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Review Article

3’-Hydroxypterostilbene and pinostilbene: Their chemistry, sources, anticancer and other pharmacological properties, pharmacokinetics, and patents

Eric Wei Chiang Chan.

Cited by 0 Articles

In this article, the chemistry, sources, anticancer and other pharmacological properties, pharmacokinetics, and patents of 3’-hydroxypterostilbene (HPS) and pinostilbene (PS) are reviewed for the first time. Their chemical structures consist of a catechol moiety with two aromatic rings A and B. HPS has two hydroxyl groups and two methoxy groups, while PS has two hydroxyl groups and one methoxy group. Both methoxylated stilbenes are commercially available. The anticancer properties of HPS have been reported in leukaemia, colon, and skin cancer cells, while those of PS have been reported in colon, tongue, and nasopharyngeal cancer cells. Other pharmacological properties of HPS include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-colitis, anti-adipogenesis, sirtuin 1 modulatory, and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. Those of PS include anti-inflammatory, cytochrome P450 inhibitory, neuroprotective, antioxidant, antityrosinase, α-glucosidase inhibitory, antiplasmodial, lactase dehydrogenase activity release, anti melanogenesis, anti adipogenesis, suppression of hepatic stellate cell activation, and tight junction protection activities. Some fields for further research are suggested. Sources of information in this review were Google, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, PubMed, J-Stage, and PubChem.

Key words: 3'-hydroxypterostilbene, pinostilbene, methoxylated stilbenes.

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