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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 4445-4452

An Empirical Study On Inventory Management

Dr.P.S.Immaculate, Ms. Shalini, Mr.Rajesh, Mr.Avinash Raju.


This study focuses on the management of inventories which become important in cost maximization and profit maximization, the contribution of inventories irrespective of its size, nature and an adequate level of inventory to carryout business operations and thus inventory becomes an important and integral part of business. It helps to maintain the right level of supply and reducing loss to goods or materials before they become a finished product are sold to the customer. The study which is explained indetail based on the secondary data. The tools like EOQ analysis, ABC analysis, Inventory turn overratio and FSN analysis are used for this study. It helps to identify the factors in a company’ ssuccess or failure. The data are being analysed and arrived at findings and suggestions to measure the efficiency of the inventory management. This study also suggests the way to improve the satisfactory level of inventory management.

Key words: Investment, Management, Satisfaction.

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