Civilization is an extension of eminent public theory which is endorsed by complete progression of skills and is asserted with eagerness to chase the experience in which numerous religions as well as ethnicities could contribute. The notion of civilization started since the time when the first man landed on this planet. Almost all the nations participates in constituting the civilizational history, however contribution varies among different nations.The potential foundations upon which the civilizations are formed along with theirinfluence on the humankind are the distinguishing factors among various civilizations.Based upon these factual observations, Islamic (or Tawhidic) civilization depends upon oneness of Allah SWT, which is in completecontradiction to any race or ethnic-based civilization. This sort of prominent racial as well as ethnic communities such as, Persians, Africans, Chinese, Arabs, Malays, Turks, and Indians along with other smaller groups adopted Islam and participated to the establishment of its civilization. Furthermore, Islam never hesitated to learn from the civilizations of the earlier times and integrating their learning, culture, and science into the global opinion of its own, until or unless they are against the Islamic principles. Undoubtedly, in accordance with the historical evidences, throughout the era of darker ages,amidst 700-1200 A.D, experienced by Western civilization, Islamic dynasty extended from Middle Asia up to the regions of Southern Europe.Arabic Muslims and citizens highly regarded scholarly knowledge , and they extensively participated to mathematics as well as science. Numerous historical works done by Greek and Roman people were translated into the language of Arabic, also the scientists extended those ideas. However, the historical glories of Islamic civilization have seemed to be jubilated by many nations in the contemporary period, without considering the causative forces and motivations that added up to the triumphs of Islamic civilization. And other nations are known to relegate, if not overlook, the elements behind the decline and downfall of it. That is why, this research has been conducted with the intention of exploring the determinants and basis of ascending and descending of Islamic civilization under the influence of global thoughts and academic responses to those impacts of the Muslim scholars.
Key words: Islamic Culture, Decline, Rise, Global, Muslims, Impacts, Civilization