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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 4869-4886

Video Gaming And Its Association With Depression, Anxiety And Stress

Rabia Sabri, Dr. Munnawar Naz Khokhar, Dr. Muhammad Umer, Dr. Muhammad Zeeshan Zafar, Masood Hassan, Muhammad Asad Ullah.


The study's goal is to create a measure of video gaming and its relationship to depression, anxiety, and stress. There are many different genres of video games, such as combat games, open world games, action games, and sports games. There are mostly games played on smart phones and other gaming consoles such as PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.People usually play games to cheer themselves up, but it has been discovered that excessive video game playing can cause a variety of disorders, and even video gaming can cause persistent feelings of boredom and sadness. The current study intends to delve deeper and has generated three hypotheses. Samples are being collected from three universities and two colleges.After excluding invalid forms, data from 200 students were collected, and 171 forms were used for analysis. The method of judicious sampling has been used. Samples were collected from participants aged 15 and up. 16 questions were asked.It has been discovered that playing video games is associated with depression, anxiety, and stress to some extent, but not all video games are that bad, unless video gaming reaches a point where it causes disruptions in healthy life functions such as low grades, less physical activity, bad relationships, and poor work performance.The study's research design was unable to confirm potentially causal relationships between depression, anxiety, stress, and video gaming. The information gathered was based solely on a questionnaire, with no information provided by the family, which could have resulted in this diagnosis being misclassified.The lack of control for other confounding variables may have influenced the results, and future studies should evaluate and control for life events, social support, and other personality traits that may influence variables.

Key words: Video Gaming, Depression, Anxiety, Stress,Correlation.

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