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  1. Madelung’s Disease Leading to Presenile Dementia in a Non-alcoholic Patient
    Georges El Hasbani, Richard Assaker, Sutasinee Nithisoontorn, William Plath, Edgardo Olvera Lopez, Jose Vargas Gamarra, Ahmad Kofahi, Christopher Bertely, Vihren Dimitrov
    Medical Archives. 2019; 73(4): 285-287.
  2. First isolation and molecular characterization of Suid herpesvirus type 1 from a domestic dog in Argentina
    Maria Soledad Serena, German Metz, Maria Ines Lozada, Carolina Aspitia, Edgardo Nicolino, Claudio Pidone, Melisa Fossaroli, Agustin Balsalobre, Maria Alejandra Quiroga, Maria Gabriela Echeverria
    Open Veterinary Journal. 2018; 8(2): 131-139.

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