. Recognition Levels of Physics Laboratory Tools for Ninth Class Students
    Hasan Şahin Kızılcık,Sultan Çağan,Pervin Ünlü Yavaş
    Elementary Education Online. 2019; 18(1): 190-206.
  94. A treatment approach to pediatric supracondylar femur fracture
    Adem Şahin, Avşar Özkut, Engin Eceviz, Esat Uygur
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2013; 47(2): 55-58.
  95. Ultrasound-guided erector spinae plane block versus trocar site local anesthetic infiltration for laparoscopic colorectal resection: A prospective, randomized study
    Irem Ates, Esra Disci, Ahmet Murat Yayik
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(1): 62-7.
  96. The Predictive Effect of Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio in Patients Undergoing Appendectomy Operation
    Bartu Badak, Necdet Fatih Yasar, Huseyin Tarik Caga, Enver Ihtiyar, Adnan Sahin, Ersin Ates, Fezan Sahin Mutlu
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2019; 5(2): 55-57.
  97. A case of Gangrene occurring after Intra-arterial Injection and Resulting in Amputations in the arm
    Korhan Taviloğlu, Kayhan Günay, Ali Şahin, Şükrü Dilege, Cemalettin Ertekin
    Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 1994; 3(2): 79-81.
  98. Study on Teachers’ Classroom Management Approaches andExperiences
    Hanife AKAR ,Feyza TANTEKİN ERDEN ,Dürdane TOR ,İkbal Tuba ŞAHİN
    Elementary Education Online. 2010; 9(3): 1080-1094.
  99. The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in Diagnostics of Acoustic Schwannoma
    Serbeze Kabashi, Mehmet Sahin Ugurel, Kreshnike Dedushi, Sefedin Mucaj
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2020; 28(4): 287-291.
  100. Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerinin Medyanın Çocukların Beslenme Alışkanlıkları ve Bozuklukları Üzerindeki Etkisine Yönelik Bakış Açıları
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(1): 125-142.

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