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  1. The comorbidity of migraine in bipolar disorder
    Aslihan Okan Ibiloglu, Ali Caykoylu
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2011; 1(1): 25-33.
  2. Color and Number Preference A Group of Physicians
    Murat Kuloğlu, Ali Çayköylü, Esra Soydaş Akyol, Aslıhan İbiloğlu, Elif Yılmaz, Okan Ekinci
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2007; 20(4): 179-185.
  3. Changes in CREB Activity and BDNF Plasma Levels in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    Naci Olam, Aslıhan Okan İbiloğlu,
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2019; 9(4): 158-165.
  4. A rare case of first attack psychosis and Wilson’s disease
    Aslihan Okan Ibiloglu, Abdullah Atli, Mehmet Asoglu, Mustafa Ozkan
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2017; 7(3): 169-72.
  5. Increased High Mobility Group Box1 (HMGB1) level in major depressive disorder
    Süleyman Demir, Mahmut Bulut, Mehmet Cemal Kaya, Bünyamin Sevim, Özlem Demirpençe, Aslıhan Okan İbiloğlu, Mehmet Güneş, Abdullah Atli, Yasin Bez
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2015; 5(4): 145-50.
  6. Marital harmony and childhood psychological trauma in child marriage
    Mehmet Güneş, Hilal Selcuk, Süleyman Demir, Aslıhan Okan İbiloğlu, Mahmut Bulut, Mehmet Cemal Kaya, Ahmet Yılmaz, Abdullah Atli, Aytekin Sır
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2016; 6(2): 63-70.
  7. The Effect of Perceived Psychological Control on the Automatic Thoughts of Children
    Emel GÜLER, Refia Aslıhan DÖNMEZ
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2021; 10(2): 209-221.
  8. Acute abdomen due to jejunojejunostomy anastomosis leak after laparoscopic gastric bypass in the third month
    Kagan Gokce, Serkan Akbulut, Demet Dogan, Coskun Polat, Hatice Akdogan
    The Atlantic Journal of Medical Science and Research. 2023; 3(4): 166-9.
  9. Sınıf Öğretmeni Adaylarının Kesirlerde Çarpma ve Bölme İşlemlerine Yönelik Kavramsal Anlamalarının İncelenmesi
    Aslıhan Osmanoğlu ,Meriç Özgeldi
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(4): 1812-1829.
  10. Matematiksel İspatların Ortaokul Matematik Ders Kitaplarındaki Yeri
    Zülfiye Zeybek , Aslıhan Üstün , Ahmet Birol
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1317-1335.
  11. Investigation of the Relationship Between Examination Anxiety and Early Maladaptive Schemas of Students Who are Preparing for University Examination
    Azize ATLI ÖZBAŞ, Aslıhan SAYIN, Behçet COŞAR
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2012; 1(2): 81-89.
  12. Interaction Of Newly Developed Markers Of Insulin Resistance And Liver Fibrosis
    Aslihan Mete Yıldırım ,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2024; 31(8): 611-614.
  13. Reticulocyte –thrombocyte relation during the response to the treatment of megaloblastic anemia
    Selay Gündoğdu, Şuayp Oygen, Aslıhan Çalım, Ayda Batuan Damar, Fatih Borlu
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(4): 152-155.
  14. Neurobiology of Exposure Treatment
    Refia Aslıhan DÖNMEZ
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2021; 10(2): 232-244.
  15. Toward To A Heterodox Microeconomic Theory: Technological Development Approach Of Evolutionary Economics And Nature Of Firm
    Cem Okan TUNCEL
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2008; 19(69): 1-32.
  16. Diffusion tensor imaging findings of patients with parkinson’s disease refractory to medical treatment
    Mustafa Guduk, Halime Cevik Cenkeri, Atilla Yilmaz, Sadik Ahmet Uyanik, Eray Atli, Umut Oguslu, Birnur Yilmaz, Burcak Gumus
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(6): 1223-7.
  17. Common invasive procedures in neonatology
    Ali BÜLBÜL, Füsun OKAN
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2008; 42(1): 1-9.
  18. Uncommon invasive procedures in neonatology
    Ali BÜLBÜL, Füsun OKAN
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2008; 42(2): 8-17.
  19. Tarihyazımında Rastlantısal Nedenler Tartışması: Karşıolgusal Düşünce Ve Tarihin Tarih Eğitimi Ve Öğretiminde Kullanılması
    Mehmet Elban , Okan Yetişensoy
    Elementary Education Online. 2018; 17(3): 1-17.
    Merve Öz, Aslıhan Dönmez
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2023; 12(3): 208-220.
  21. The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy of an Adolescent with Sexual and Religious Obsessions: A Case Report
    Engin Büyüköksüz
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2022; 11(1): 74-82.
