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  1. A Study on Validation of Amsterdam Misophonia Scale in Turkish and Misophonia’s Prevalence in Turkish High School/College Student Population
    Enes Sarigedik, Bugra Taygun Gulle
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2021; 11(4): 258-266.
  2. Mathematics Teachers’ Level of Knowing About The Measurement Tools in New Elementary School Mathematics Teaching Program and their Frequency of Use
    Murat PEKER , Münibe GÜLLE
    Elementary Education Online. 2011; 10(2): 703-716.
  3. Ortaokul Öğrencilerine Yönelik Blok Flüt İcra Performansı Dereceli Puanlama Anahtarının Güvenirliğinin Genellenebilirlik Kuramı İle İncelenmesi
    Alican Gülle , Nezaket Bilge Uzun , Cenk Akay
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1463-1475.
  4. İdareci, Öğretmen ve Öğrencilerin Bakış Açısından Bilim Sanat Merkezlerinde Uygulanan Fen Eğitimi Programları
    Bestami Buğra Ülger, Sedat Uçar, İskender Özgür
    Elementary Education Online. 2014; 13(3): 1098-1121.
  5. The effect of referral and transfer of patients with acute type A aortic dissection on treatment outcomes
    Ersin Kadiroğulları, Onur Şen, Safa Göde, Muhammed Bayram, Abdülkerim Buğra, Barış Timur, Erhan Kutluk, Ünal Aydın, Burak Onan
    Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2020; 29(1): 19-25.
  6. Management of the crush syndrome in critical patients: 10 cases
    Bugra Karakas, Mustafa Said Aydogan, Aytac Yucel, Neslihan Yucel, Osman Kacmaz, Mirac Sefa Sari, Turkan Togal
    Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(1): 31-33.
  7. Effects of enteral and total parenteral nutrition on length of stay in intensive care unit in postoperative period
    Mustafa Said Aydogan, Ramazan Pasahan, Ali Karademir, Aytac Yucel, Bugra Karakas, Turkan Togal
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(1): 89-92.
  8. The contribution of implantable cardioverter defibrillators to systemic inflammation in heart failure patients
    Ozcan Orscelik, Bugra Ozkan, Mert Koray Ozcan
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(2): 282-6.
  9. Association between heart rate turbulence and anxiety symptom levels
    Bugra Ozkan, Ozcan Orscelik, Cevahir Ozkan, Mert Koray Ozcan, Ayca Arslan, Ahmet Celik, Ismail Turkay Ozcan
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(1): 143-7.
  10. Migrated thrombus extending from right atrium to left atrium through patent foramen ovale: Two case reports
    Ozcan Orscelik, Emre Ertan Sahin, Emrah Yesil, Bugra Ozkan, Hakan Uyar, Dilek Cicek Yilmaz, Ismail Turkay Ozcan
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(3): 756-8.
  11. Evaluation of the findings affecting the treatment decision in cases of adhesive intestinal obstruction
    Ali Isler, Mehmet Bugra Bozan, Ahmet Necati Sanli, Fatih Mehmet Yazar
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(1): 217-23.
  12. Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the tibial plateau: a case report
    Murat Çubukçu, Banu Ordahan, Adem Küçük, Buğra Kaya
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2014; 48(1): 60-3.
  13. A case report: Pulmonary involvement in rheumatoid arthritis
    Saltuk Bugra Kaya, Emir Omer Keles, Ceren Otlu, Suleyman Savas Hacievliyagil, Zeynep Ayfer Aytemur
    Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(3): 351-353.
  14. A rare cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction in geriatric population: Gallstone ileus three cases
    Ahmet Bozdag, Nizamettin Kutluer, Baris Gulturk, Ali Aksu, Mehmet Bugra Bozan, Ayse Nur Gonen, Abdullah Boyuk
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(1): 117-20.
  15. Evaluation of the relationship between dyssynchrony and myocardial fibrosis markers in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy
    Vildan Cevher, Muhammet Bugra Karaaslan, Rabia Akilli, Ali Deniz, Mehmet Kanadasi, Ayhan Usal, Mesut Demir
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(4): 1234-40.
  16. The role of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-lymphocyte ratio, crp and albumin to predict postoperative one-year mortality in patients with hip fractures
    Niyazi Igde, Mustafa Yerli, Ali Yuce, Mustafa Bugra Ayaz, Hakan Gurbuz
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(2): 729-33.
