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SAJEM. 2020; 3(1): 64-65

Iatrogenic Multi Spaces, Spinal Hemorrhage after Lumbar Puncture

Hamza Mustufa Khan, Nausheen Naveed, Hafsa Khan.

Cited by 0 Articles

A very rare complication following a lumbar puncture is creation of an iatrogenic multi space, leading to spinal hemorrhage in either the epidural, subdural or subarachnoid spaces. We report a case of iatrogenic multi spacing following a failed lumbar puncture
to obtain a CT Myelogram. This case is important as multiple attempts of lumbar puncture, whether to obtain a spinal tap or CT Myelogram, could lead to complications such as the ones our patient faced. Improper lumbar puncture could lead to spinal hemorrhage. A proper procedure is very important because these hemorrhages can lead to a multitude of complications for the patient later on in life.

Key words: Hemorrhage, Iatrogenic, Lumbar Puncture, Multispace

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