  22. Origami in Mathematics Education: The Development and Validation of an Origami-Related Self-Efficacy Scale
    Okan Arslan ,Mine Işıksal Bostan
    Elementary Education Online. 2016; 15(2): 548-559.
  23. Multiple basal cell carcinoma lokalized on neck and scalp
    Ali Okan Gürsel, Cüneyt Kucur, Ahmet Karavuş
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2010; 44(3): 113-115.
  24. A giant aneurysm of extracranial carotid artery presenting with hoarseness: A case report and review of literature
    Kürşad Öz, M. Özer Ulukan, Okan Yıldız, Mehmet Yeniterz
    Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2019; 28(1): 58-60.
  25. Telaprevir-related DRESS syndrome complicating hepatitis C treatment
    Süheyla Kömür, Aslıhan Ulu, Behice Kurtaran, Ayşe Seza İnal, Yeşim Taşova, Hasan Salih Zeki Aksu
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015; 5(1): 36-37.
  26. The effect of nutrition on the thyroid function and urine iodine concentration in term and preterm newborn
    Füsun Okan, Ali Bülbül, Ayten Usta, Emre İşçi, Asiye Nuhoğlu
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2009; 43(1): 20-26.
  27. Is there a Relationship Between Endoleak and Antiaggregant Treatments in the Change of the Aneurysm Sac After Endovascular Treatment in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm?
    Mehmet Okan Donbaloglu
    Azerbaijan Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery. 2023; 4(3): 56-62.
  28. Pregnancy-related carpal tunnel syndrome; non-invasive early diagnosis and postpartum evaluation
    Aslihan Alp Ozturk, Firat Erpala
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2023; 12(1): 70-5.
  29. Skin prick test results to food allergens in patients with allergic rhinitis
    Gül Aslıhan Çakır Akay, Esin Yalçınkaya ,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(6): 1024-8.
  30. Evaluation of poisoning cases admitted to pediatric emergency department
    Turgay Bork, Aslihan Kara
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(2): 502-5.
  31. Nosocomial infection in the neonatal intensive care unit
    Ali Bülbül, Mehmet Taşdemir, Mine Pullu, Füsun Okan, Lida Bülbül, Asiye Nuhoğlu
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2009; 43(1): 28-31.
  32. Congenital afibrinogenemia in neonatal period:Two cases and review of literature
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2008; 42(3): 26-29.
  33. Glucose galactose malabsorption during neonatal period: Two case reports
    Ali BÜLBÜL*, Füsun OKAN*, Lida BÜLBÜL**, Asiye NUHOĞLU*
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2008; 42(3): 13-16.
  34. Sciatic nerve palsy secondary to heterotopic bone formation occurred after surgery for posterior acetabulum fracture and hip dislocation
    Mustafa Karakaplan, Emre Ergen, Okan Aslanturk, Kadir Ertem
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(2): 434-6.
  35. Metacarpal osteomyelitis secondary to human bite: a case report
    Resit Sevimli, Arsan Hussien Salih, Okan Aslantürk, Ali Canbay
    Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(1): 67-68.
  36. Multidisciplinary approach in “pat pat” injuries: the role of vascular surgeon
    Okay Güven Karaca, İlhan Mavioğlu, Mustafa Haluk Akbaş, Ayşegül Koç, Zekeriya Okan Karaduman, Ayşegül Kunt
    Turkish Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2019; 28(1): 46-50.
  37. Daptomycin for the treatment of daptomycin nonsusceptible Enterococcus faecium bacteremia
    Dilek Yildiz Sevgi, Alper Gunduz, Ahmet Şanlı Konuklar, Murat Musluman, Feyzullah Tuncer, Okan Derin, Banu Bayraktar, Nuray Uzun
    Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 2014; 4(1): 36-38.
  38. Readiness for Health Information Technology is Associated to Information Security in Healthcare Institutions
    Elif Dönmez, Nur Şişman Kitapçı, Okan Cem Kitapçı, Meral Yay, Pınar Kılıç Aksu, Leyla Köksal, Gonca Mumcu
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2020; 28(4): 265-271.
  39. Plasmapheresis as treatment for patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia
    Okan Sefa Bakiner
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(1): 274-7.
  40. Adaptation of the Food Craving Questionnaire-Trait into Turkish
    Şadiye AKKURT, Gizem KÖSE, Aslıhan DÖNMEZ
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2019; 8(2): 69-80.
  41. QALY: Quality Adjusted Life Year
    Şelale Şahin, Selime Toprak, Erdinç Ünal
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2012; 1(3): 232-243.
  42. Refractive results, visual quality and patient satisfaction with a new trifocal intraocular lens design
