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Original Article

Med Arch. 2022; 76(1): 23-28

Digoxin Impact on Heart Failure Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

Andreas Gerakaris, Francesk Mulita, Ioanna Koniari, Eleni Artopoulou, Virginia Mplani, Grigorios Tsigkas, Mohammed Abo-Elseoud, Nicholas Kounis, Dimitrios Velissaris.


Background: Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside, derived from the plant Digitalis purpurea. For many years digitalis has been widely used in the treatment of heart failure (HF), owing to its cardiotonic and neurohormonal effects and atrial fibrillation (AF), due to its parasympathomimetic effect on the AV node. Objective: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the available evidence on the safety and efficacy of digoxin in patients with HF and AF, by reviewing the pertinent literature. Methods: We conducted a PubMed/MEDLINE and SCOPUS search to evaluate the currently available evidence on the administration of digoxin and its association with all-cause mortality risk in patients with AF and HF. Results: Several observational analyses of clinical trials and meta-analyses have shown conflicting results on the safety and efficacy of digoxin administration in patients with AF and HF. According to these results, digoxin should be avoided in patients without HF, as it is associated with worse outcomes. On the other hand, in patients with AF and HF digoxin should be used with caution. Conclusion: The impact of digoxin on all-cause mortality and adverse effects in these patients remains unclear based on the current evidence. More trials at low risk of bias evaluating the effects of digoxin are needed.

Key words: Digoxin, Atrial fibrillation, Heart failure, Mortality, Hospitalization.

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