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  1. Assessment of Lactate Dehydrogenase Levels Among Diabetic Patients Treated in the Outpatient Clinics at King Hussein Medical Center, Royal Medical Services, Jordan
    Hussein H. Dmour, Eman F. Khreisat, Amal F. Khreisat, Shereen Abdullah Hasan, Osama Atoom, Ahed J. Alkhatib
    Medical Archives. 2020; 74(5): 384-386.
  2. The degree to which faculty members at Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University possess educational and social values from the studentsÂ’ viewpoint and its relationship to some variables.
    Saddam Rateb Darawsheh, Ahmed Mahmoud Elkilany, Anwar Saud Al-Sha'ar, Sabrin Abdelaty Labib Abdelaty, Yumna Ahmed Atoum, Hana youssef Faltakh, Hussein Mohamad Atoom,Lubna Abdullah abass almahdi
    Elementary Education Online. 2021; 20(3): 304-315.

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