    Basak Bostanci Ceran, Hasan Basri Arifoglu, Serdar Ozates, Emin Emrullah Tasindi
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(11): 3018-23.
  43. Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity
    Berna BULUT ÇAKMAK, Aslıhan DÖNMEZ
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2014; 3(3): 142-149.
  44. An Assessment of Health Information Systems Through the Perspective of Computer Engineering Students and Medical Students
    Esra Sevimli, Elif Naz Altingoz, Nur Şisman Kitapci, Okan Cem Kitapci, Leyla Koksal, Meral Yay, Pınar Kilic Aksu, Gonca Mumcu
    Acta Informatica Medica. 2019; 27(5): 300-304.
  45. Evaluation of nutritional counseling service provided within primary health care at a district level
    Mehmet Akif Sezerol, Zeynep Meva Altaş,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(5): 0-0.
  46. Our Experience with Narrow-Band UVB for 15 Years: A Retrospective Study of 205 Patients
    Okan Kizilyel, Omer Faruk Elmas, Mahmut Sami Metin, Akin Aktas
    Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(3): 176-179.
  47. The First Imaging Of Patient Performed by Emergency Medicine Physician in ED: Multi-Centered and Blind Questionnaire On Patient Relatives
    Betul Gulalp, Mehmet Tatlı, Mehmet Akif Karamercan, Elif Çelikel, Meltem Songur, Mustafa Yılmaz, Aslıhan Yuruktumen Unal, Atıf Bayramoglu, Harun Günes, Hüsamettin Akkucuk, Togay Evrin, Cemil Kavalcı, Volkan Ülker, Nese Nur User, Özlem Dikme, Funda Karbek
    International Journal of Medical Reviews and Case Reports. 2020; 4(5): 126-131.
  48. Evaluation of the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics, quality of life, depression, drug compliance and biochemical parameters in patients with thalassemia major in Isparta
    Aslihan Badur, Demircan Ozbalci, Emine Guchan Alanoglu
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(8): 1500-7.
  49. Investigation of RDW and MPV levels in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding admitted to the emergency department
    Aslihan Mete Yildirim, Sukru Gurbuz
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(3): 929-33.
  50. Majör Depresif Bozukluk Tanısı Alan Hastalarda Depresif Belirti Şiddeti, Üstbilişler ve Obsesif İnanışlar Arasındaki İlişkiler
    Begüm Eser , Esef Ercüment Yerlikaya ,
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2022; 11(1): 21-30.
  51. Idiopathic congenital bilateral vocal cord paralysis in newborn
    Ali BÜLBÜL, Mehmet TAŞDEMİR, Füsun OKAN, Berna Uslu COŞKUN, Mehmet ADA, Lida BÜLBÜL, Asiye NUHOĞLU
    Şişli Etfal Tıp Bülteni. 2008; 42(4): 1-4.
  52. Concurrence of polyostotic fibrous dysplasia and spinal aspergillus in non-immunocompromised adult patient:case report
    Ramazan Pasahan, Mehmet Akif Durak, Mehmet Arif Aladag, Ayşe Nur Akatli, Ismail Okan Yildirim
    Annals of Medical Research. 2017; 24(4): 497-499.
  53. Evaluation of risk factors of diagnostic failure in fine needle biopsy in pulmonary nodules; conventional computed tomography versus computed tomography flouroscopy
    Mehmet Kolu, Ismail Okan Yildirim
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2020; 9(3): 742-8.
  54. Endoscopic Botulinium Toxin-A Application In The Treatment of Obesity: The Effect Of Dose And Application Area On Treatment Success
    İsmail Özsan, Ahmet Yekta TÜZÜN,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(9): 0-0.
  55. General surgeons’ approach to laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery and training expectations in Turkey: A web-based survey
    Murat Ferhat Ferhatoglu, Taner Kivilcim, Abdulcabbar Kartal, Alp Gurkan, Ali Ilker Filiz, Abut Kebudi
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(5): 932-7.
  56. Management of Surgical Oncology Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Short-Term Results
    Hüseyin BAKIR, Mevlüt YORDANAGİL , İsmail OKAN
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(2): 113-117.
  57. Evaluation of the relationship between perioperative urine culture and postoperative urinary tract infections in renal transplant patients
    Abdulcabbar Kartal, Murat Ferhat Ferhatoglu, Taner Kivilcim, Ali Ilker Filiz, Abut Kebudi, Gursel Yildiz, Alp Gurkan
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(10): 2281-5.
  58. Epidemiologic evaluation of torus fractures of radius in Turkey and comparison of different immobilization modalities
    Baris Gorgun, Okan Tok
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(4): 1690-6.
  59. Twenty Nail Dystrophy Associated with Alopecia Areata

