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  1. Biochemical Characterization of Recombinant Cu–Zn SOD from Citrus limon Fused to Gliadin Peptides
    Ratna Annisa Utami, Sukmadjaja Asyarie, Debbie Soefie Retnoningrum
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2018; 8(1): 115-121.
  2. Protective Influence of Ficus asperifolia Miq Leaf Extract on Carbon tetrachloride (CCL4)-Induced Testicular Toxicity in rat’s Testes
    Oluwafemi Adeleke Ojo, Adebola Busola Ojo, Bashir Ajiboye, Adewale Fadaka, Oluwatosin Debbie Imiere, Oluwatosin Adeyonu, Isreal Olayide,
    Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2016; 6(6): 037-041.

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