Natural urges are related to the autonomous nervous system and they are important in maintaining the homeostasis. Vegadharana (suppression of natural urges) is often overlooked as a primary cause of many acute and chronic ailments. It can be habitual, oblivious, or caused by natural or disease related degeneration. It separately or simultaneously impacts the five levels, chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, and organ system, of the structural organization of the human body. In this study physiological interpretation of known and probable, localized and systemic consequences of each vega-dharana are presented to aid further study and can also help to construct a logical investigative protocol for each vega. The study is also expected to give a different perspective on the etiopathogenesis of few diseases like seminal calculi, epilepsy, etc. Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata treatises were searched to interpret the Ayurvedic pathophysiology of consequences of each suppressed vega. Studies related to the suppression of natural urges, and their therapeutic significance were identified by searching PubMed, Science Finder, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Homologous study of recently observed and earlier described consequences of vega-dharana is essential for three reasons. First, in the primary and secondary prevention of the diseases. Second, for the specific functional or structural protection of the corresponding systems. Third, for better prognosis in the chronic ailments.
Key words: Key Words: Vega-dharana; Natural urges; Avarana; Gatatva; Manometry; Neurotransmitters.