    Mahmut Sami Metin, Okan Kızılyel, Ömer Faruk Elmas, Akın Aktaş

    Annals of Medical Research. 2014; 21(2): 160-161.
  60. The Study of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in Relation to Interpersonal Style and Early Maladaptive Schemas
    Betül KIRKIKOĞLU, Volkan KOÇ
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2019; 8(3): 147-154.
    Hakkı Okan Yeloğlu, Sema Polatcı
    Ekonomik Yaklasim. 2019; 30(110): 25-47.
  62. Emergency Department Physicians Knowledge of Synthetic Cannabinoids
    Beyza Urazel, Aslihan Teyin, Seyhmus Kaya, Umit Simsek, Tarik Gunduz
    Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(4): 249-252.
  63. How do University Students Perceive Depressive Symptoms? A Qualitative Study on Perceived Causes, Cures and Helping Behaviours of Depression
    Okan, Cem, Çırakoğlu*, Sait, Uluç, Bahriye, Nilüfer, Uluç
    TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2008; 7(2): 119-126.
  64. The value of ultra-sensitive troponin I in determining the prognosis of patients with the suspected acute coronary syndrome in the emergency department
    Osman Gursoy Unal, Mustafa Korkut, Aslihan Yuruktumen Unal, Cihan Bedel, Manolya Yildiz Unal
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(6): 1162-6.
  65. A Rare Variant of Epidermal Nevus: A Case of Nevus Comedonicus

