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  1. Assessment of health-related quality of life among Saudi patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Qassim region-Saudi Arabia
    Ebtehal Almogbel
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(3): 586-592.
  2. Measuring the Level of Job Satisfaction and Opportunities for Participation Empowerment of Health Workers in the Aseer Region
    Abdullah Saeed, Abdullah A. AlShafea, Saeed Abdullah Al Moslih, Ibrahim Mohammed AlShahrani, Mohammed Y. Asiri, Alanoud S. AlMogbel
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2024; 12(1): 66-77.
  3. Knowledge of lumbar disc prolapse among population of Saudi Arabia: a hospital-based study
    Waleed Rida Murshid, Shuruq Abdulsalam Albushi, Razan Ali Almogbel, Malak Atef Almehmadi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2020; 4(9): 1320-1328.
  4. YouTube as a source of patient information for Diabetes: Evaluation of Arabic content
    Algeffari M, Alnughaymishi A, Alghaith B, Almogbel T
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2021; 9(2): 1-11.
  5. Trends that influence pursuing emergency medicine as a career path among Saudi medical graduates in view of Vision 2030.
    Fawziah Radad Alsalmi, Abdulaziz H. Almogbel, Shahad Kadi, Omar Althobity, Bandar Alzubaidi, Mohammed Alhothali
    Saudi Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2024; 5(1): 015-023.
  6. Misconceptions about dyslipidemia among the adult population in the Qassim region of Saudi Arabia
    Moayad M. Alrakathi, Meshal A. Almogbel, Watban I. AlWatban, Rayan S. ALkhedhairi, Ahmad A. Alrasheedi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(12): 1924-1930.
  7. Knowledge and practices of primary school teachers about first aid management of minor injuries among children in the Qassim region, Saudi Arabia
    Ali E Mansour, Ahmad Hamad Alsager, Abdulrahman Abdullah Alasqah, Abdulaziz Abdullah Alsuhaibani, Abdullah Ibrahim Aldughaim, Abdulaziz Abdullah Alayed, Abdulmalik Abdullah Aljlali, Hassan Abdullah Almogbel, Ibrahim Musaad Aljuraifani, Abdullah Saleh Altamimi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(11): 941-946.

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