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  1. Opinion of Healthcare Organization Employees on the Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Effectiveness of Electronic-Learning for Continuous Professional Development
    Fahad I. Al Mofeez, Anwar S. Al Enazi, Mansour A. Alyousef, Abdurahman M. Alzomia, Aeyd Z. Al Qarni, Ahmed N. Alharthi, Abdulrhman I. Alkhalf, Sahar S. Al-amoudi, Nouf S. Alanazi, Noura S. Alenezi, Muna H. Hassanein
    Majmaah Journal of Health Sciences. 2024; 12(4): 14-27.
  2. A spontaneous chronic subdural hematoma in a boy after lifting a heavy object: a case report
    Hasna Al-Qarni, Mansour Alzamanan, Mohammed Al-Masabi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2023; 7(11): 1586-1588.
  3. General Public Awareness About Symptoms And Risk Factors Of Some Thyroid Diseases In KSA, Riyadh 2019
    Fahad Mohammed Alotaibi, Abdullah Mohammed Alotaibi, Faris Awadh Alotaibi, Abeer Mohammed Awaji, Faisal Raffa Alotaibi, Mohsen Mohammed Alyaseen, Daham Abdullah aldaham, Khalid Aeyd Aldajani, Nawaf Abdullah Alotaibi, Khaled Khalifa AlWahabi
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2019; 3(9): 739-745.
  4. Gastrointestinal Manifestations in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Saudi Arabia: a Cross-Sectional Study
    Basma Al-Jabri, Meshari A. Alaifan, Yousef A. Khan, Khalid Sanad, Abdullah M. Alkhotani, Malaz M. Siddiqui, Abdullah B. Zahran, Sultan M. Al-Qarni, Tareq K. Dawood
    International Journal of Medicine in Developing Countries. 2024; 8(12): 3523-3531.

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