    Okan Kızılyel, Mahmut Sami Metin, Ömer Faruk Elmas, Akın Aktaş

    Annals of Medical Research. 2014; 21(1): 65-67.
  66. Assessment of reliability and quality of YouTube videos as an information source in Retinopathy of Prematurity treatment
    Aslihan Uzun, Asena Keles Sahin
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(4): 1613-8.
  67. Health problems and health care requirements of the population affiliated to Tuzla Aydınlı Primary Care Centre
    Mehmet Akman1; Batuhan Gürpına2; Esra Beril Karaeminoğulları2; Okan Sarzep2; Yunus Emre Özen2;
    The Journal of Turkish Family Physician. 2019; 10(2): 62-77.
  68. The role of arthroscopy in the treatment of common wrist disorders: A retrospective clinical study
    Muhammed Koroglu, Kadir Ertem, Okan Aslanturk
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(12): 2150-3.
  69. Prevalence and characteristics of foramen huschke: Cone beam computed tomography study
    Aslihan Akbulut, Oguzhan Demirel
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(11): 2990-3.
  70. The Relationship Between Anger Level and Cognitive Distortion of Patients' Relatives in the Emergency Department: A Pilot Study
    Alişan Burak Yaşar, İbrahim Gündoğmuş, Serap Erdoğan Taycan, Dilara Usta, Kadir Özdel, Mehmet Hakan Türkçapar
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2023; 12(3): 201-207.
  71. Tumoral Calcinosis Around the Elbow: Case Report
    Serkan Unlu, Bayram Sanli, Ismail Okan Yildirim, Serkan Oner, Metin Dogan
    THE ULUTAS MEDICAL JOURNAL. 2017; 3(4): 85-87.
  72. Knowledge of the role of nutrition and gut microbiota in Alzheimer's disease among students in the faculty of medicine and the faculty of nutrition and dietetics
    Juman Ibrahim Yousef, Deniz Mavus, Ahmet Midi
    The Atlantic Journal of Medical Science and Research. 2024; 4(3): 77-83.
  73. A novel clInIcal predIctor of metabolIc syndrome; The vascular rIsk age
    Abdulrahman Naser, Didar Elif Akgün, Rengin Çetin Güvenç, Samet Sayılan , Özgen Şafak
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2024; 9(1): 1-8.
  74. Postpartum Care Services and Birth Features of The Women Who Gave Birth in Burdur in 2009
    Binali Çatak, Sevinç Sütlü, Ahmet Selçuk Kılınç, Okan Badıllıoğlu, Mehmet Zencir
    TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2011; 10(5): 579-586.
  75. Bowel Pathologies Caused by the Use of Electrocautery Knife in Spinal Surgery with Facet Denervation: The First Experimental Study
    Mehmet Kürşat Karadağ, Ahmet Yardım, Aslıhan Alpaslan, Mehmet Dumlu Aydın
    Bagcilar Medical Bulletin. 2021; 6(4): 0-0.
  76. Chitotirosidase and prolidase in tinea pedis: A preliminary study
    Halef Okan Dogan, Sibel Berksoy Hayta
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2018; 7(1): 191-193.
  77. Gallbladder Ascariasis : A Rare Case
    İsmail Okan Yıldırım, Ayşe Aktaş
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2014; 3(1): 1127-35.
  78. Evaluation of Solid Brain Metastases in Lung Cancers with Diffusion MRI [Akciğer Kanserli Hastalarda Solid Beyin Metastazlarının Difüzyon MRG ile Değerlendirilmesi]
    İsmail Okan Yıldırım, Ayşe Aktaş
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2014; 3(1): 1079-91.
  79. Drawing Attention to Addiction in Women by Evaluating Female Inpatients Hospitalized in MRSHH-AMATEM
    Aslihan Yapici Eslek, Nevriye Ozsahin, Ilhan Eslek, Ahmet Ayer
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2015; 28(2): 179-180.
  80. The Clinical Importance of Slime Productıon


    S. Aslıhan Cengiz*, Ebru Us**, A. Tevfik Cengiz**

    Annals of Medical Research. 2006; 13(3): 193-197.
  81. Valued Living, Fulfilled at Work: Investigating Job Satisfaction and Associated Psychological Processes Among Physicians
    Zülal Çelik, Okan Kılıç, Sevinç Ulusoy
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2024; 14(3): 200-208.
  82. Relationship between empathic responding and its clinical characteristics in patients with major depressive disorder
    Okan Ekinci, Aslı Ekinci
    Dusunen Adam: The Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences. 2016; 29(2): 145-154.
  83. Novel immunohistochemical marker in the differential diagnosis of sex cord-stromal tumors: SF-1
    Aslihan Alpaslan Duman, Deniz Ates Ozdemir, Ferah Tuncel, Alp Usubutun
    Annals of Medical Research. 2022; 29(1): 36-40.
  84. Right brachiocephalic artery reconstruction along with coronary artery bypass grafting
    Seref Alp Kucuker, Aslihan Kucuker, Huseyin Bayram, Unsal Ercelik, Elvin Kesimci, Erol Sener
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2016; 5(3): 140-2.
  85. Knee Osteoarthritis After ACL Injury: Does Early Reconstruction Prevent Posttraumatic Osteoarthritis?
    Gokay Gormeli, Cemile Ayse Gormeli, Resit Sevimli, Mustafa Karakaplan, Okan Aslanturk
    Annals of Medical Research. 2015; 22(4): 276-277.
  86. Investigation of the relationship between laterality and vertebral arteries in rabbits
    Cengiz Ozturk, Ismail Malkoc, Murat Kayabekir, Muhammet Enes Aydin, Aslihan Alpaslan Duman, Mehmet Dumlu Aydin
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2021; 10(2): 596-9.
  87. Diffusion-weighted imaging study in euthymic patients with bipolar I disorder
    Aslıhan C. Erden, Nesim Kugu, Ibrahim Oztoprak, Orhan Dogan, Gamze Akyuz
    Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. 2012; 2(3): 95-101.
  88. Evaluation of Intra-Articular Hip Pathology: Comparison of CT Arthrography And MR Arthrography
    Zeynep Maras Ozdemir, Ayla Ozaydogdu Cimen, Cemile Ayse Gormeli, Aysegul Sagir Kahraman, Ismail Okan Yildiri, Gokay Gormeli
    Annals of Medical Research. 2016; 23(1): 70-76.
    Mümüne Bozdağ Kiraz, Nevra Öksüz, Okan Doğu,
    Annals of Medical Research. 2023; 30(5): 0-0.
  90. Intracranial arterial variations and their relation with cerebral aneurysms: Analysis of 640 patients
    Sadik Ahmet Uyanik, Handan Uzuncakmak Uyanik, Umut Oguslu, Dogan Dede
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(12): 3093-8.
  91. Epidemiological and Clinical Characteristics of Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1)v Infection Among the Children Admitted to Süleyman Demirel University

