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  1. Characteristics and Outcomes of Non-accidental Visceral Injuries Among Children: Five Years’ Experience of National Data in Saudi Arabia
    Majid A. Al-Eissa, Jude N. Abanmi, Deamah I. Alabdulkareem, Nahlaa A.Alkhowaiter, Norah I. Alhadlq, Maha J. Alhamdan f Basel A. Dahlawi, Hassan N. Saleheen, Norah H. Alhowaish
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2024; 12(4): 36-49.
  2. Factors affect doing exercise among Al-Imam Mohammed ibn Saud Islamic University students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Abdulaziz Faqihi, Husam Alamri, Talal Alsawyan, Abdullah Algahtani, Abdulaziz Aldheshe, Khaled Alabdulkareem
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(4): 316-328.
  3. The impact of preventive measures on acute illnesses among pilgrims during Hajj season
    Yousef M. Alsofayan, Fahad A. Alamri, Faten A. Alradini, Nashwa M. Radwan, Anas A. Khan, Ahmed Alahmari, Sari I. Asiri, Nagla E. Mahmoud, Mustafa S. Hassanein, Nouf A. Aleisaa, Mohammad A. Alzahrani, Khaled I. Alabdulkareem
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2021; 2(3): 218-224.

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