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  1. Determination of correlation of placental thickness with effective foetal birth weight by means of ultrasonography
    Faiz Zubair Shaikh, Amit Jain, Sohan Singh, Akshat Kuchhal, Devanjal Kapila, Mugdha Mozarkar
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2022; 8(2): 41-44.
  2. Low-Cost Method for Fixation of Distal Humerus Fracture in Elderly Osteoporotic Individuals: Experience from a Resource-Limited, Tertiary-Care Setting in North India
    Rajiv Kapila, Manik Sehgal, Vikrom Takkar, Preeti Takkar Kapila, Rohit Rai Vatsyan, Ranjan Singh, Gurjant Singh Sandhu,
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(23): 1-4.
  3. Contraceptive behavior among ever-married reproductive age women in the estate sector in the district of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka
    Lalitha Indrani Malwenna, Kapila Bimal Kannangara, Chaminda Kudabandara Jayawardana
    International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2019; 8(4): 298-303.
  4. Proficiency of topical platelet-rich plasma with vacuum-assisted closure over platelet-rich plasma alone in diabetic foot ulcers - A clinical prospective comparative study
    Kamal Arora, Priti Chaudhary, Rajesh Kapila
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2022; 12(9): 1414-1420.
  5. Comparative efficacy of ultrasonically guided infiltration of single shot of platelet-rich plasma and triamcinolone acetonide in adhesive capsulitis of shoulder joint - a prospective clinical study
    Kamal Kumar Arora, Priti Chaudhary, Rajesh Kapila, Raminder Singh
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024; 14(6): 1097-1103.
  6. Enhancing the assessment landscape by SWOT analysis: A comprehensive approach to evaluating MD physiology practical examinations
    Gauri Mittal, Sunita Mittal, Ashwini Mahadule, Akriti Kapila Sharma, Prashant M. Patil, Richa Kumari, Latika Mohan
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2024; 14(11): 2351-2361.
  7. Role of visual evoked potential as a window to detect functional changes that occur without signs of diabetic retinopathy in fundoscopy: Case series involving symptomatic overt diabetic pregnant women
    Akriti Kapila Sharma, Latika Mohan, Sunita Mittal, Srikant Sekar, Anupama Bahadur, Ruby Gupta, Anupam Singh
    National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2023; 13(1): 214-217.
  8. A Systematic Review of Conventional and Advanced Approaches for the Control of Plant Viruses
    priyanka chauhan, Kajal Singla, Mamta Rajbhar, Anjali Singh, Nilanjan Das, Kapila Kumar,
    Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology. 2019; 7(4): 89-98.
  9. To evaluate the inflammatory indicators during the perioperative period for total knee arthroplasty
    Vipan Kumar, Vipin Sharma, Lokesh Thakur, Rajiv Kapila, Anil Kumar, Brandon Eric Dkhar, Anu Yarky
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2022; 6(22): 67-70.

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