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  1. Rickettsia rickettsii isolation from naturally infected Amblyomma parvum ticks by centrifugation in a 24-well culture plate technique
    K. Dzul-Rosado1, G. Peniche-Lara2, R. Tello-Martín1, J. Zavala-Velázquez2, R. de Campos Pacheco3, M.B. Labruna4, E.C. Sánchez5 and J. Zavala-Castro1,*
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2013; 3(2): 101-105.
  2. Antibacterial activity of flower extracts from
    Helenium mexicanum H.B.K.

    B. E. Barrera-Figueroa1
    , P. D. Loeza-Lara2
    , A. Hernández-García3
    J. E. López-Meza4
    , J. Molina-Torres5
    , R. E. N. del Río-Torres3
    M. M. Martínez-Pacheco3
    , R. López-Gómez3
    and R. Salgado-Garciglia3?
    Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 2011; 23(3): 258-264.
  3. Tick-associated diseases identified from hunting dogs during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Mayan community in Yucatan, Mexico
    Karla Rossanet Dzul-Rosado, Karla Alejandra Arroyo-Solis, Adan Javier Torres-Monroy, Juan Jose Arias-Leon, Gaspar Fernando Peniche-Lara, Fernando Isaias Puerto-Manzano, Magaly Guadalupe Landa-Flores, Juan Carlos del Mazo-Lopez, Beatriz Salceda-Sanchez
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2023; 13(6): 794-800.

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