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Case Report

Ovarian Cyst Torsion: a Case Report

Cipta Pramana, Indah Monica, Oltavia Yuniar Rizkik, Izas Farrastika Dewanti, Diana Yusfi Andriani, Rizky Eka Adeliani.

Cited by 2 Articles

Ovarian Cyst Torsion become a rare case gynecological emergency. Definitive diagnosis is sometimes difficult to establish because of clinical symptoms that are similar to some other abdominal diseases. We report 19-year-old woman nullipara with acute lower left abdominal pain since one day before came to an emergency room. On physical examination, the abdomen appears convex, the uterine fundus is difficult to assess, there is a palpable mass with a flat surface of mobile mobility of cystic consistency and firm boundaries. On pelvic ultrasounds done showed an adnexal sinus tumor of about 4,6 × 2,1 cm was found. There is a fluid-filled sac next to the cyst measuring 9,05 × 5,05 cm. The patient then underwent a laparotomy, salpingectomy, and cystectomy. During laparotomy, we found a blackish-red color cystic mass of about 10 × 8 cm that experiencing torsion. Then we did salpingectomy and cystectomy. Histopathologically found Cystadenofibroma ovarium

Key words: Cyst, Ovarian Torsion, Laparotomy, Salpingectomy

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