  17. Correlation between histopathological results and BI-RADS classification in breast masses
    Nizamettin Kutluer, Ali Aksu, Mehmet Bugra Bozan, Burhan Hakan Kanat, Hulagu Kargici, Ferhat Cay, Ayse Azak Bozan
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(11): 2698-2701.
  18. The possible relationship between epistaxis and protein Z plasma levels
    Turan Turhan, Esin Calci, Aydin Acar, Saltuk Bugra Kilinc, Ayse Secil, Kayali Dinc, Suleyman Boynuegri, Zeynel Ozturk
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2017; 6(4): 756-759.
  19. Can neutrophil-lymphocyte, platelet-lymphocyte ratio and mean platelet volume be marker in tonsil hemorrhage?
    Erkan Yildiz, Orhan Kemal Kahveci, Sahin Ulu , Halit Bugra Koca
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(3): 720-2.
  20. Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis block vs wound infiltration in patients undergoing open appendectomies
    Serpil Bayindir, Sibel Ozcan, Fatma Kocyigit, Mehmet Bugra Bozan
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(3): 634-8.
  21. Comparison of the effects of low dose methylprednisolone and metoclopramide HCl on nausea and vomiting and respiratory complications after tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy in children
    Ali Bestemi Kepekçi , Bugra Subaşı, Ahmet Hamdi Kepekçi , Aziz Yarbil
    Anaesthesia, Pain & Intensive Care. 2020; 24(5): 544-551.
    Saltuk Bugra Kaya, Zeynep Ayfer Aytemur, Saim Yologlu
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(5): 0-0.
  23. A rare cause of peritonitis; jejunal diverticulitis: case report
    Burhan Hakan Kanat, Mesut Yur, Fatih Erol, Sibel Özcan, Mehmet Buğra Bozan, Fatih Mehmet Yazar
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2013; 47(4): 209-211.
  24. Managing ileus due to phytobezoars: Our clinical experience
    Mehmet Bugra Bozan, Fatih Erol, Burhan Hakan Kanat, Ozkan Alatas, Hasim Nar, Tamer Gundogdu, Ulas Aday, Ayse Azak Bozan, Abdullah Boyuk
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(5): 1044-48.
  25. Fate of Functional Mitral Regurgitation after Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Aortic Valve Stenosis
    Burak can Depboylu, Bugra Harmandar, Serkan Yazman, Kadir Arslan
    International Journal of Surgery and Medicine. 2019; 5(3): 137-143.
  26. Medical malpractice allegations related otolaryngologists
    Erdem Hosukler, Bugra Kaan Yazgi, Bilgin Hosukler, Ibrahim Uzun
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(4): 1415-9.
  27. C-Reactive Protein to Albumin Ratio as a Prognostic Predictor in Larynx Cancer
    Abdurrahman Bugra Cengiz , Bekir Can Gumuslu , Serkan Kayabasi , Hasan Deniz Tansuker, Sahin OGREDEN, Mehmet Faruk Oktay
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2020; 5(4): 0-0.
  28. The diagnostic efficacy of some ischemic markers (urotensin ii and urotensin ii related peptide) in early diagnosis of intestinal ischemia in experimentally increased intraabdominal pressure in rats
    Mehmet Buğra Bozan , Refik Ayten, Nurullah Bülbüller, Cemalettin Camcı, Erhan Aygen, Necip İlhan, İbrahim Hanefi Özercan, Ayşe Azak Bozan, Ali Aksu, Nizamettin Kutluer,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(7): 1415-9.
  29. Effect of nasopharyngeal irrigation on early eustachian tube functions in patients undergoing adenoidectomy; a clinical prospective study
    Şahin Öğreden, Hasan Deniz Tansuker, Alper Tabaru, Cemal Özyılmaz, Abdurrahman Buğra Cengiz, Mehmet Faruk Oktay,
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2019; 4(1): 16-20.
  30. The Relationship Between Hepatic Activity Index and Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Levels in Patients with Chronic Active Hepatitis-B and Chronic Active Hepatitis-C
    Yılmaz Bilgic, Murat Harputluoglu, Bulent Yaprak, Mehmet Burak Dal, Mehmet Bugra Bozan, Abdurrahman Sahin, Fatih Mehmet Yazar, Yasir Furkan Cagın, Nihat Okcu
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2015; 4(4): 2772-81.
  31. Is the proximal femoral nail a favourable option for trochanteric femur fractures in osteopenic elderly patients?
    Mehmet Selcuk Saygili, Ali Cagri Tekin, Mustafa Bugra Ayaz, Mehmet Kursad Bayraktar
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(2): 378-82.

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