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IJMDC. 2022; 6(9): 1144-1156

Prevalence and associated factors of neck, shoulder, and low back pains among students of Jazan University, Saudi Arabia, during the COVID-19 pandemic

Mahmoud Mohammed Hassaan, Khalid Ahmed Bakri, Muhannad Hussain Najmi, Anas Fathi Atiah, Ebtisam Ahmed Madkhali, Abdulrahman Mohammed Jali, Sultan Mohammad Alhazmi, Rasha Dhaifallah Hayyan.


Background: A significant increase in musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) was seen in students during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. We aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of neck, shoulder, and low back pains among students of Jazan University.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey among adult students of Jazan University, Saudi Arabia. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used to analyze the data.
Results: A total of 400 participants were enrolled, with a mean age of 22.2 ± 2.5 years, the majority of whom were male (51.8%) and predominantly non-smokers (82.5%). Of those who exercised, the majority (42.5%) spent 30-60 minutes exercising. Most (35.8%) of the respondents spend >3 hours/day studying. Nearly half (46.8%) used a table and chair to study. About 260 (65%) participants experienced low back pain, 227 (56.8%) experienced neck pain, and 157 (39.3%) experienced shoulder trouble. Females were found to be significantly associated with increased prevalence of low back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain. Family history of MSDs was found to be significantly associated with increased prevalence of low back pain. Spending 2-3 hours studying was found to be significantly associated with an increased prevalence of low back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain.
Conclusion: Prevalence of lower back, neck, and shoulder pains was found to be high as each of those pains was experienced by nearly half of the participants. Significant disability and negative impacts of low back, neck, and shoulder pains on work and leisure activities. Female gender was found to be strongly linked with low back, neck, and shoulder pains.

Key words: Prevalence, Low back, Neck, Shoulder, Pains, Students, Jazan

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