    Metehan Özen1, Abdülkerim Elmas2, Harun Tepeli2, Barış Akcan3, Aslıhan Boyacı2, Ahmet Rıfat Örmeci2

    Annals of Medical Research. 2012; 19(4): 213-219.
  92. Effects of single high-dose systemic vitamin D injection to dentin-grafted bone defects in osteoporotic rats
    Ugur Mercan, Akif Turer
    Annals of Medical Research. 2019; 26(3): 419-24.
  93. Adaptation Study of the Mindful Eating Questiıonnare (MEQ) into Turkish
    Gizem KÖSE, Muhittin TAYFUR, İnci BİRİNCİOĞLU, Aslıhan DÖNMEZ
    Journal of Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research. 2016; 5(3): 125-134.
  94. Diagnostic utility of microhematuria in renal colic patients in emergency medicine: correlation with findings from multidetector computed tomography
    Murat Das, Okan Bardakci, Ersan Yurtseven, Canan Akman, Yavuz Beyazit, Okhan Akdur,
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2019; 8(2): 407-11.
  95. Scalp Metastases of Laryngeal Carcinoma: A Case Report

    Fazıl Emre Özkurt*, Muhammed Fatih Evcimik**, Ali Okan Gürsel*

    Annals of Medical Research. 2011; 18(1): 65-67.
  96. Angiographic embolization in epistaxis: Our clinical experience and results
    Mehmet Turan Cicek, Ismail Okan Yildirim, Tuba Bayindir, Kaya Sarac, Mehmet Tan, Mehmet Aslan, Ebru Ozer Ozturk
    Annals of Medical Research. 2021; 28(11): 2103-6.
  97. Clinicopathological features of breast cancer cases and their relationship with immunohistochemical findings
    Ferah Tuncel, Fadime Eda Gokalp Satici, Funda Bozkurt, Aslihan Alpaslan Duman, Ahmet Dag
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(6): 1715-21.
  98. A rare manifestation of giant cell arteritis: Bilateral scalp necrosis
    Mucahit Marsak, Nihal Altunisik, Dursun Turkmen, Servet Yolbas, Rafet Ozbey, Aysegul Ozgul, Serpil Sener, Ismail Okan Yildirim
    Medicine Science | International Medical Journal. 2022; 11(2): 942-3.
  99. Transforaminal epidural steroid injection for recurrent lumbar disc herniation
    Ismail Yuce, Okan Kahyaoglu, Muzeyyen Ataseven, Halit Cavusoglu, Yunus Aydin
    Annals of Medical Research. 2020; 27(11): 2986-9.
  100. A necessary condition to keep in mind after blunt trauma: cardiac tamponade
    Onur Saydam, Omer Tanyeli, Mehmet Atay, Okan Ugurlu, Mehmet Sait Altintas
    Annals of Medical Research. 2016; 23(2): 202-204.

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