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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 4816-4826

A Study On Teacher's Emotional Intelligence And Attitude Towards Teaching

Mohammad Amin Dar, Dr. Mahmood Ahmad Khan.


In recent years, a significant volume of research has backed up the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in teaching effectiveness and achievement of the student. The researchers of this paper investigated the differences in teacher attitudes and then looked at whether teachers with a favourable (FA) and unfavourable (UFA) attitude toward teaching differed in their emotional intelligence (EI). In addition, the relationship between EI and teachers attitude towards teaching was examined. In total, 442 teachers 166 male (37.55%) and 276 female (62.45%) from 45 secondary schools of Kashmir north India took part in the survey. The 't' test and Pearson's Product Moment Correlation were used to analyse the data. The results reveal that teachers who show favourable attitude toward teaching score significantly higher on EI than their colleagues. Significant differences between teachers with FA and UF attitude were identified on seven components of EI: 1) SA, 2) EMP, 3) SM, 4) MR, 5) INT, 6) VI and 7) CMT, however, no such differences were detected on three components: 1) ES, 2) SD, and 3) AB. A correlation based statistical analysis indicated a substantial positive and significant relationship between EI and teachers attitude towards teaching. Our findings also revealed that teachers' attitudes toward teaching do not differ based on gender.

Key words: Attitude, Emotional intelligence, Gender, School teacher, Favourable attitude, Unfavourable attitude.

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