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Case Report

EJMCR. 2019; 3(1): 16-18

Retinal metastasis of carcinoid presenting with headache- A case representation

Andreas Eleftheriou.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Headache is one of the most common somatic symptoms in patients who search emergency department (ER). Diagnosing and treating the most common headache disorders are not so difficult. Thus, recognizing some types of headaches, either primary or secondary, can be challenging.

Case Presentation: We present an interesting and challenging case of a patient who referred to the ER because of a benign headache and proved to suffer from a metastatic tumor of the retina due to lung carcinoid.

Conclusion: Unusual headache syndromes do not appear to be as rare in clinical practice as has been generally believed. To our knowledge, this is the first time to report a metastatic carcinoid of retina presenting with isolated headache and redness of sclera as a primary symptom. Appropriate identification of secondary cause of a headache is the key to successful treatment.

Key words: Headache; retinal metastasis; pain; eye; case report

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